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  1. What kind of deal did you get and are you using only the tax software or are there other addons that you purchased...we are negotiating with ultratax and plan on doing the Payroll, Tax and practice management along with file cabinet. This will allow for increased productivity with integration between programs. Also how do you like it?
  2. We have been on with tech since 10:am having more trouble than ever....I can't afford to go home...need to get a corp return done today to reach a deadline for this specific client...hate it when I can not keep my word..because ATX can not keep theirs
  3. Thank you very much. I am struggling with my option with Ultratax giving the high cost and the cost of training
  4. Can anyone tell me how the integration factor is on Drake. Does Payroll communicate with tax software
  5. Updated and I am running on a network with Windows Small Business Server and Windows 7. It seems slower opening some returns. Corps are faster to navigate. I have had no other issues at this time. One return took over 5 minutes to open. Still using lots of resources on my computer. 659668 K
  6. Ultratax. It is the best choice for my practice. The integration is a huge time saver. big investment but worth every penny.
  7. I am choosing Ultra tax, due to the high reviews, integration, and reputation of the provider. It is a huge investment, but after all the demos it appears it will save me a lot of time with the integration. Payroll to tax, and Business to personal taxes, importing of data between programs. They have had all the right answers. I am sad to move on, but my program is still giving me trouble with the latest update and I HAVE HAD IT, plus Ultratax is giving me the 2012 with the purchase of 2013 and that is a huge plus ...bye bye atx
  8. I have found my replacement software...was going to wait, but looks like I will have to move on sooner..this is absolutely absurd.
  9. And what is most difficult is that with the high volume in my office it is going to be very costly, because I need the best and that seems to be Ultra Tax...anyone have other suggestions?
  10. I have had the same issues all year...I have never felt so inefficient in all my years...boxes unchecking and checking, assets dropping, numbers changing and I have to go back and rework everything, Taxable social security disappearing, and all I ever hear from ATX is we apologize for that..we understand your frustration. GET REAL...this is our reputation on the line. I have made the best decision I could possibly make for this practice and that is to find a new software, as much as I have loved the forms based software, it is just not in my clients best interest to stay with ATX
  11. Penalty relief for those taxpayers who attached any of the forms that caused the delays.
  12. The federal have released a statement that if you file an extension this year due to the fact that you could not get in to file your taxes on time, http://www.irs.gov/uac/Newsroom/Relief-Available-To-Many-Extension-Requesters-Claiming-Tax-Benefits
  13. Same Here...everything is much better.. Finally getting some work done. I am planning a marathon to do my best to get the work out. Hate..Hate extensions. I have had a few times when a big error box comes up and it forces me to close, so I have been careful to save save save as I go. It has only happened 3 times..I am still looking at other options for next season. I have rode the wave this year because I had no choice, but ATX will have to do some real bargains and proof that this will not happen next year for me to stick around. April 4th is better late than never, but has sucked the life out of me this year with both my time and my employees. Lost productivity has cost all of us both financially and physically.
  14. I will go back to 9 to 5 shifts for the most part, with maybe an occasional Monday or Tuesday night.
  15. Unfortunately, I will be working, after a much needed sleep in session, and a leisurely breakfast. I have actually had some 20 hr shifts and back in at 8 am. Lately I have been limiting myself to 16 hours and I am 7 days a week also. Miss my family and church. Most likely will not take any time until, I have finished all major returns. I will not be able to rest until the majority of extensions are complete. Off to the Caribbean in June so at least I have that to look forward to.
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