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Everything posted by jklcpa

  1. NECPA, take a look at this article and its links and maybe it will help you: http://ftwilliam.com/articles/AcctPlans13-54.html
  2. I am not going to speculate on why someone/anyone is acting the way he or she is, but what I do know is that all of this nastiness and the blasting needs to stop NOW. It is causing the whole tone of the forum to become really ugly, and there is no reason for us to be treating each other this way!
  3. I'm not getting into helping with the insurance either. I'll deal with the tax aspects and answer general questions, or I'll point them to the sites that will answer their question. I also have several insurance offices that deal solely in health insurance products whose names I'll pass along.
  4. jklcpa


    Michael or anyone else - do you have a chart or any kind of a summary of the states' requirements that you could share?
  5. Not a bad idea if you are paper filing the return, but then you might as well attach a proper worksheet that shows the allocation with the fraction used to calculate any taxable portion after the nontaxable portion is accounted for. The problem with using the ATX worksheet, or any worksheet for that matter, is that those aren't transmitted with an e-filed return. We should make sure to get the documentation for our files that will be needed and prepare a worksheet that could be easily photocopied for when the IRS notice is sent. The same question was posted on the official forum and I believe there weren't any responses last time I was over there.
  6. Congratulations to you and your family, Jack. Best wishes that mom and baby are healthy throughout the pregnancy and delivery.
  7. I think you've succeeded too.
  8. Tom, you have a great reason to brag as Patrick sounds like a very accomplished young man. I'm sure he'll have no trouble getting in to any school he chooses.
  9. I just read that the healthcare.gov site will go down over the weekend at 1am each night for a few hours to fix glitches in the site. One thing that bugged me is that a person has to create a user name to even be able to look at the available choices.
  10. It's nothing new. Point at your name in the upper right and choose either "My Settings" or "Manage Ignore Prefs" and from either of those, user names can be entered for those that you choose to block. For those users that are blocked, their posts are minimized in the thread and there is a choice within the thread to view it anyway. You will still see a blocked user's post if someone else quotes them though. The block function has separate blocking of posts, signature lines, and even personal messages.
  11. Jack, because people aren't responding doesn't mean that you are being ignored or that your work, and that of the other beta testers, is being disregarded or isn't appreciated. This is a slow time on the forum with many members absent during the summer and fall, but even with those limited members that are here regularly, this thread has been viewed over 1300 times already.
  12. I'm trying to remember him. What was the name he used on here?
  13. I tried and got right on this morning, and just tried again and had no problem at all. Clicking through the screens works without any lag too. Our state's blue cross site was a little slow loading first thing this a.m., but an hour later it loaded without delay too.
  14. Jack is correct on the part about the RMD. IRA-based plans would require the distribution. Thanks for the correction.
  15. Yes, I had a client ask the same question this year. As long as he is still working with earnings, he can continue to contribute to a SIMPLE IRA. There is an exclusion from the RMD rule for those that are still working IF they own no more than 5% of the company. Those working with more than 5% ownership in the company must take the RMD.
  16. I thought it might too, but the vulnerability of our personal information is something that everyone here should be made aware of, and some members aren't reading the Politics forum posts. My own opinion on this is that all of that information is already out their for hackers and thieves to steal. Just because someone is bonded, or works for your doctor, insurance agent, or other financial professionals, doesn't guarantee that they are, or will remain, trustworthy either. If the discussion stays within the narrow topic of identity theft, then it should stay here. If it diverges into ranting and bashing of the ACA, the president, or Congress, it could always be moved to the Politics forum later on.
  17. This video was the one that gave me a good laugh today - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xEX-48RHCY&feature=youtu.be
  18. I think this also. I also think that the EAs should be included as exempt along with the CPAs and attorneys. They've passed an exam and are required to have CPE credits. Why would the EAs not be exempted? Seems like a money grab to me.
  19. You didn't say what type of insurance coverage this was, what the payment was for, or how it was reported to your client. Those would all have been helpful for us to know too. Aflac has a variety of policies for accident, life, disability, health, etc.
  20. "Stepping into the void left when a federal court threw out the IRS’s registered tax return preparer program...." http://www.journalofaccountancy.com/News/20138764.htm
  21. Jack, I said I am not easily offended. I saw the "joke" and let it stand even though it was personally not fun for me to see. I try to put personal feelings aside and be fair. What speaks more loudly to me is that after someone said that he was offended by the joke, you chose to further offend by posting a poem and your quip "sanity is overrated!!"
  22. Happy birthday! I hope you are back too.
  23. Aye, alrighty then me hearties. Rum, meat pie and honey bread for Capt'n Jack and all who played along or liked the thread. Watered down stale ale and maggoty, moldy bread for those that didn't. lol
  24. Aye, that bilge rat Beiber...send him over the side...it's into the sea with him. Hoist the sails! It's time to find the treasure.
  25. Avast, ye hearties, it's Talk Like A Pirate Day. Put on yer eye patch, an if yer not yet elbow deep in grog, it be a fine day for swabbin' the deck, mateys. Arrrgh! Today, I be know as Luna Silverblade. Here's a song to get ye going (lol at the 1:10 mark) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJUo5MDDmA8&feature=player_embedded Bonus - wear an eye patch into any Krispy Kreme shop today and you get a free glazed doughnut. Dress like a pirate and receive a dozen.
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