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Everything posted by Randall

  1. Are you saying ATX rolled over info that wasn't there last year?
  2. Thanks. I'll take a look.
  3. A client Fed return rejected. He has custody of grandchild. Apparently parent or boyfriend has already filed and claimed child as a dependent. I have to paper file the Fed return. I'm just wondering if I can efile the state return. Unfortunately there are two state returns because he moved in mid year.
  4. Is there a quick way to find someone's PIN number held by IRS. A client's return has been rejected. First with no PIN, then with a PIN number he gave me.
  5. I had a supervisor once who wore strong cologne. My eyes would burn when I was close to him.
  6. I wouldn't go that far but I get what he means.
  7. Don't they pay the attorneys directly now and the amounts on the 1099-SSA net of those fees?
  8. Ha. I hear the new truck thing often. Not the rest of the dialogue but they do think they can write the whole thing off.
  9. Nicotine in the past but not so much lately. One client (the guy of a married couple) reeked of BO. His wife must have finally got on him. I haven't smelled it the past couple of years. One lady recently smelled of onion. Years ago in LA when I was auditing, I went to a fish place, processed fresh fish. They put me in a room at a table. The room was where they cut up the fish but it wasn't being used when I was there. When I got home, my clothes reeked of fish smell. I hung them up outside the closet. I had to go back a couple of more days and just wore the same clothes. After the assignment, I had them dry cleaned.
  10. Do we deduct 7.5% of AGI from the amount of IRA distributions used for medical expenses? Or do other medical expenses such as health ins premiums offset some or all of the 7.5%. In other words if client took out $12,000 from IRA, used $4000 for medical expense and AGI is $3500, does only $500 escape the 10% penalty? If client paid $2000 health ins premiums, does that count as part of the 7.5% and say $4000 minus $1500 or $2500 escape the 10% penalty?
  11. ATX shuts down every so often. It actually gives you a warning to close the program. I just close and reopen. It's a hassle. I just assume with all these programs, they just get overloaded at times. Too many "if, then" statements criss-crossing themselves.
  12. I didn't see a tab but I uploaded the Form MO-NRI. I didn't see that earlier. So thanks.
  13. Client moved to MO mid-year. Two employers, two W2s, two states. I don't see any place on the MO return to deduct income for the out of state residency. It fills in the total Federal. I'm using ATX. Seems there is only one form for all. For now, I put it in the Other Deductions section with a description Out of State Income. Any help on this? Most states have a page or worksheet to input that state's income.
  14. Sorry that didn't work. I hope you get it fixed.
  15. Did you try this from a post on another topic? This worked for me. click "Support" and "About" mine says Version 23.1.8752.41567 I used the recommended resolution for EFC Reject 38: close return, click Support, then Customer Service Utilities, select Refresh App Configurations this has apparently not fixed it for everyone, according to what I'm seeing on Facebook
  16. I can't imagine this. What will people think of next.
  17. When inputting info from Box 9c on a K1 Schedule, ATX input sheet says this in not linked. But when I go to Sch D, for the line 19 worksheet, it does appear it is linked. The amount is already there. Anyone know about this or experience this? Just making sure I'm not missing something.
  18. Randall

    efile reject

    Thanks BrewOne. That worked.
  19. Randall

    efile reject

    I'm having that same problem. There's no update. Message says version 23.24, minimum version required 23.25. Is there a way to see what version I have?
  20. Good idea jasdlm. I just had that situation in real life. Husband died. I wasn't thinking about the ES vouchers until they printed out with just the spouse name. I was wondering how I was going to get them only in her name but the program did it automatically. Of course my DOD was real.
  21. I've been winding down the past few years. After April 15, I've been on slacker time. I was trying to wind down during the busy season but it hasn't been working. Only a month left. But who's counting, besides me.
  22. There's Heinlein's The Moon is a Harsh Mistress. I think the computer on the moon running the mining operation 'comes alive' and takes over. I like Kirk talking the computer into a loop and the computer burns itself out. Where's Tron when you need him.
  23. When I set up an amended 2022 return, and create the efile, both 1040 and 1040X show up as efiled items. Is that correct (ATX)? When I go to create the efile, only the 1040 and state form show up. For Ky now, there is no separate amended form, only a box to check to say it is an amended form. Does the IRS get both the 1040 (new amended one) and the 1040X?
  24. Medlin, good question to add to the questionnaire. I'll try to recommend it to ATX. I don't like to add my own questions.
  25. I'm seeing a lot of employers reorgainizing or changing names or whatever. Even if the client didn't change jobs, they would get two W2s. I think this may have happened with my client. I was just a little surprised it would be this long for something like that to just now be caught by IRS.
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