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Everything posted by Christian

  1. Christian

    Form 8962

    A married couple with a dependent daughter has come in today. He is covered 12 months through his job. His wife and daughter were not covered from January - September and were covered through the federal exchange from October - December. The exchange provided a separate 1095-A for the mother and one for the daughter. Do I merge these two on a single Form 8962 or complete one 8962 for each? I am assuming I can qualify them for an exemption for the earlier nine month period. Likely the one in which they qualified for exchange coverage. I do not have a lot of clients needing me to address issues involving the ACA so any input will be appreciated.
  2. A client couple have not filed their 2015 or 2016 returns. The wife called today to advise she finally has the 2015 info ready for preparation. I cannot recall ever efiling a prior year return and am wondering if ATX and the IRS accept them.
  3. Christian


    Until today my efiles have been processed faultlessly. All of a sudden my acks have stopped coming back from Virginia. Anyone else having this problem?
  4. Thanks for all the responses. I clearly understand now how it works. I'e seen folks give thousands of dollars of land to their heirs and never paid a dime and wondered just how this works.
  5. A client wants to give an adult child $14,000 this year and asked if he gave any amount over this would that be taxable income to the child. I don't know squat about gift taxes so any input would be appreciated.
  6. Interesting. Over the years clients have brought them to me when they served as executor or administrator of a family members estate. I hardly ever have need to review or look at issuing employment related tax forms although I work with them on client returns during the season. Thanks for your insight.
  7. I am filling out a Form 1099-Misc to send the IRS and two individuals who are executors of an estate I have assisted with. Is the fee they each received reported as Other Income or as Non-Employee Compensation? This is a first for me as any other family member estates I worked on nobody took a fee.
  8. You have addressed my concern Pacun. Without a Form 1098-T from the college and no amounts in box 1 or 2 of the ATX form I doubt it will compute a credit even though the law clearly provides that payments for books and supplies by a parent qualify for the credit. My thought was someone might have run into this as well and could advise if what I had in mind worked. I'll find out when I give it a try.
  9. I have client's whose kids attend college and whose tuition is fully paid by grants or scholarships. Their parents sometimes pay for books and supplies they need. The college does not provide a 1098-T for these expenses. I note on the ATX form there are line entries for these expenses and am wondering if I fill in the form not showing any expenses in lines 1 or 2 if the credit will then be computed on these other entries. Can anyone advise ?
  10. I have often wondered why the state even bothered asking. After all many folks order online to avoid the Virginia sales tax.
  11. A recent article I read in an accounting online mag I get advised that through mid February filings are down some 17 percent or so. I really wonder if this could be correct and if so what the cause may be.
  12. Sad to say the free file revolution has begun impacting my client list. Here even my local community bank is pushing Turbo Tax. I'll be packing it in in a few more years and luckily don't need the income but it sorta saddens me after so many years of hard work.
  13. Curious why would the state assign him a pin?
  14. Thanks Deb I did in fact mark them complete before transmitting. That may be the problem.
  15. Christian


    Are any of you having efile transmit problems? Today my transmit icon will not highlight or send any files while the ack icon works fine.
  16. It is an odd situation. I prepared her return some three years ago (2014). She had a social security card showing her new married name but her older return she brought was in her maiden name. I efiled the return using the card only to having to re-efile the return to get it accepted using the maiden name. She came in this year after a three year absence. I assumed by now the Service and Social Security would have updated her info but no luck so I tried her maiden name again with no luck. I asked her to call them which she did and she was told the file was still in her maiden name. She says she has been incarcerated the last two years ( a first for me and much to my surprise) but I find no material that this disqualifies her for an earned income credit . The rejection notice indicates a name ssn mismatch. I have rechecked all my info which is correct. She hyphenated the last name on her new card. That may be the problem but who knows. She will mail her return with a copy of her social security card included with her return and better luck next year. Thanks for your responsces.
  17. A client's efile has been rejected three times. I have finally determined the service has her SSN incorrect on her file. Hoping to avoid have her mail the return I am wondering if there is any contact number or route I can take to get this changed ?
  18. Are any of you Virginia folks having a problem receiving back acks from the state? I sent off some on January 25th and although shown as sent to the agency I have got nothing back. A call to tech support availed nothing as no one answered the call and on trying to enter my telephone number for a call back I was informed my number was invalid.
  19. Thanks Elrod that will do the trick.
  20. Does anyone know if the IRS maintains a listing of individuals who have been disqualified from getting the EIC ? That would be a useful list to see if it exists since not a few of them simply will not tell you on interview.
  21. I simply cannot imagine becoming frustrated at tax time. Oh ! /s Just for you Gail.
  22. I hate it when old and respected members leave the board. You will be missed Elrod.
  23. Gail's pointing out my error demonstrates a salient point in gender dynamics. Namely, the disposition of the fair sex to point out the error of our ways in the less than fair sex. You married fellas are sooo fortunate.
  24. Lawdy Gail was I sposed too ? I apologizes.
  25. Oh Catherine! We must accept each client with gratitude and bear their eccentricities with equanimity.
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