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CTC-Foster vs Guardianship


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Client has been Foster parent for the same 2 children for the past 5 years. In 2023 the legal relationship has been changed to guardianship. My understanding is that this is a more permanent status than temporary care under fostering. Did not see this relationship specially listed in CTC rules. Client meets are of the other requirements so any issue with taking CTC for 2023?

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My understanding is that legally Foster Care and Guardianship are very similar.

The main difference is that Foster Care is considered to be temporary and Guardianship is more permanent.

Don't really think there is any difference for tax purposes.

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That was my thought as well but had not run into this before.  Just wanted to get someone else's input to confirm. I was only concerned that in Drake that is not on their list, just had to use Other as relationship.

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Legally placed in home is the likely criteria.

Piratically speaking, the change to guard means the former FP's no longer have to ask for permission for certain things, such as medical decisions. It is a big deal for the family, to be celebrated. Also gives them a leg up if they want to adopt. For us, we had to create a new legal standing (defacto parents) in the late 80's, to get through an adoption. Had to submit to all sorts of testing, as the county was claiming we were not actually mixed race parents.  Yes indeed, it was a political issue based on race.

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