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Single residential address refunds


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How Much is a Billion Dollars?

It is difficult to visualize just how many dollars there are in $1 billion. The politicians who are spending fortunes in government money make it sound as though they are dealing in smaller numbers by removing quite a few digits. To put it in a different perspective, a billion is a thousand million.

To place it in a better perspective, a billion seconds ago, it was the year1959.

Humans first learned to write 252 billion seconds ago.

A billion minutes ago, Jesus was alive.

A billion hours ago, our ancestors were living in the Stone Age.

A billion dollars ago was only 8 hours and 20 minutes, at the rate Washington spends it.

How Much is a Trillion Dollars?

A trillion dollars is even more incomprehensible. A trillion is a thousand billion.

One trillion seconds equals 1,688 years.

The oldest known human was alive 110 trillion seconds ago.

The US National Debt at the time of this writing is http://www.usdebtclock.org/# The number is so large that the $1.75 billion this debt is increasing per day seems miniscule by comparison.

So, the next time you hear a politician casually use the words "billion" or "trillion" think about whether you really want that politician spending your tax money.

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Your Microsoft word program scans the entire dictionary every time you type a word, and it does it in the time it takes you to push the space bar.

Not entirely accurate. Each time you type more than 2 letters followed by a space or return, a particular portion of the dictionary is opened and compared. If you type aa, the program goes to the a portion of the dictionary and stops as soon as it finds ab. Then it goes to your personal dictionary (ies) and does the exact same little task.

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Not entirely accurate. Each time you type more than 2 letters followed by a space or return, a particular portion of the dictionary is opened and compared. If you type aa, the program goes to the a portion of the dictionary and stops as soon as it finds ab. Then it goes to your personal dictionary (ies) and does the exact same little task.

It does this between keystrokes because modern processors are exponentially faster than 15-20 years ago.

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I can agree that the same complex address can be written many ways, but I sill think that our government is capable of still identifying multiple returns at the same address, and then a human being can consider whether there might be enough of them to justify a simple check on the location. By the way, one of the addresses that had THOUSANDS of returns filed to it was not a complex address at all, it appeared to be a single residential address One IRS employee driving by it could have quickly established whether it was a large apt building, [although there was no apt # in the address] or whether it was a business address, etc. And there is certainly no excuse at all for not flagging returns going to prisons and such.

Plus, I think you are missing the important point of the story, which is that the IRS management level was actually ordering employees to ignore questionable returns. That is the part that really is outrageous to me. There is simply no excuse for that.

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