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Drake K-1 Codes

Terry D EA

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How do all of you Drake users deal with the Drake missing code syndrome on the K-1 forms? I completed a CA return that contained Pass Thru and R&D credits. The code used on the K-1 for CA is not in the list on the federal K-1 input. My only option was to enter the credits on the individual forms. I love my Drake software, however, this is a major short coming. Masny states have their own K-1 input. I know the federal input has a state column but lacks the codes and nothing will flow which makes sense cause the program doesn't know what to do with it. 

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I don't think this is limited to only Drake software. IIRC other software I've used in the past has also had the limitations of missing codes, and that's because many of these items require manual input. The program does not have enough information to calculate these automatically and requires additional information or manual calculations from the preparer.

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5 hours ago, Abby Normal said:

Drake doesn't have a separate state K1 input? Just a column on the federal?

Drake DOES have a state column, but it doesn't have every single code in its selection of drop-down codes in that exact area of input. It DOES have most of the other "missing" codes on another tab that can be input there, and that area does have Fed & State columns too.

For example, I looked at a client's K-1 for a PTP that has some codes listed for box 20 whose input would be on the supplemental and not where the preparer may first expect them to be.  That may or may not be what Terry is referring to.


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On 10/12/2022 at 12:46 PM, Terry D EA said:

How do all of you Drake users deal with the Drake missing code syndrome on the K-1 forms?

Terry, did you look at the partnership input area contained on the 3rd tab over that is labeled "Add'l entries"?  That screen has many of the codes that seem to be "missing" particularly for box 20 or some supplemental information. 

Did you try calling support, checking for a KB, or post on the Drake forum?  I rarely visit that site unless I have a specific issue with input such as this, but there should be CA preparers that have the same input issue that may be willing to answer too.

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Yes, I do look at the additional entries but they, sometimes and in my current case, still don't apply. CA is just plain weird. There is no K-1 input, so you have to know what the code is to manually enter them on the correct forms.  I'm not being lazy, but it did take a bit of time to figure out where things on the provided CA K-1 were to be listed. I'm sure if I worked with CA more, it would be easier.  BTW- I did call support and by talking it thru, I got it figured out. They were aware of no CA K-1 input and the response was some states have them and others don't. Thanks.

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