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Taxes, but Political too Worth Reading IMHO


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I personally don't feel that X% of the population paying X% of the total income taxes is a relevant statistic. I think that X% of income would be a more "fair" way to look at things. (not that our current system is any more "fair" in that respect)

I agree that tax cuts alone right now would be irresponsible. They were irresponsible when Bush made them, primarily because the size of the government ballooned during his administration. He had 6 years of republican control to reduce the size of the federal government, but instead it expanded more than under any presidency since FDR. (in terms of federal spending as a percentage of GDP)

I've given up hope in ever seeing a lean federal government, and a modest foreign policy.

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I personally don't feel that X% of the population paying X% of the total income taxes is a relevant statistic. I think that X% of income would be a more "fair" way to look at things. (not that our current system is any more "fair" in that respect)

I agree that tax cuts alone right now would be irresponsible. They were irresponsible when Bush made them, primarily because the size of the government ballooned during his administration. He had 6 years of republican control to reduce the size of the federal government, but instead it expanded more than under any presidency since FDR. (in terms of federal spending as a percentage of GDP)

I've given up hope in ever seeing a lean federal government, and a modest foreign policy.

Take a look at the912project.com, Eric, and don't give up hope -- or the ones who want to destroy this country will win. They need to be reminded that they work for us. What is irresponsible is the size of the government and the out of control spending. Scale it down to any company or individual -- if any of us had clients doing what the country is doing, we'd tell them flat out to cut spending. Stop the hemorrhaging first, and retrench.

Tax cuts -- serious, deep, wide-ranging ones -- may be one thing that would force the spending cuts; congresscritters would be able to "lay blame" instead of taking responsibility. Lack of responsibility (personal, corporate, national), needing to pay off the special interests, and ignoring the Constitution are roads to ruin.

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Any bets on which way Tax Freedom Day will move in the coming years?

I'm thinking it could eventually be around July 1.

That early?

If we start to include the effects of unfunded mandates, unfunded entitlements, and deficits, the annual tax freedom day will be sometime about thirty years hence.

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