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Everything posted by Byron

  1. Julie nailed it. I had updated in the morning before customizing forms and the left & right arrows weren't there. After reading Julie's post I updated again and then they were. Thanks, Julie!
  2. Have you found any way to get at the text variations within the different sections? You used to be able to go "sideways" at each step, with little left and right arrows to walk through the various text that's pulled in according to that client's results. Now there's no text to edit in the master form except a few barebones paragraphs. In the state letter master the "sideways" is still there as before.
  3. Check out this explanation: http://www.nola.com/news/t-p/frontpa...800.xml&coll=1 which includes: Q: Why do some people call these payments "prebates"? A: Because they're technically going to be credits based on tax year 2008. The government doesn't want you to wait until 2009 to get this money, so it's issuing checks now. Q: Since tax year 2008 just started, how will the government decide who is eligible for income purposes? A: The government will go by the returns filed this spring for tax year 2007.
  4. Most of my clients know better than to ask me. If any do, I'll say "when you get a check in the mail you'll know how much you're getting."
  5. Easiest way is to change the row height: Go to cell A9 Find the menu near the top of the screen, click "Tools" Pick "Form Tools" Pick "Format Cells" Pick "Row Height" Change the measurement
  6. Damn, after figuring out all sorts of secret codes with ATX for years, now they change the rules. They tell us not to change "something" vaguely referred to as "activating ......" without being specific about WTF sentences they're refering to. ATX: send me the Secret Decoder Ring that translates your solution to English.
  7. You have to have the Comparison form in last year's return (2006) before you rollover to the 2007 return or the 2006 figures won't be in it.
  8. One of my payroll clients was a non-profit with 60 employees, mostly part-timers, many temporary, so about 90 W-2s. Previous director always had every employee do a new W-2 each year. What a PIB! Most people can't remember how they filled it out last time, so guess who gets all the calls to find out. I convinced the director that new ones are NOT required -- the one they fill out is good until they want to change. Anytime the employee wants to change is OK -- some do after they get a surprise on their tax return. However, I do a printout for for the owner/manager near the end of December with all employee names and addresses for them to verify current mailing address so we don't have to deal with employees who can't understand why they didn't get their W-2.
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