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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/11/2015 in Posts

  1. I have used Drake for the past 2 years and agree with the consensus that there are some learning curves as is with any new software and the tech support is excellent. FYI you can email tech support on Sundays and probably wait about 10 minutes for a response! Love Drake Mike Dubin CPA
    3 points
  2. After dilly-dallying for about 10 years, I made the jump to Drake yesterday. I had been with ATX and its predecessor for about 20 years. I was mostly happy with ATX except for the switch to big impersonal CCH, the forum fiasco back in '08 and the '12 snafu (which didn't impact me as badly as some others). However, I noticed the last couple years that it was taking about 50% longer to prep a return than it did five years ago. Between coding bloat and making the input process more complicated ATX had just gotten too slow. Absorbing a 50% hit on prep time was just too much. I've been playing around with a Drake demo for a week or so and went to a demo seminar on Monday (about the 4th one I've been to--I'm just about on a first name basis with Warren Drake!). The speed together with Drake's business philosophy is what pushed me over the top. The fact that it's $300 cheaper (and only one price hike in 20 years) didn't hurt! So when I do I get the secret Drakey (or is Drakonian?) password?
    2 points
  3. Eric, how COULD you?!?! Now I want bacon. And steak. And a grilled burger. And lots of other yummies that I should not eat - at least, not all at once! Next time you feel the need to do something like this, use chores like dusting and laundry as your list. Or (if you think people will then feel guilty), something innocuous like plant names.
    2 points
  4. Arrgghh! I figured out what the problem was. On Part IX I indicated the grant was to domestic individuals instead of domestic organizations. I sure wish this stupid computer would enter what I intended to do instead of what I actually put in. Stupid computer What I don't know is why the Check Return routine was linking back to Part IV instead of Part IX where the error was.
    2 points
  5. Bacon ipsum dolor amet salami brisket andouille, pork chop pork belly pancetta short ribs beef ribs shoulder tongue pork loin venison shankle kevin. Hamburger filet mignon beef ribs t-bone turducken shoulder prosciutto picanha ham. Cupim short ribs bresaola, tongue andouille turducken swine pig. Doner shoulder meatloaf pancetta capicola rump. Ground round corned beef kielbasa alcatra rump. Jerky picanha cupim, chicken beef jowl meatloaf venison tail landjaeger short ribs ground round pork belly. Hamburger fatback short ribs tongue chuck. Frankfurter pig boudin, ball tip filet mignon bacon meatloaf pork loin beef ribs strip steak landjaeger rump shankle short loin. Swine tail kevin meatloaf, cupim pancetta filet mignon landjaeger sirloin beef ribs biltong strip steak. Pancetta picanha meatloaf turducken. Rump capicola pig ham. Filet mignon ball tip kielbasa, prosciutto pork belly chuck beef ribs. Rump short ribs capicola drumstick alcatra landjaeger pork loin salami tail tenderloin picanha. Ball tip shankle meatball spare ribs t-bone cupim frankfurter kielbasa turducken pork chuck fatback ground round shank. Chicken landjaeger pastrami alcatra. EDIT: Test
    1 point
  6. There's a chunk of Latin filler text that's very commonly used in graphic design, called Lorem Ipsum.  It visually flows like real copy would, better than a bunch of unnatural looking random character gibberish, but doesn't distract the viewer with unimportant (at that point in the design process) details/meaning. This is a variation on that called Bacon Ipsum--apparently it only satisfies the first requirement for good filler text but fails miserably for being a distraction. And now I'm hungry too.
    1 point
  7. Welcome to the club, JJ! There are a few quirks but they are minor and the program is WELL worth the time it takes to learn those quirks. And support is SO helpful any time you need them. Except Sundays, of course. Considering that I am still awaiting the return call from tech support from ATX from February 2013 (promised within 48 hours), I can give Drake Sundays off.
    1 point
  8. I believe it was an hour or less for the forum password, once I requested it.
    1 point
  9. I have many clients tell me how they are making money from them, because of the monthly/quarterly distributions. Then I show them that it isn't coming from INCOME, but from PRINCIPAL. Usually 50-60% from Principal. And I ask them who are they selling these assets to when they want to get out? That always makes for a great Client "face". And did we notice how many clients have these K-1's THIS year? Because the sharp guys on Wall Street were dumping them. Oil market/prices are going down, so sell these assets that were going up, that are starting to go DOWN, to *our* clients. Thanks big brokerage firms.... You just stuffed the investment dreams of your clients. Rich
    1 point
  10. We print them out of QuickBooks on plain paper and mail them in.
    1 point
  11. I mail the few that I have just to aggravate somebody.
    1 point
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