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Midwestern disaster education credits


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DAughter goes to college in mw disaster area. College has work program, daughter works for room and board and tuition. We pay taxes on the room and board scholarship on daughter's return. College puts out room and board charges. Can I take the Hope credit (mw disaster expenses) on the parent's return? For support issues, is the daughter providing her own support by working for tuition and room and board? Do parents have to contribute more to support than the total of tuition and room and board?

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First of all, determine whether the daughter is in one of her first two years of college. Otherwise, the MW disaster credit is null. I slipped up on this one early on. Last year, the disaster credit was not limited. I had to give the student the Economic Recovery credit, which amounted to almost as much. Who is paying the tuition? Who is supporting the student and claiming the tuition credits? I don't believe that working for room and board qualifies the student to claim that she is supporting herself. (However, I have seen a student on an internship receive a W2 for $9210 in regular earnings and $11338 for housing., which was only for a few months. Now, there was a case of inflation and a company wanting a big writeoff at the expense of a very low income student.

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She is working for tuition, too, but that's not taxable. parents say they support. On the MW hope credit, the only expenses we are using is the room and board expenses provided for us by the school. As I understand, eligible to the parent if parent is claiming the dependent? If room and board is worked out by daughter at the school, can the parent still get the extra deduction on the room and board on the MW hope credit? Just gets more confusing'

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