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Everything posted by joanmcq

  1. Jeez, I thought that was a picture of JB!
  2. The last one's a bit hard to pronounce. Frozen Moose Trax Tax. I just found out the stereo got stolen out of my rv/van thingy. What a day!
  3. Well, he'd better get his 2005 stuff together pretty soon!
  4. I'm constantly afraid one of my cats will pee on my client files. Hasn't happened yet, but I get nervous when I have 'em piled on the floor. Like now.
  5. Yeah, my extensions were told 'I'll make sure you don't owe anything and if you do I'll give you a rough estimate.' EVERYONE coming in or making an appointment for after March 31 was told that. Last saturday and sunday were a frenzy of entering data like all income and expenses until they got to refund status, then add 4868, create efile, next! so I've got a pile of semi prepared returns. Some just got the W-2 entered and I didn't bother with the piddly interest etc, refund, next! I really liked the refund indicator for this one, so all I really had to check was the state. Most are pretty much done, so I can finish 'em at my leisure.
  6. joanmcq


    I still don't have acks. but if I go to my atx all are showing as accepted. WTF? CCH move ATX back to Caribou, because evidentially you don't know what your'e doing!
  7. That's a pretty basic issue though; how to fill out a Schedule E. The asset is personal for the 1st 2 months and then converted to business. Interest and RE taxes would be prorated for the 2 months/10months and the rest of the expenses, such as utilities ect taken in the whole during the rental period. It is a CONVERTED asset and does not fall under the vacation home rules. This is what the posters have been trying to tell you. It helps if you ask the right questions, like 'do the vacation home rules apply here?'. And of course you need to give them the 8582 and the 4952 and every other form that is applicable to the return. And if something too complicated for you comes in late in the year, put it on extension until you know you have it right.
  8. I looked on My Atx and my last extensions sent have accepted status, even though I don't have acks yet. GOODNIGHT!
  9. What I said today, come on in and we'll file an extension. Here it is, go to the mailbox. I'll get to your stuff next week, or the week after. but this is the first year everyone who came in the last week all went on extension, and some that came in earlier. I'm just getting a lot busier. So if you've got the time, do it, but if you don't, don't. And don't be afraid to tell them extension. They know they've waited too long!
  10. Just release them from hold and send them. I never hold state efiles this late in the game.
  11. Don't worry Colfax, some of us don't have lives and hang out here year round. And we have extensions etc...and a lot of the really fun returns are extended. Plus we have to come here to find out how Mel's software is coming along! Not to mention what JB is having for lunch.
  12. My limit this year was March 31. At least two new clients took one look at my fried self last week and said extensions are no problem! besides we are leaving on vacation/going on a business trip/(or in the case of my ex-husband, getting married to a Thai girl I met on vacation last month) and won't be back til the 17th/18th/after the wedding.
  13. I finally got into My ATX and all the efiles are showing up as transmitted to IRS; there's just no acks back . I think I'll take my laptop to work so I can check these throughout the day. Or find out where the late post office is open.
  14. if its by client, are the extensions counting as clients, and then the return won't be charged? I got Max just because I knew with fed and state & 1099s I'd be over 100.
  15. I've got extensions in the validated stage and they (except for one) were transmitted SUNDAY! I am one of the unlucky ones transmitting to fresno. so do I go to work today and hope they went thru or print out and mail paper ones? The sunday ones were all people that always go on extension.
  16. dunno; I can't get into my atx and so mine that are stuck in validated...do I print them out and paper file if not validated by morning? The damn things seem to be taking 2 days to get accepted. Last year you at least would get a 'transmitted to agency' which let you know they had been sent at least.
  17. I had one one year that kept rejecting. I had a copy of her SS card, but couldn't get the damn thing efiled. Was a last minute, get in here, here are the post offices open late kind of thing. no last minute efiles for me anymore, at least not with new clients (or new efiles)
  18. Yeah, just experienced that with a last minute extension. going to print up paper ones and file them if I can't get them in the queue tonight. In Caribou there were enough servers!
  19. Hondas and Toyotas and Mercedes are made in the US and Fords are made in Mexico. So spend it at your local farmer's market; that way you know its going for local endevors.
  20. two missing clients called in and they are printing out 4868s and 3519s and sending them out themselves. The last one called in and is going to try to collect from a client so she can make a payment, so that one will go out tomorrow. Doing yardwork. Its so nice to be physically exhausted by good old fashioned labor rather than from mental work and stress. The cut grass is making me itch though.
  21. If I send a PDF of one that isn't finalized, I make sure to send the client copy with the big watermark printed all over it. Good use for the watermark!
  22. Last time I called the FTB wanting to know about a notice I had responded to , the guy that answered the phone asked if it had 'been 9 months yet' because that's how far behind they were. Best, as in the cases where the IRS sends out money when they shouldn't is to not cash the check and then send it back if the notice comes. That way no interest and penalties.
  23. The dependent claimed by another happens all the time with divorced spouses. The parents return will be processed but both of them will receive a letter with a 1040x later on requesting that one return be amended. If an amended return is already filed, it should be ok. Just dont' send them in the same envelope; heck I don't think amended returns necessarily even go to the same service center. Just file the darn thing; it won't be rejected.
  24. Client is professor and has a little bit of royalty income from textbooks. As writer, I put it on sch C-ez, but when filing extensions I ran into the form for the unincorporated biz tax. The income is about $800 bucks. Is there a filing requirement for this little bit of income on a C? since he is way over the SS threshold, for $20 or so in SE tax I'm tempted to just put it on line 21 or as royalties if there is a problem . I'm sure he doesn't have a biz license either, and I'm not sure if the C-ez would trigger anything.
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