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  1. Presently, ATX is my backup software. I don't purchase the backup software due to my low volume of returns, but I do have a selection. That's one of the reasons I continue to participate on the Unofficial ATX Community, although the greater reason it that I enjoy the comraderie and the quality of the tax-related discussion is superb. Because I'm transitioning into retirement, the number of returns I prepare is decreasing each year, but if I prepared a significant number of returns I would buy the backup software on a PPR basis and would actually use it on a few in order to be up to speed on it, as I've stated in other posts. I have tested TaxSlayer and could use it in a pinch, although I agree with you it's a little clunky. My ultoimate backup is Form 4868, which I use extensively even when all is going well with my software. As for the Drake training, it's very easy to get real-time Drake training if you have two monitors, or two computers side-by-side. (I have both - my main computer has dual monitors and then I have a second computer beside it using a single monitor). A third alternative is to have a smart phone or tablet device beside your computer - the only requirement is that it must be able to run flash player. II can't get my iPad to run flash player, so I think the device has to be something other than an iPad. You open the Drake software on one monitor to begin preparing the return. You open the Drake tutorial on the other monitor (or other device), and run it while you are preparing the return. You can stop the tutorial, back up, or skip ahead as your needs require. There are several very good tutorials on the Drake web site suitable for doing this.
  2. Just received this email from Tax Slayer Pro: For one week only, November 4th – 8th, make me an offer on TaxSlayer Pro tax software! If the offer is reasonable, I will accept it. I want to do whatever it takes to earn your business. If you decide the program is not a good fit, you will have until December 1st, 2013 to receive a full refund. This allows you to purchase the program at a substantial discount, and you will get to truly test the software. Please respond to this email with one of the following: 1. I’d like to make you an offer. (Put your offer in the email) 2. I’m interested in having a brief conversation with you to determine if I would like to make an offer. 3. I’m not interested in making an offer. Sincerely, Seth Babb (888)420-1040 ext: 247 www.taxslayerpro.com I wonder what a reasonable offer is considering the web price is listed at $1.095. Im guessing $299 might be a bit too low.
  3. I am always open to creating new vendor-specific areas. I worry about creating a vendor-specific forum without enough users to keep the forum moving a long, however. I'll start one for TaxSlayer and see how it goes, but if it stagnates, I may end up removing it, but no harm done in trying it out. I've got some other forum management stuff to take care of (have to get rid of the Software Issues forum too) so I'll take care of it all at the same time.
  4. Eric, Was just wondering if we really need to maintain the TRX discussion forum. Since the software doesn't appear to exist any longer and all of the issues during tax season are over, plus no one is really visiting it, is there really a need to continue it? There are a few other software companies that others are using that we don't get any feedback on. For instance, TaxSlayer Pro is one that is competative and very solid software and this is just my opinion. I used this software this season to get out of the TRX snafu without incidence. However, I know there are some shortcomings and would like to hear from others. I know it would be a bit much to have a place for each software vendor and maybe taking a pole would help indicate which ones folks were most interested in might be a good idea. Maybe there will be some response to this post that may help with that. What say ye everybody?
  5. I am on the fence with some of the software companies. I am beta testing TaxSlayer Pro and so far, I don't see the changes that I would like to. But, it is early. Also, I signed up to beta test ATX. I have been with them for numerous years in the past and would like to see if there are any improvments over the problems experienced by some last year. ATX offers forms that I use that TaxSlayer does not yet. I will not go with OltPro or OneDesk as I tried it, they insisted a trust return Sch D calcualted correctly and filled in correctly when it did not. Therefore, can't use incompetent software.
  6. I have a 20 inch LED monitor and the resolution is already set at the maximum 1600 x 900 which is the recommended setting for this monitor. The main areas I am having a problem is with the e-mail, especially the headings and the information at the left side of the basic message. The basic message seems slightly less readable than it was before. The calendar is light colored and a little difficult to read. Also, this forum is slightly lighter than it has been, especially the list of topics. My old programs (TaxSlayer, Microsoft Office, etc.) are just as sharp as ever. The videos above are sharp. Maybe part of the problem is that maybe I need to have my glasses changed.
  7. Can you add another question, which software you are dropping? That will give us an idea which software is least preferred. Also there are other software such as TaxSlayer Pro, OLTPro, CrossLink that some may be using. Is it possible to add that.
  8. Oh and I guess I didn't really list the alternatives to ATX, so here is the list of the programs I tested (alphabetically): Drake Intuit ProSeries Intuit Lacerte QRTaxPro TaxAct TaxExact TaxSlayer Pro TaxWise (CCH) (also Ultimate Tax is a reseller of Taxwise at a substantially reduced price) CCH even gave me this one for free and I hated it so much after testing it decided to buy Drake Taxworks, by RedGear (gone now with its recent sale to Thompson) UltraTax CS by Thomson Reuter (high end but too high priced for me) In a previous year I had also tested ProSystem FX (CCH high end but too high priced for me) Note I bolded those that I remember I liked, and Italicized those I remember I didn't like, and left thos in normal text that I just don't remember well enough to comment on.
  9. My season went better than I expected. The TRX sanfu was frustrating to say the very least. Once jumped ship and switch to TaxSlayer Pro, no problems and it was smooth sailing from there. If there is anything bad at TaxSlayer, that would be the lack of a good method of 1099 MISC input, missing forms with trust returns and some forms missing from NC. There were doable work arounds and these issues were minor at best. No e-filing problems, no delays and my last batch was accepted as normal last evening. With this said, I am still unsure of what package to use next year.
  10. Mine are gone and I will wait till the morning to see if and when they were accepted. I don't have any fears and Taxslayer Pro has never given us the notice that CCH is. Hopefully, the time of transmission means something. Stamped on all my reports.
  11. Never mind, I found it in the instructions for form 8949 page 2. Yes, you can see attached statement and attach the statement in .pdf to the e-file if your software permits it. I am using TaxSlayer Pro and it does permit it if anyone wanted to know.
  12. I'll tell them I'm no longer an ATX user. But they can send me a full working version of 2012 (and 2013 when it's ready) if they like . I'll evaluate both of them - might even file a couple of extension returns using their software if time permits. And if they pass the test I'll consider ATX as my backup vendor if anything goes wrong with Drake in the future. That's exactly the same thing I've been telling Drake and Taxslayer these past 8-10 years when I was using ATX. This past January I was sure glad I'd been doing that.
  13. Okay, if you view my previous posts you will think I fell off the wagon here. I did download onedesk as they do support the forms for a CRUT return that I have to complete. I did this instead of manually filling the forms out as TaxSlayer Pro currently doesn't support them. OneDesk was free for the first year and it is up an running. Their pricing is fair. Here is what I want to know, those of you who have used it this season, give an honest response to the functionality, ease of use, etc; regarding this software. I don't want sales pitches as to how wonderful it is. No software is perfect and meets all one's desires. I am in the process of trying to make a decision for next year. I really want to stay with TaxSlayer Pro but if they cannot support the forms and changes that I have requested then it will be decision time. I promised my self that I will never make the same mistake again that I did with TRX.
  14. >>>>>I know I won't buy early like I did with TRX.<<<<<<< This is my exact feelings. I bought TaxSlayer Pro and have been 95% happy with it. No problems just some missing forms that they claim they are working to include next year. I have a CRUT return on the way which TaxSlayer does not support the 1041-A or the 5227 form. I have asked they add those forms. While this is not a common tax return they do exist. Other than manual paper entry, does anyone know of a pay per return program that would handle this type of return? It would be part of a 1041 package. On another note, I want the discounts but seeing how much it cost me this year, I am willing to forgo them to be sure I will have a good workable product. I want to attend some of the seminars where the tax vendors are there. Anyhone know of any in NC?
  15. Kind of creepy. I have a 2 for 1 deal from TaxSlayer Pro today.
  16. Let me take a moment and chime in on this. I agree with the check list from tetspa to a certain point. I would not advise anyone to use Turbo tax in a professional capactiy as the IRS has stated that a professional who is paid to prepare tax returns cannot use software that contains the words "self-prepared". In addtion to previewing software, I think it is important to make sure the software you are buying meets all of your tax return prep needs. Because of the TRX snafu, I went with TaxSlayer Pro. While it is good software and I have had literally no problems at all, they do not support any forms used for Trusts. I have crut that uses forms 1041-A and 5227 and they are not available. I had a client this year claim energy credits for geo-therm system and NC offers a 35% credit. TaxSlayer did not support these forms and it cost me additional money for cute.pdf pro to be able to scan .pdf forms and enter information on them and the return had to be mailed. On another note, the reports, supporting statements; etc with TaxSlayer are excellent. I too am in for the TaxWorks review if with Mike D. TaxWorks did cover every type of return that I do but some of the supporting statements don't look too professional for me. So, try to check everything. I for one will not under any circumstances try TaxExact again for free or if they paid me. I just think it is that bad and should be trashed. I am not renewing this spring as that was a lesson well learned. I will spend a significant amount of time tying to be sure that whatever product I buy, fits my practice and I have vowed that I will never get into the situation again that I was in this year.
  17. Well, Im keeping TaxSlayer under consideration for the 2013 season along with a few others
  18. I am pretty sure that TaxSlayer is a stable professional company. My tax season has gotten back to normal thanks to them. Matter of fact, this has been a good season with them as I haven't had any difficulty yet. If there is a stumbling block, they don't have the 5227 or the 1041-A forms available that I need for a CRUT. But, I can work around that. Found a non-common NC State form that is used for energy credits that qualify for 35% deduction not available either. Again, I have found a work around so all is well. I do plan on renewing this spring. Didn't think I would ever put money upfront again but I am feeling real confident with this.
  19. I think a class action lawsuit is the way to go. This appears to be nothing more than a ponzie scheme. CID 667097 Call TaxSlayer (888-420-1040 x 263 Kim), they had me up and running and my files converted in less than three hours. An hour later I had completed and transmitted a return that Tax Exact had for over a week and couldn't even determine why they couldn't get it to transmit. FYI TRX is the same program as Tax Exact just has a colored home page and cost $500 more. Same people, same staff and doesn't work either.
  20. I noticed a "TaxSlayer" add on a NASCAR car in yesterday's Daytona 500. Not too shabby if they can afford that.
  21. The conversion to TaxSlayer Pro was effortless. The support folks will copy your files and convert them. Took them about 45 minutes to do mine. I have had absolutely no problems, the learning curve was minimal. Mind you, there are and will always be a few quirks here and there as you learn. Example; I had to ask how to get back to the sale of the main home worksheet. It was very simple but something I hadn't done yet this year. I have been efiling returns and have not had one return rejected for anything. Returns with form 8863 and depreciaiton have gone effortlessly. If there has been any difficulty it has been with the possible lack of a state form for NC that I need that they are looking into. As far as support goes, never a problem, no long hold times and very courteous and helpful folks. Here is my rep's information. He was very helpful with getting me up and running all in less than 1/2 a day. Byron W. Allen TaxSlayer Pro Software Consultant 888-420-1040 ext. 260 sales 706-868-1955 fax [email protected]
  22. I have a client who installed a Geo Thermal renewable energy heating system in his home. This qualifies for 30% Federal deducation and 35% NC Deduction. I am using TaxSlayer Pro and the 5695 form has not been released yet. No problem. However, the support folks (guys on duty after regualr hours) can't find the NC 478G form that is used to claim this credit. Also, their unput on the 478 form is kind of lame as well. Here is my question, does anyone know if the NC 478G form should be filed with the return? Personally I would think so as the information should flow from the NC 478G to form 478 and from there to the NC D400 page 2. If this is not able to be done, would you fill the forms out manually and mail the return in? I don't see anyway to attach a .pdf to a return through TaxSlayer Pro. Or, the other option as the support agent told me, put the information on form NC 478 which is only one line and that line is for credits limited to 50% of the tax liability. The credit we are claiming is under the 50% limit but I am not sure if that limit applies to this type of energy credit. Right now, just too tired to look. What would you do here? Contact the NCDOR and ask them?
  23. I have a client who installed a Geo Thermal renewable energy heating system in his home. This qualifies for 30% Federal deducation and 35% NC Deduction. I am using TaxSlayer Pro and the 5695 form has not been released yet. No problem. However, the support folks (guys on duty after regualr hours) can't find the NC 478G form that is used to claim this credit. Also, their unput on the 478 form is kind of lame as well. Here is my question, does anyone know if the NC 478G form should be filed with the return? Personally I would think so as the information should flow from the NC 478G to form 478 and from there to the NC D400 page 2. If this is not able to be done, would you fill the forms out manually and mail the return in? I don't see anyway to attach a .pdf to a return through TaxSlayer Pro. Or, the other option as the support agent told me, put the information on form NC 478 which is only one line and that line is for credits limited to 50% of the tax liability. The credit we are claiming is under the 50% limit but I am not sure if that limit applies to this type of energy credit. Right now, just too tired to look. What would you do here? Contact the NCDOR and ask them?
  24. Terry D EA

    State return

    Man I hate to see you guys going thru these problems. As if TRX wasn't enough. I am sure glad I went with TaxSlayer as I have had virtually no problems with any States, depreciation, rollovers or nothing. Not trying to make anyone feel bad or push TaxSlayer. Just saying.
  25. Yes it does and I hope you have good luck with using it. You should find the learning curve to be quite small. If you need help with any of the functionality, you can post here. I bought the TaxSlayer program on Jan 30th and am not a bit sorry I did.
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