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2012 --> 2013


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My apologies in advance if this has been addressed.

I am not familiar with the software but have been tasked with the installation of 2013 on a new Win 7 Machine. That worked seemlessly, it a nice installer.

My question is, what is the proper process to backup files from the Win XP machine running ATX 2012 to then be restored on the NEW Win7 machine running ATX 2013?

Again, be kind I am new to the software and the person I am doing this for is uber paranoid that data will be lost. So any constructive input will be welocmed and any critisim will be looked at with tongue in cheek. I can take it : )

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>>> Again, be kind I am new to the software and the person I am doing this for is uber paranoid that data will be lost. So any constructive input will be welocmed and any critisim will be looked at with tongue in cheek. I can take it : )

Jack from Ohio is a member here and he was a beta tester. Perhaps he can respond to you or you could send him a PM (using the messenger function of this board) for help.

If that does not work, call ATX support.

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I always use the export/import function. Open the 2012 program. Mark all the files. Under "File" export them to a jump drive. Then go to 2013 and open. Under "File", import all the files. I haven't had to do it this year, but every time I have, it has worked flawlessly.

Also, when I am working on returns, I have a jump drive in the port. I export files often while working on the return and always when finished. The program allows you to overwrite the last export. In case of disaster, I always have the completed returns on that jump drive. Good Luck. Generally, most of us are kind and welcome newcomers.

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Import/Export is OK, but it does not capture e-filed information. So, when you import into that new computer, you do not get the e-file information from e-file manager, or acks. Dsparks, you should create a folder in a flashdrive, and backup ATX2012 into it. Once that backup finishes, safely remove the flash drive from the computer and plug into the new computer. Ensure that ATX2012, on the new computer, is fully up to date. Once done, use the restore utility to restore all of the returns; this ensures you have all of your acknowledgements along with the returns in case of IRS audits.

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Just to be totally clear, you should install the 2012 program on the new computer, and make sure it is fully updated, before you bring over the 2012 return files. Then use 'restore' to get the returns on the new computer, and you will be ready to roll them over as you need them.

I do NOT recommend rolling them all over in advance, although I would suggest rolling over a few of the simple ones. For one thing, rolling them over before the forms are available in the new program is worthless, and sometimes causes a problem with a big return. Mostly though, it's just a waste of time, because opening it later and adding the missing forms takes about the same length of time as just rolling it for the first time when the client's appointment is close.

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Understood about the premise on NOT rolling over a lot at one time. HOWEVER have a question --- When rolled over the rollovers also update whatever forms they have in that clients return (if available) and ATX has a screen to show you what forms are not ready yet and asks if they should be rolled over later. This is a GIVEN. As I understand the ATX 2012 and ATX 2013 program (believe me, I'm still learning, so I could be wrong) each time the return is opened --- does it not load-reload all the forms again --- (and each time the return is opened, until it is marked completed) so whether it does this at rollover or as the return is opened to be done, isn't that basically the same amount of time adding forms? Where if the return is rolled over prior to actually being ready for competition --- doesn't that save a bit of time --- as the return is already rolled over and all that needs done is the forms update when it opens?

Thoughts, please.

Mines, a small practice (but building) for now with less than100 returns. I' already rolled over and awaiting all the forms, etc.

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