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Everything posted by Eli

  1. Lucho, I think this year you can just go to the efile tab, then under efile go to 'transmission test' This should let you test the system. Eli
  2. That 'VALIDATED' doesn't seem to change until it is either accepted or rejected. It never says Transmitted. Eli
  3. Eli

    Preparer Manager

    Thanks for all the help. I had forgot to check off a box for the rollover returns. Silly me!! Thanks again! Eli
  4. Eli

    Preparer Manager

    Thanks for the heads up, but I NEVER rollover any returns I will not be working on immediately. I'll keep tinkering with it. Thanks again!! ELi
  5. Eli

    Preparer Manager

    Thanks, Zeke. I've tried that several times. I just keep having to go in manually to do it each time. Eli
  6. on the return without having to manually go to the preparer manager tab and enter it. I've set it as an option, but I still have to go in each time I do a return to enter it. Thanks! Eli
  7. I agree with KC. There are 528 registered users. Even if only 50% put in a minimum of $250.00 you would have about $64000. Of course some people could put in more and others less. It might not be as far fetched as you might think. I join with KC and sure lots of others in asking you to consider it. Eli
  8. What's a rough estimate of the start up capital you would need? Eli
  9. Nice website, Terry. I'll have to try one myself :-) Eli
  10. Eli

    Name on SSN

    If I remember correctly, I would remove letters from the first name from right to left. If this didn't work I would do the same for the last name. Eli
  11. Wait and buy it on Wednesday. Eli
  12. using ATX have problems with SSN's not showing up in the Lexis Database? I filed 4 RAL apps over the weekend and have been told there was a problem with the Primary SSN Field not showing up in the Lexis Database. If you have any doubts, you might want to call SBBT to check on them. Eli
  13. Wishes for all good things today & always!! Eli
  14. I have 4 bank (SBBT) apps showing only as validated. The acks came back accepted yesterday for the returns. Hope they are transmitted at least. Eli
  15. Eli

    EFile ?

    Thanks for the quick reply, Gregg!! We're off!! :-) Eli
  16. Eli

    EFile ?

    Congrats! Did your efiles at anytime say "transmitted"?? Eli
  17. Eli

    EFile ?

    Everything I'd seen said the 11th. I guess I need to call the clients & let them know....Thanks, KC Eli
  18. Eli

    EFile ?

    I'm beginning to get a little worried with the files still showing only as vaidated. In years past this meant the files were still with ATX. I can't see how we will get acks from IRS with the files not leaving ATX. Eli
  19. Eli

    EFile ?

    Thanks for the replies. I saw that alert too, but thought they would at least have forwarded them to the IRS by now. Hopefully We'll see something tomorrow. Family is doing well, Terry. Hope you & yours are doing good as well. Eli
  20. Eli

    EFile ?

    I transmitted 6 returns last night and they still show as Validated. Does anyone who has filed return show anything different? Thanks! Eli
  21. Eli

    EFIN incorrect

    How can they or anyone else efile if the start date with IRS is on the 11th? Maybe they are just efiling to their servers. Eli
  22. I thought it was set for the 11th?? Has it changed? Eli
  23. Eli


    Sue, Glad to see you were finally able to log on. What numbe did you use to call E Services?? Eli
  24. Eli

    EIN #

    I don't think that would work. You could try it on to find out :-)..let us know the consequences if any ;-) Eli
  25. Thanks, Tom. For some reason my software wasn't doing that. After 110 mins on the phone with tech support they got it to work. Went to Efile Manager>Support>Tech Support Utilities>Log Efile Transmission Traffic (check it) then back to Bank manager & Refresh Report. That worked. Thanks again! Eli
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