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Customer Support Interaction- Very Positive


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Just passing along a little info for what its worth. For some reason, MAX had simply stopped processing updates on my computer for no apparent reason. I'd click on the "updates" icon, then choose "manual", and get an hourglass for about 5 min but nothing would happen. No opportunity to select form updates and no program updates. So I called Customer Service and got to speak with Patricia.

It turns out I needed to log onto MYATX Customer Support, but it had ben so long since I'd last done this that my password had expired, etc. So Patricia patiently walked me through the steps to get signed back on and stayed on the phone line to be sure I got my access updated. She then explained that I needed to download the "Program Updates" directly from the web site and let the program fix itself, which it did.

All in all, the entire call took about 10-15 minutes, with most of that being my fault due to my not having kept my password active. So I just thought I'd describe this very positive Customer Service interaction and to give Patricia a high five for a job well done.

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Good for you, John. Give credit where credit is due. I just happened to update Max this morning. Only difference is that I chose Automatic instead of Manual and it did update.

Just for "fun" I keep my login and password on a tiny sticky note on the wall right above my screen; just because every so often they decide it is time to change it. (and for all of my clients who read this, it won't do you any good cuz you don't know the secret word). I cannot understand the reasoning behind the difficulty involved with accessing My ATX the past couple of years.

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My problem was a little more sticky. I did try "automatic" as well and got the same reaction. This had been going on for several weeks and I had just never gotten around to working through the problem. I compounded the issue by not having updated the password in so long that the sytenm locked me out on my first try to get in.

So Patricia had to send me an email that I replied to - I think I accepted responsibility for the entire US Debt and all the failures of the past & current administrations before I could regain access. Once that was over, then she coudl actually work on the problem with me. All in all, it didn't take so long though. As I said, she was very friendly, profesisonal, & patient.

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we are talking about the atxinc web page where you can go for support and all kinds of information. You also access the original ATX Community Board from there. It really has no bearing on your installed program unless you run into trouble. it is support.atxinc.com/myatx You probably won't get in without a login and password, but I think you should be able to create one. Good Luck!

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