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Everything posted by jshtax

  1. I personally do about 60% and the remaining 40% is split between 3 others.
  2. The staff would start on return then we review before filing but would have to make corrections so we cut out the staff.
  3. We do all work ourselves. Had to end up redoing returns because they thought they could do more than they knew.
  4. That is how we felt and still feel that way with 2013 season rolling around
  5. I just opened a 1040 and it said loading 32 forms as in the # of tabs to the left of form being worked on.
  6. We got a problem at our firm then. I did about 1000 returns and it took close to 48hrs. Our returns have the following: 1. on average 40-50 forms mostly with 1 state 2. all returns have client letters 3. all returns have invoices 4. most if not all returns contain a master form that was edited in some fashion. 5. 75% have depreciation I am wondering if you have any of the above issues. Makes me wonder if they are the cause for slower than normal conversion and functioning of ATX.
  7. It was the invoice. Certain boxes were marked on the master form so it would be in place each time an invoice was added to a return. So basically every return has an edited master form.
  8. You saying I should open 1394 returns?
  9. I noticed if you edited any of the master forms in a return is causes the process to slow down and unfortunately we have edited a master form in almost every return. Have you seen this cause an issue?
  10. I am curious how the entire formset folder works as I removed all but 10 files from the program went back and modified a return but none of the 10 folders showed their date being modified.
  11. How can one tell what file " 3eb582a67fad4b5480ed0343fed61f80" is? Sure it can be the only file in system and figured out that way. My thoughts exactly.
  12. I am sure it was a mistake and not purposely sent to the tire company that just happens to be owned by the persons cousins husband.
  13. With ATX there is no way to know what file is what person
  14. Is this historically a slow process? It has taken 10hrs to do 200.
  15. Holy SLOWNESS. This a long process. Have 1300 files and it has done 231 in 10hrs.
  16. With that being said all you can hope for is the client name and address come over. Biggest issue I've seen is the "other deduction" it just puts expenses where ever it wants. You aren't filing 2012 in new software so I suppose it doesn't matter.
  17. If we do pull the trigger to switch the carry forwards and depreciation is all I care about. Still holding out hope ATX got their act together and listened to the users.
  18. tried some corp conversions and it is not a complete mess except for the other deductions. Just trying to have a game plan in place if the 2013 release is a disaster.
  19. So I converted the 1120 returns. It does a decent job except for the "other deductions" category & officer compensation from first glance.
  20. none of this deal with the NDA
  21. If you have something to add positive or negative feel free to chime in. I just see other companies having a difficult time creating a conversion when the software company itself does not understand what it has done.
  22. Drake has pulled their 2012 ATX conversion. I had a feeling companies would have issues converting ATX files for 2012. I guess that is one way to retain customers.....screw your system up so bad no one else can touch it.
  23. Was told 25 release and 26th download.
  24. You need to do one of those classes for the POTUS.
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