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Drake Discussion Group


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If you're thinking about Drake (which I'm always doing as a backup plan), here's a new group that might be of interest.


Drake also has a company-provided forum, but is limited to users. The new google group is open to non-users who may or may not be considering Drake. A lot of the comments are about difficulties of using Drake for CA returns.

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Yes, so far much of the conversation seems to be dominated by a few folks who are unhappy or have a gripe to air about a feww limited weaknesses, but I assume that once they get some things off their chest it will settle down. Much like what happened when Eric first started up this forum.

I do like the idea of a forum which is independent of the company - that doesn't guarantee fair and unbiased discussion, but it has its advantages. It certainly has worked extremely well here.

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>>I do like the idea of a forum which is independent of the company - that doesn't guarantee fair and unbiased discussion, but it has its advantages. It certainly has worked extremely well here.<<

I totally agree. I,though, have been demoing Drake and had more than my share of problems with Ca returns. One area that sticks out is the taxable portion of a Ca tax refund. No matter what I do, it won't come out how it is supposed to. I have demoed Drake for two years now and have had a few issues that could not be resolved. Its no problem for me to work around and if ATX had not given me a good renewal discount, I would have switched to Drake. Next year, I will probably make the switch as the price of ATX will put me in the hole.

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