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Buyer Beware


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I figured i'll try this resource as it is the last bastion for any hope of sanity in regards to this software and company.

I purchased ATX in order to make a move from Proseries as the total cost has seemed to rise of the past years. From the outset I had nothing but problems, as many of you have, and they continue.

The software should have NEVER made it out of beta in this state. Constant bugs, endless conflicts, completely unresponsive in many aspects.

Rolling over any large number of returns at a time causes the software to crash.

Trying to highlight more than a few returns at a time causes the software to crash.

Doing a remote client install from the server causes the software to crash.

Clicking on any of the help links takes you to a dead site and causes the software to crash.

I have the software installed on a server with more than enough hardware to support programs far beyond the complexity and design of this software so I can rule out the physical side.

My network setup is solid with sufficient hardware and cabling so I can rule out the network as a problem.

The bottom line is that the software is full of issues. Most likely because the intended time table for its completion was either unrealistic for its designers or that the quality of the software was not a priority.

The constant promise of fixes over the horizon is a hollow moan in the face of the tidal wave of customers who pour through my doors with paperwork in hand ready to have their taxes done.

When I called customer support today to dig my heels in and demand a response I was told by my sales agent that he was well aware of the overwhelming customer dissatisfaction with the software and that I would not have the same problems with the same companies opposing software, Taxwise.

While it seemed absolutely absurd that a company could make one perfectly functioning software suite and one so infused with failure. Not being unreasonable, I agreed to try out the Taxwise software.

I was sent a download link for a demo version of the 2011 Taxwise software.

A demo of a year older version. The 2011 version of ATX works just fine. I can only assume the same problem is held by this software as well.

In my hubris I assumed that a level of quality and accountability would be standard in a product of this size and applicability. Obviously I was very wrong. While I see only a small fraction of your users actually using these boards, I see enough of that fraction using them for nothing more than complaints about the software itself.

I myself am only here to feel better about the large amount of time and energy I have wasted this year trying to get something that, by the admission of its own designers, does not work, to function properly.

Even in filing for the refund, I found more failure. After filling out the online refund form on the ATX website and submitting it, I was greeted with a server error. I'm not sure if that means that the request was submitted or not.

I wish all of you well, and the best of luck with this software. While I assume this post will be in some way censored or removed by the administrators here, if it is not, I bid you beware.

Heed my warning. This company is in a major transition phase. I'm assuming that is the source of their issues but in truth I imagine a basic level of detail attention and quality concern is the true problem.

I'd suggest if you have something that works for you and are seeking to save a small sum, to simply stick with what you have or find some other avenue than CCH to explore.


Don't buy this, buy something else. This is broken and they can't fix it.

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It is very unfortunate that you came to ATX this year. There is no denying you have a legitmate gripe. There was a time when ATX was a great product at a fantastic price with outstanding Support and Sales. Those days are gone. This is my 12th season with ATX. May be my last, but it is too late for me to switch. I Hate CCH, but the software has been good and this board, not the other CCH maintained board, has been a great help to getting the software to work as it is intended.

Good luck with whatever you decide.


Hollister, CA

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I do not doubt that you have issues. But some of them are self imposed. You should not be attempting to rollover more than just a couple (I do one) at a time. I am using a network setup also and have used ATX successfully over the years. Near as I can ascertain, the issues with ATX this year have mostly to do with speed. I have completed only one Form 1120S so far this year and am on my way to complete upwards of 500 returns. ATX will do the job. The printing was slow for the one I did, but that will improve. You came on-board at a bad time - that is a given. I would encourage you, should you choose to leave, to take a look at ATX again periodically over the next couple of months and see if the software does not improve dramatically in terms of performance and functionality. I am sorry you are having such issues.

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I do not doubt that you have issues. But some of them are self imposed. You should not be attempting to rollover more than just a couple (I do one) at a time.

I have over a thousand returns. Proseries rolls them all in twenty minutes. You want me to spend five minutes per return rolling each one? That is the definition of insanity. I didn't impose this on myself. I wanted the software to preform a function that its competitor does at the same rate or faster.

Near as I can ascertain, the issues with ATX this year have mostly to do with speed. I have completed only one Form 1120S so far this year and am on my way to complete upwards of 500 returns. ATX will do the job. The printing was slow for the one I did, but that will improve.

I am continually amazed at how people are so willing to wait for something you have already paid for to improve. My clients are here now. I need it to work now. And most importantly, they have my money now. It should work without question.

I didn't pay the fee with the understanding that the software would function properly at some future date. I paid for it to function now.

I would encourage you, should you choose to leave, to take a look at ATX again periodically over the next couple of months and see if the software does not improve dramatically in terms of performance and functionality. I am sorry you are having such issues.

During the height of these issues, I waited over twenty minutes to talk to customer service and at times over an hour to talk to technical support. Any company that could run into issues like these and not increase their staffing in order to accommodate the influx of complaints only displays limited interest in their customer's satisfaction. Once you see the downpour of calls about the problems you don't sit back and let people wait in line for an hour to talk to someone who only has a chance of solving their issue. You put on more staff and make sure your customers are reassured that the fixes are on the way in a timely manner. You give exact dates as to when precise issues will be fixed.

I don't know how many times I was told by technical support/customer service that the next patch MIGHT fix my issue.

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I don't think any administrator here is gonig to remove the post. It is a legitimate complaint that a lot of users are expressing right now. I'm feeling the same as the 2 posters above right now. I've been with ATX since the beginning, but I'm not sure at this point if I'll continue as a CCH customer in future. I feel stuck right now being already into the season and I don't want to learn a new software program at this point or go through file conversions.

I hope you do know that this is an unofficial ATX forum that was started by long time users, and we don't have anything to do with CCH except that we purchase the program.

The official ATX site is accessed through the ATX webpage by clicking on MyATX. Just thought I'd mention it since it seems there've been a couple of new people that thought this was official one.

ETA: - I paid for the program with the early renewal discount in May or June. Anyone want to venture a guess about getting a refund now?

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Also, it seems many of you are confusing this board with the CCH sponsored ATX message board. We are the UNofficial board, and we don't censor complaints.

I do suggest you don't roll over batches; I only roll over more than the return I'm working on when I'm doing extensions. I don't run a network, but I really haven't had any issues yet with the software. but then again, since I can't file yet, I haven't had any clients come in; I've only worked a projection and on my own return.

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Ravcrashes, the firm I work for has 2,900+ returns. We have used ATX since 2002. I am the network and computer administrator as well. rfassett is total correct in all his statements. Go back to Proseries sounds like the best option.

I am sticking with the software. CCH is a lousy company.

The rework of ATX is 5 years overdue. If you had been using ATX for the previous 4 years, you would know that it is incompatible with netframework 4 which is essential for all Microsoft Server software since Server 2008 came out. The only reason ATX has been compatible with Windows 7 is the ability for 7 to emulate xp.

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I have over a thousand returns. Proseries rolls them all in twenty minutes. You want me to spend five minutes per return rolling each one? That is the definition of insanity. I didn't impose this on myself. I wanted the software to preform a function that its competitor does at the same rate or faster.

I am continually amazed at how people are so willing to wait for something you have already paid for to improve. My clients are here now. I need it to work now. And most importantly, they have my money now. It should work without question.

I didn't pay the fee with the understanding that the software would function properly at some future date. I paid for it to function now.

During the height of these issues, I waited over twenty minutes to talk to customer service and at times over an hour to talk to technical support. Any company that could run into issues like these and not increase their staffing in order to accommodate the influx of complaints only displays limited interest in their customer's satisfaction. Once you see the downpour of calls about the problems you don't sit back and let people wait in line for an hour to talk to someone who only has a chance of solving their issue. You put on more staff and make sure your customers are reassured that the fixes are on the way in a timely manner. You give exact dates as to when precise issues will be fixed.

I don't know how many times I was told by technical support/customer service that the next patch MIGHT fix my issue.

Well - thankfully I have broad shoulders and can take whatever you can dish out. I was attempting to help out and you saw fit to lash out. I am glad I could provide you with a target to berate. You can thank me at some other time. In the meantime, I suggest you go back to ProSeries because ANY thing ATX would do for you now would not be enough. I was in sales long enough to know that there is a point of diminishing returns, and when rationalization has left the building it is time to cut your losses and move on. Best of luck to you.

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I was thinking last night that I'm not sure anybody can tell that this is NOT the official board at first blush. Kinda understand the mistake.

I really want to do some tax returns. I am about done with W-2's and payroll reports. Just like all of you, I'm sure. Would love to wake up and the software problems were just a bad dream.

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