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NT--What are the chances


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I love sports. March Madness is an almost irresistible magnet. Ditto for The Masters. Being the astute observer that I am, I've noticed that every year both of those events fall right in the most hectic part of tax season. I stream the events in a corner of my second monitor but that's not nearly as satisfying as the big screen TV. This morning I'm bleary eyed from having stayed up to watch one of the late games last night (the team I was rooting for lost--deep sigh).

So anyway, here's my idea. What do you suppose the chances are that we could talk the NCAA and the Masters into rescheduling their events after April 15? Shouldn't be that hard to do, right?!?! I'd see if the IRS would change their date but that seems to require an act of Congress . . . and getting them to act on anything other than a congressional pay raise is nigh impossible.

Yeah, I know. Dream on.

Anyone else have any tax season requests?

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Last year, my daughter was in the Faculty Dance Recital at college, seven hours away. Weekend before 4/15. Had to shut down for three days. Fortunately, my clients understand "family first!" and no one complained.

Our anniversary is April 1st. We celebrate a month later. Younger daughter's birthday is March 17th (yes, St Patrick's Day). We celebrate on the day but some years I am more glazed over than others.

The big thing that starts to get me is the end of the pistol league season butting up against the start of practice-for-rifle-season butting up against the 4/15 deadline. My husband hauled out all the rifle gear today and instead of being happy about it I wanted to go hide. And last Tuesday our pistol match was a double match with another of our club's teams; almost 40 people, four relays, I had to play captain since our captain was working that night. I started running the first relay before 7:30PM and didn't leave with all the scoring done until about 10:30PM. Too long a night after too long a day!!

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Random streams of consciousness follow:

Wow! Sounds like we have a fledgling social revolution in the works! I'm beginning to think it might be easier to just pass the Fair Tax and cancel tax season altogether.

In prior tax seasons I lost my sister (April 8) and many years later, my mother (March 17). I somehow managed to muddle through. In fact, I think having to deal with taxes might have even helped me get through it.

Alas, my Buckeyes just lost so I no longer have a reason to live (at least not until football season starts). So I guess it's back to the stack of returns in the hopper.

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Yeah, my birthday, April 11, meant I seldom got to celebrate it on the day. On the other hand, it meant I got a better 'treat' when we did celebrate a week later! And it took three years of complaining, but I did finally get Ole Miss to change their Accountancy Weekend event until AFTER 4/15. They used to hold it in March.. OK, I do not know how much my complaints played in the change, but I did ask all my Ole Miss friends to request that they take us tax practioners into consideration. And they have, for the last several years scheduled it after the 15th. Because of Don's health, I still have not been able to take advantage of it, but maybe this year?

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I think the academic minds there had just honestly not given any thought to the timing. The third year I complained not only to the Dean, but decided since I was a member of Beta Alpha Psi, to send a request to the President of the Ole Miss Chapter, asking them to bring up the changing the date. Don't know for sure what worked, but they have changed to holding it after the 15th. Don't think that would work on on the NCAA, and I know it would not work on Congress. :spaz:

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