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MY final word on IRS scandal.


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Going to war with IRAQ was a "genius idea" as it removed the one good COUNTERBALANCING enemy of IRAN.

Yes sirree, Georgey Porky BUSHY did a real bang up job. and I appreciate all the 50 cent gasoline we got in return.

STILL WAITING ON WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION.....anyday Mars Rover will find them... mission accomplished.

No wonder GWB2 was not welcome at the last GOP convention.

He has replaced Herbert Hoover as the worst President of all time.

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It will be good if Republicans try to impeach Obama. This will cause Dems to be so pissed off they will rally behind HILLARY in 2016.

And if they succeed in impeachment, we have a back up plan.....JOE SMILEY BIDEN........don't you wanna see that smile on the quarter ?

That's it REPUBS, keep on pushing for impeachment....you know OBAMA had to google the words TEA PARTY sometime in the last 20 years.

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Well, speaking of old losers, wouldn't you know Jimmy Carter hit the news again. Trying to clarify his wimpy position on marijuana, I think. And this just when the comparisons were starting to shift from the Carter administration to the Nixon years. Carter just continues to show his impeccable timing. I'll bet every time he gets news coverage, somebody in the Obama administration groans. Nothing like a past failure to focus people's attention on the management shortcomings and amateurish workings of the current administration.

You mean the shortcomings of THE PARTY OF NO. Yes I agree with you the Republcan controlled HOUSE is full of incompentent BOOBS.

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Iraq was a good idea? The Patriot Act? Puhleez! You'd think all of you that hate government intrusion would hate the Patriot Act.

The Patriot Act is a complete and utter violation of the 4th Amendment. If we understood the Constitution, we would declare it "a usurpation of powers not granted, therefore null and void" (see the Federalist papers, possibly #44 or #43, for Madison's words on this topic). Who is the "we" here? The states, which (together with the general citizenry) CREATED the federal government and whose creature the fedgov't is. 10th Amendment, (paraphrased; full text in many places) "all powers not delegated to the feds, nor forbidden to the states (Art 1, Section 10, mainly), are reserved to the States and the People."

So far as giving up liberty for safety, Ben Franklin said that best: "He who gives up a little essential liberty for temporary safety deserves neither -- and that is what he receives, in the end."

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RED, WHITE, and BLUE, Jack.

You may have all the colors, but you have demonstrated time and again that (1) you have no understanding of the principles that this country was founded upon, and (2) that you are mainly not interested in discussing issues when you have the option of ad hominem attacks. What Herman Cain accurately calls the "SIN" tactics: Side-step the issue, Ignore facts, and Name-call.

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Guest Taxed

But Patriot Act did survive all the court challenges. Even though I don't agree with all the provisions of the law, on balance i believe it is necessary in today's dangerous world to prevent the spread of terrorism in our country.

I am old enough to remember when you could fly without any security checks at the airport! The thought of getting blown up in the sky by a bomb never crossed my mind.

With open borders and open interstate highways and the amount of resources and coordination needed to do an effective job, I don't think this problem can be effectively tackled at any individual state level. It does require the Federal Govt. to step in to keep us safe.

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The Supreme Court is NOT the final arbiter of whether or not something is Constitutional. That job is NOT part of their assigned duties (read the Marbury vs. Madison case of 1803; just a couple of pages of clear text; available at Justia Law).

The states and people can nullify, and -- believe it or not -- the county sheriffs are the final arbiters/sentinels of what is or is not Constitutional in their counties. See the County Sheriff project for info.

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Guest Taxed

The Supreme Court is NOT the final arbiter of whether or not something is Constitutional. That job is NOT part of their assigned duties (read the Marbury vs. Madison case of 1803; just a couple of pages of clear text; available at Justia Law).

The states and people can nullify, and -- believe it or not -- the county sheriffs are the final arbiters/sentinels of what is or is not Constitutional in their counties. See the County Sheriff project for info.

Don't tell that to Sheriff Joe Arpio of Maricopa County, AZ that he is the final arbiter in his county instead of the US Supreme court!!

Can you imagine what it would be where the sheriff of each county is the judge, jury and executioner? A cobweb of conflicting and confusing laws by each county!

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Where are you getting this "judge, jury, and executioner" hysteria?

Certainly not from anything that has been posted thus far.

Exaggeration, then extrapolation from the exaggeration. That is how the liberal mind presents their positions. This method is used more frequently when a liberal mind is confronted with facts, truth and logic that disprove his position.

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Guest Taxed

Exaggeration, then extrapolation from the exaggeration. That is how the liberal mind presents their positions. This method is used more frequently when a liberal mind is confronted with facts, truth and logic that disprove his position.

Next time you boys get picked up by your county's sheriff better pray that he does not think he is also the final arbiter!

But I suppose you would not mind that, because you want it that way!

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Next time you boys get picked up by your county's sheriff better pray that he does not think he is also the final arbiter!

But I suppose you would not mind that, because you want it that way!

I am acquainted with the Sheriff in my county. I went to school with two different deputies. I fly straight, fly right so I don't look over my shoulder.

Those that break the law are the ones who should worry.

Back to the point... How is Sheriff Joe Arpio of Maricopa County, AZ enforcing the sentences of convicted criminals handed down by the court system, make him the final arbiter? More exaggeration and extrapolation of the exaggeration.

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Guest Taxed

Jack I think you are missing the point. Even Sheriff Joe Arpio knows that he is not the final arbiter.

Please read Catherine's post and then my tongue and cheek reply "Don't tell Sheriff Joe Arpio that he is the final arbiter..."

You will get it!

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Guest Taxed

Catherine, this is a quote from the website you just posted:

In a letter addressed to Vice President Joe Biden, Linn County Oregon Sheriff Mueller wrote, “Any federal regulation enacted by Congress or by executive order of the president offending the constitutional rights of my citizens shall not be enforced by me or by my deputies,” adding, “Nor will I permit the enforcement of any unconstitutional regulations or orders by federal officers within the borders of Linn County, OR.”

From a moderate or even a "Reagan Republican" perspective these people appear to be very paranoid individuals!

Did you watch the Chris Wallace interview with former Sen. Bob Dole? I got to tell you I agree with him on his views of the Republican party of today. "Closed for Repairs"!

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I do not watch mainstream TV and have not for years -- too busy, and I got far too sick of the blatant leftist bias. My time is worth more. I read.

What's the problem with what Sheriff Mueller wrote? Article VI of the Constitution states that all laws "made in pursuance of this Constitution shall be the supreme Law of the Land." The key phrase is "made in pursuance." Laws antithetical to the Constitution (which document includes the Bill of Rights by full incorporation, see Article VII) are, in Madison's words, "usurpations of powers NOT granted; therefore null and void." The Sheriff states he will not allow the enforcement of soi-disant "laws" which are actually merely usurpations. He thereby upholds the Constitution, as he swore to do.

How is upholding the supreme Law of the Land paranoid? Why is standing by the oath one swore suspect? You need to look at your basic principles -- do you really think one should swear an oath, NOT intending to uphold it? Or that being forsworn is no big deal? Really? There is no honor and no integrity in that stance; how can you then call yourself an honorable person; one of integrity? Or are those merely old-fashioned, meaningless terms as well? They are NOT; not to me.

As for the Republican party today -- they have been almost entirely taken over by the "Progressives" -- and the Democrat party has been completely subsumed by that same group outlook.

Read a bit about the history of the Progressives and their antecedents, the Fabian Socialists. That ought to give you a serious case of the willies. Their stance is one of utter contempt for humanity; eugenicists and tyrants all. One of their members and spokesmen, George Bernard Shaw (yes, the famous author) stated flat-out that everyone should be required to go before a panel, yearly, to justify their existence (showing how they had produced more than they had consumed) and if they could not so do, they should be killed, as a service to humanity. Humanely, of course. They are despicable. If you understood what these people stand for, and how they have been working to destroy this country from within (for decades) you would recoil in horror and do everything in your power to bring their plans out from under the rocks they hide beneath, and to stop them.

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Guest Taxed

No Foxnews even during off season? You are breaking Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilley's hearts!

But seriously, you and I both know that the Congress or the White House was NOT asking the sheriff to do anything unconstitutional that he had to send that letter to them? When he says "offending constitutional rights", he really means offending his views of what he considers constitutional.

Every office holder swears to uphold the constitution. And it is not the office holder's personal views of what is deemed constitutional or not.

I was being generous by calling this group paranoid. In reality these are extreme fringe groups and their viewpoint is not supported by the majority of Americans.

Proof is that candidates that espouse those extreme views keep on losing elections. May be we will see Sheriff Mueller run for president in the next cycle or will it be Michele Bachman, now that she has freed herself from running for Congress!

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