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Everything posted by Eric

  1. ​There are gestures for swapping between programs on Windows 8.  They apparently work well on a touch screen, but are super annoying if you're using a laptop with a trackpad / touchpad.  The trackpads on Windows laptops are almost universally terrible. http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/3-ways-to-disable-windows-8-gestures/
  2. ​Somewhat, but not exactly.  They've changed the Start Menu.  It was full screen in Windows 8, but in Windows 10 it's like a cross between 7 and 8, and not full-screen. Windows 8 has a bunch of settings and stuff that are all touch optimized.. things like changing wallpaper, networking, and other control panel functions.  But the Windows 7 Control Panel is still there if you know how to get at it.  I still use the oldschool control panel for everything... can't stand most of the new settings stuff.  Windows 10 refines a bunch of those things, so I'm willing to take another look and see if it's grown on me at all.  But I'm guessing for anything more complicated than connecting to Wifi, I'll be back to the old control panel. So in that sense, once you adjust to finding the Windows 7 style control panel, and adjust to a few other things, it should mostly be business as usual, but with a bunch of new features to explore.  Unified notification area, new views for currently running programs, stuff like that.
  3. ​I think you're right to be leery. I haven't done a real upgrade since 3.11 to 95, which went very badly.  My current computer (or at least most of it) has seen Windows Vista, 7, 8, and 8.1.  All fresh installs except for 8.1, which I guess technically was an upgrade, but it was so minor it was more like just the usual Windows Update process. I think that shows where Microsoft is headed with Windows releases... making them more minor instead of having huge monolithic overhauls once every 2 or 3 years.  The updates will be smaller, cheaper (sometimes free), less jarring, and less likely to go wrong--similar to how Apples does it with OSX. As for a Windows 7 to 10 upgrade?  Idunno, personally I'd do a fresh install because skipping 8 and 8.1 seems like a bigger jump.  Windows is very complex software.  PCs are complex machines with near infinite combinations of parts and drivers.  Lots there to go wrong... I don't know if I'd risk it unless you had a backup ready for a fresh install first.
  4. If you're primarily worried about bugs and glitches, then you don't have much to worry about in Windows 8.1 or 10.  Windows 7, 8, and 10 are all incremental updates to Windows Vista.  Vista was the buggy release, the last big platform change after Windows XP.  Performance/stability has only improved since then, starting with Windows 7, getting better in 8, and presumably better again in 10. If you're worried about the touch-optimized interface, well, I think you're screwed.  You'll have to learn to use it or learn to avoid it at some point, and whether you figure it out in Windows 8 or Windows 10 doesn't really matter much.  The harsh reality is that touch devices are killing PC sales, and Microsoft is in the business of staying in business.
  5. Jack raises a good point about the transaction fees.  Even reputable grassroots funding sites have to pay the bills somehow. Firstgiving.com for example has a 15% transaction fee.  Gofundme.com is 7.9%.  Compare that to a payment processor alone, such as PayPal or Stripe.com, which is more like 30 cents plus 3-4%. Take a close look at the transaction fees and compare that to the tools the sites offer.  Spreading the word is only part of the benefit.  Some of those sites also offer tools for tracking donations, getting the word out to a wider audience, and probably most importantly, letting people massage their egos by posting their donations on the site and on social media with a fancy badge. That's not to say that people donate for the wrong reasons, but I have no doubt that it pushes some to donate rather than not, or to increase the size of their donation.
  6. Eric

    More Emoticons

    core_emoticon_group_default That's... user friendly.  I'll see what I can do about that.  
  7. There's a chunk of Latin filler text that's very commonly used in graphic design, called Lorem Ipsum.  It visually flows like real copy would, better than a bunch of unnatural looking random character gibberish, but doesn't distract the viewer with unimportant (at that point in the design process) details/meaning. This is a variation on that called Bacon Ipsum--apparently it only satisfies the first requirement for good filler text but fails miserably for being a distraction. And now I'm hungry too.
  8. Bacon ipsum dolor amet salami brisket andouille, pork chop pork belly pancetta short ribs beef ribs shoulder tongue pork loin venison shankle kevin. Hamburger filet mignon beef ribs t-bone turducken shoulder prosciutto picanha ham. Cupim short ribs bresaola, tongue andouille turducken swine pig. Doner shoulder meatloaf pancetta capicola rump. Ground round corned beef kielbasa alcatra rump. Jerky picanha cupim, chicken beef jowl meatloaf venison tail landjaeger short ribs ground round pork belly. Hamburger fatback short ribs tongue chuck. Frankfurter pig boudin, ball tip filet mignon bacon meatloaf pork loin beef ribs strip steak landjaeger rump shankle short loin. Swine tail kevin meatloaf, cupim pancetta filet mignon landjaeger sirloin beef ribs biltong strip steak. Pancetta picanha meatloaf turducken. Rump capicola pig ham. Filet mignon ball tip kielbasa, prosciutto pork belly chuck beef ribs. Rump short ribs capicola drumstick alcatra landjaeger pork loin salami tail tenderloin picanha. Ball tip shankle meatball spare ribs t-bone cupim frankfurter kielbasa turducken pork chuck fatback ground round shank. Chicken landjaeger pastrami alcatra. EDIT: Test
  9. Multitasking!​ ​Hey, if whatever's written on the back of the shampoo bottle is interesting enough, then who am I to judge.   Alright, I'm sorry, no more toilet talk outa me.
  10. My last phone handled hovering, but it had an Wacom active digitizer built into a screen and a Wacom stylus.  Any of the Samsung Note series of tablets and phones have the feature available.  Doodling is the only thing that keeps my brain from totally checking out during a long meeting. As far as app security goes, I can't speak about iOS because I don't have a lot of experience with it, but every time you install an App on Android, you are given a list of permissions to accept before the installation.  Whether the app will have access to your photos, or to your dialer, or to your contacts list, etc.  Of course most people don't look at them, but it's nice to have the information if you're interested in acting on it.   Maybe you feel like tablet apps are less secure because they ask for permission, making you wonder what the app will be doing with that access?  Windows applications don't ask for anything but Administrator confirmation that you want to install it.  Once it's installed, a windows application has significant access to much of the system.   No matter the OS / platform, it's pretty common for the freebie apps to make their money in other ways, hence the bundling of spyware/adware/malware.
  11. Just think about all of that lost productivity while you're on the toilet.
  12. ​No, hovering isn't an option on a touch screen, but tapping a particular post has the same effect as hovering on a computer.  There are additional controls that moderators and admins see when they tap a post as well.   This is what the software looks like by default.  It's the only option out of the box, but new themes can be built from scratch or purchased from 3rd party developers.  I have built custom themes for clients who needed a forum that matched their branding/existing site design, but it's a lot of work to change every single color, modify the layouts, and re-develop every graphic for every interface element. This software is still very new, so there isn't much available for 3rd party plugins/themes.  As time goes on, I may buy other options for people to choose from.
  13. Eric

    Last Call!

    Disk space consumed is disk space consumed, no matter the percentage of consumption. I think that the difference can be attributed to the backups that were taking up disk space on the old server that I didn't migrate to the new one. Props for the Seinfeld reference anyway though
  14. Eric

    Last Call!

    ​That's fine, as long as I have someone else to blame for not catching it
  15. Eric

    Last Call!

    Alright, so the move is complete... I think.  If you're seeing this, you're looking at the site on the new server. HOWEVER The control panel reads a much smaller disk usage than expected, which makes me think the transfer wasn't complete... but so far I don't see that anything is missing so maybe it's just a size reporting problem? Can you guys look around and see if anything seems missing?  Keep in mind that if there is anything seriously wrong/missing, I may have to restore a database and revert the whole site to a backup from May 1 and any new posts created today will be lost.  So if there IS anything missing, it's best to find out sooner than later.
  16. Eric

    Last Call!

    About to start move number 2.  It won't take as long as move number 1.  See everyone soon!
  17. It might be a lot to write down, and it might also be completely useless. So, just to set your expectations...
  18. There are a few elements that are very faint, and almost invisible until you hover nearby.  Report Post shows up when you move your mouse over any part of a post.  Same for the little icon to share a post, or hide a signature.  Also, on the Topic List, the page numbers associated with a thread on the Topic List.  They don't really show up until you hover over a specific topic.   It's a design decision, I think.  There are a lot of features and interface elements, and giving them all the same visual weight leads to an overwhelming and cluttered UI.  Only showing some elements on hover helps to minimize that.
  19. Computer Gods.  What have you done?  The only solution requires travel to a volcano. Honestly, it could be a million different things.  There's a very slight possibility that the two problems are related, a screwy video card/video drivers maybe.  Windows is a complicated thing, and once in a while things get... I'll just say I have a word for it.  Identifying issues causing random reboots isn't an easy thing to troubleshoot, but if it's a blue screen you're seeing (pretty rare these days) make sure to write down the details, usually under the heading "Technical Details"  
  20. If the problem is specific to Peachtree, you don't notice wonky fonts anywhere else, and it returns to normal after a restart of the application, there are a couple possibilities I can think of. You've angered Peachtree and/or the Computer Gods.  There is no fix.There could be a zoom/font size adjustment feature that's getting triggered by a key combination/stuck keyboard key.EDIT: After a second look, I'm leaning more toward toward the first possibility.  The menu bar across the top is especially broken looking, and not what you would expect to happen when using an application's built-in font size adjustment.
  21. I've darkened both the default text and the medium grey text so that they're both still distinguishable.  Also further darkened the border around each post. If it still looks very faint to you, is there another computer/monitor/tablet/phone you could view the site on for comparison to see if it's possibly a calibration issue? (brightness/contrast being off)  If that's the case, I can point you to sites/tools for monitor calibration.
  22. I am getting a feeling that we've got problems with email deliverability. Possibly due to an IP address range being blocked by a spam database. I'm going to migrate the site to my new server tonight or this weekend, and I am hoping the issue will be resolved. If not, I'll look at the error logs and do some further testing.
  23. I'm not sure.  I'm looking at my tiny 13" laptop screen and everything seems easy to read.  Perhaps it's a monitor calibration thing? I've darkened up the medium grey fonts, but I'm not sure it's making anything more readable.  If anything, I feel like the medium grey text now blends in with the dark grey text where they're adjacent, making things a little less readable. I'm going to put it back for now until Michael can respond with specific text that I can target and change the color of.    
  24. ​I should make it a little more clear, I think.  It's not as if uploading more images or documents directly affects the amount of money spent on hosting.   My server has a number of SSD drives in an array, and that available space is used for websites, data redundancy, and for daily backups of those sites.  Each site has a quota for certain resources which can not be exceeded.  I've dedicated about 25GB of drive space to this site, which we're not close to using up... so making a small change to attachment limits is really just a drop in the bucket.  Few members fully utilize their full attachment space, so it's a very small drop.
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