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Granny Coral

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Everything posted by Granny Coral

  1. Am I the only one waiting for this form to be released? I can't prepare for eFiling until I get it, so I am sitting here with a half dozen or more waiting for me to fill in their bank info for their refund. Cannot do anything more until I get that form. Am I just being impatient? I am sure we had it much earlier last year and the years before. Granny Coral
  2. :bday: May your days be long in number--as we used to say...but for now just enjoy life and stay healthy and don't work too hard. Granny Coral
  3. No golf course for me...just want to get better acquainted with those 16 greatGrandkids scattered all over the USA. As for this year, I will just be happy if ATX ever releases the 1040 eFile infomation form and gets that dratted DRAFT off the EIC form. Anybody know how we can give them a boost????? Granny Coral
  4. Point well taken, Taxbilly. I completely disremembered that first year. After all I was not even talking too much or getting around too much, so I just guess it was of 'no account' in my book. I'll try to do a better accounting for my tax clients in the future although this may be my last year in business. My kids wanted me to retire 5 yrs ago but I just kept plugging away year after year. Boy do those years fly by the older you get. Granny Coral
  5. Thanks to every one of you for the greetings. I have just now gotten on the site to start this new tax year and found your welcomed messages. I am beginning my 80th year of life and 24the year of doing taxes for nice folks. And I can honestly say I have some clients who have been with me from the beginning. So I must be doing something right. Now I will scroll through and see if I can find answers to my pressing questions like when the heck is ATX doing to release the 1040 efile information form so we can get ready to efile. Granny Coral
  6. Thank you KC, that is just the info I needed. Also, thanks to Gene and gailtaxed for answering me too. Hope you are improving KC and Don, too. Granny Coral
  7. I have a client whose 14 yr old son was awarded $11,627 for the sale of a Show first place winner. How do I report this income? Do I use Sched. F with expenses for original purchase and feed and other expenses in raising it? Or do I just use a 1040 and report it as Other Income (no SE required) but makes him have to pay 1400 in taxes for his income. I think I am missing something in my thinking here. I have lost my contact with our 'resident farm expert'. I know she posted a message a couple of years ago but I have lost my copy of her messages. Granny Coral
  8. KC, you and Don are definitely in my prayers. You have been such a great help to me with your expert knowledge and we need to have you back here well and ready to keep us straight. Much love and caring, Granny Coral
  9. I, too, wish everyone a very Merry Christmas today and pray the New Year brings all the joy and prosperity they can accept. I, for one, plan to do a bit of cutting back on all that work and learn to say "No, I can't take another new customer." That is of course if it anything other than a 1040EZ or 1040A which should take about 15 minutes out of this old gal's hustle bustle life...see I am already backing down from my promise to my kids to just give in and RETIRE.... Oh well,my addiction to work has outlasted my 65 yr smoking addiction that I gave up four yrs ago. Wish me luck on my cutting back..... Granny Coral, 79 next week
  10. Now, children, just be nice and don't try to take too much credit about being elders when the real ones are looking over your shoulder like Granny Coral, the real elder at 78.
  11. Glad to see you made it. Hugs, Granny Coral

  12. Thanks for the 'heads up' reminder before I start working on those three dozen extensions, includng mine, after I get those six or seven quarterlies finished. Granny Coral
  13. I agree wholeheartedly with Marilyn's comments. Many, many thanks. Now back to work. Granny Coral
  14. Have you tried calling the IRS eFile Help desk? That number is 866-255-0654 Granny Coral Central TX
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