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Estate Return

Patrick Michael

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I do not normally prepare estate returns but am trying to help out a friend whose significant other passed suddenly in October of 2015 leaving him in a little bit of a financial mess. 

The attorney handling probate opened an estate and obtained an EIN and my friend has been named executor.  A letter from the IRS indicates that a 1041 must be filed by 04/15/16 but from what I read the first year can be any period one year or less.  So my first question, does the 1041 need to be filed by 04/15/16?

To date there has been no IRD and he does not expect any to be received.  Second question, should a zero 1041 return be filed even though the filing threshold of $600 gross income has not been met.

Lastly, the only assets in her estate is a small bank account, motor home and residence, total value about $250,000.  Does a form 706 need to be filed even though the gross estate is less than the exclusion amount?

Thanks for the help

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who ever got the ein number told the irs it was a calendar year trust thus the 4/15/16 deadline.  You can elect any year end less than 1 year as you stated.  just do this on the first return you file.  Based on DOD you will probably want a 9/30/16 year end. 

In my office, its always the fiscal year returns that tend to get missed till the last minute so personally, I would do a -0- return as of 12/31/15


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