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(Off Topic) OPRAH ain't happy with the SWISS


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Because it Is Oprah it is newsworthy supposedly. The store clerk had no idea who she was?

If I walked in that expensive store and asked to look at a $38,000 handbag they would recommend a less expensive alternative.

If she had called the store manager before going to the store, they would have laid out the red carpet for her, knowing she is one of the richest woman on earth.

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And the winner is:

Trois Pommes

They've gained more publicity from Oprah's bullying than they could have possibly bought in the media. The vast majority of Oprah's fans, and the vast majority of the world, wouldn't be stupid enough to pay $38K for a handbag, so it isn't as though Trois Pommes has lost any business. And anyone with enough money and little enough sense to spend that much on a handbag isn't likely to know more about Oprah than what most foreigners would know anyhow - just another pushy American trying to throw their weight around. You see them all the time in foreign countries - acting obnoxious and generally being an embarrassment. ("Can't ANYBODY in this shop speak ENGLISH?!!) Yes, by all means let's keep burnishing that "Ugly American" stereotype.

If the owner wants to appeal to their European clientele, they will put a tag on the handbag that reads, "The Bag Oprah Couldn't Afford". It will probably sell over the weekend and they'll need to re-stock in order to meet the demand.

Besides, didn't we go down this road before in Paris? Oh yes, that was fodder for an apology show or two wasn't it? Maybe after they've sold a half-dozen $38K bags the owner of Trois Pommes can get on the schedule for a redemption program.

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