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Hey Eric,


For the last two weeks, when I try to upload a picture, I get a message that the picture is too large.  Do I have too many pictures uploaded?  If so, where is the list so I can clean it up?


Is it really better to link the picture from a hosting service rather than uploading it?


Just need to know how to proceed.


Thanks again for all you do!!


All of the attachments you've made on the forum are found by clicking on your user name at the upper right then My Settings > Manage Attachments.  The limit is 8 mb, so that may be your only problem and not the size of any given picture.


Well, while you're at it, can you tell me why, for the last several days, ANY time I try to start a new thread, even the first one, it tells me I've got to wait xx seconds, as I'm not allowed to start too many too soon?  


All of the attachments you've made on the forum are found by clicking on your user name at the upper right then My Settings > Manage Attachments.  The limit is 8 mb, so that may be your only problem and not the size of any given picture.

That worked great!  Thank You.




This is what I get, although the number of seconds mentioned varies.  The thread is still created, btw.


The administrator has limited the number of new posts you can submit within a short time frame. Please wait 8 seconds before replying or posting a new topic.


To be clear, I get this when starting a new thread, every time, even if it's my first activity on the board that day.  


Does that happen even when you spend time typing something out, or is it always on the new topics that are a cut-and-paste from another website?  I could see where the system could think you are posting too fast if you open a new topic, do a CnP, and click on post that could all be done within a matter of a few seconds.


Guess I'm late to the party here.


KC: I've cut the limit in half, and I'd be curious to know if you still receive the message.  It may be that we don't need any limit at all.  The spam prevention question (what four digit number is associated with a federal income tax return?) seems to do a good enough job of keeping spammers out.  If you still have issues, KC, I'll remove it.


Jack: I know that 8mb is a pretty pitiful limit.  I may increase it when I do the big forum upgrades this year.  Image hosting isn't a bad idea, though.  I might suggest imgur.com as a good service that's easy to use, and isn't totally cluttered with ads (i think every page has a single ad on it).  In addition, it doesn't require an account to use the service.  If you do create an account, you gain the ability to manage your uploaded images.  


Even if you don't create an account, imgur provides you with a unique image deletion URL when you upload an image.  You can save that link so that in the future if you want to delete the image without having an account, it's as simple as going to that website address and agreeing to delete the image.


I'm going to disable the feature, but I'm still really curious about why it's happening.  How long have you had the problem?


It's set to 8 seconds, so it obviously thinks 2 seconds have passed since some event to say that you're posting too quickly.


Odd, then, it's told me 14 seconds at least once.  It just started this week.  


It was set to 15 seconds before, and then I reduced it to 8.  I have no explanation for why it started, nothing has changed on the site.


The flood control feature has been disabled now, though.


KC, I'm wondering what type of device you are posting from, or if you experience a delay in the post and are clicking 'post' again, or if something else is going on with the forum. Yesterday I deleted a duplicate posting of yours entitled "IRS prodded...." There were 2 identical posts with the exact same posting time of 1:41pm.  I deleted the one that no one was viewing at the time.


Then last night at 11:23pm the same thing happened with the gas station post by joanmcq. Again, 2 identical posts with the same time stamp.  I deleted one of those also. Both of the deleted posts are still on the moderator's control panel.


Eric, if the system is allowing 2 posts each time KC posts, this might explain why she was getting that spam warning, because it was thinking she was making multiple posts at the same time.  Now that the control has been turned off, it's easier to see why the might have been happening.  


Ahh, that's interesting.


KC, any changes that you know of that might have coincided with the start of the error message?  I'll enable the feature again to stop the double-posts, but we should try and figure out the cause.  


No idea at all.  Tonight I added a new thread in Politics, and it duplicated.  I saw that and deleted the second one.  But I have not changed  anything, same laptop I've used over a year, no new software, etc.  


KC, I turned the feature back on so that you wouldn't have to clean up duplicate posts.


Does it happen every time? I would assume that it only happens in whatever browser you're using and not in any other.


Cleaning cache/cookies might help, but that's just a stab in the dark.


IE 11 is a fine browser.  IE 10 is decent too.


My only problem with IE is that there are various reasons that people tend to linger on old versions.  Sometimes it's because people just don't want to or know to update their software.  Sometimes it's because Microsoft will tie new versions of IE to new versions of Windows so that you can't upgrade it unless you upgrade your OS first.  Whatever the reason, the current situation is that there are more people using IE8 than IE11. 


From your perspective, Jack, that doesn't matter.  You have control over what version of IE you have installed, and it works great.  From my perspective, I still have to include all kinds of hacks (bloated javascript) in my sites if I want them to render somewhat correctly in IE8 because IE8 doesn't support HTML 5, and that's only one large issue out of many.


At any rate, thanks for keeping your browser updated and not being one of those IE8 statistics I hate seeing in my logs.


For a professional tax preparer discussion board site, I would just not support anything less that IE 10. It is 2014, and those that want to stay professional will have to suck it up and change, or be trampled underfoot by those that do.

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