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Everything posted by MsTabbyKats

  1. When the IRS disallows something....and the tax goes up....they ultimately contact the state....and the client gets that letter asking for more money. If the state disallows something (that would affect the federal tax).....and the tax goes up....do they contact the IRS? Does anyone have an experience with this?
  2. Oh Joan....I just gave one example with the decanters. The truth is that she isn't very bright and has limited knowledge....but talked and argued about everything as if she were an expert. (Taxes, politics, astronomy, clothing, degrees, dental, medical....not stating her opinions but stating inaccurate facts). I didn't mention the things she had told me...such as...(when I was voting for Bush and she supported Kerry) "I would never speak to anyone who is going to vote for Bush"....or, that she (admitted herself...and that her mother told her) speaks before thinking all the time and insults people as a result. But...I was really wondering "how she was"...more than hanging out with her. She is bi-polar with several other medical conditions. It's was really wrong of me to try to explain a "several year" friendship with such a summary.....and it would be purposeless for me to contact her. But...thanks for your input! ETA...I'm sure she's better off without me too. I don't think "know it alls" like to be told that they don't know it all......even if told via "links" to correct their inaccuracies.
  3. Before you start begging....why not plead your case to CCH. If you didn't sign anything, I don't know how they can justify "not releasing" you. Even if Mainstreet has some kind of agreement....that wouldn't bind you (unless you checked some box...like agreeing to terms....and didn't read the fine print).
  4. Looks like the majority rules........ But...she didn't offer an olive branch. She said "You are a blank blank and a blank. But, I shouldn't have told you that you are a blank blank and a blank. Even though you are a blank blank and a blank, if you want, I will go to lunch with you." I'm going with the majority here...no olive branch!
  5. I'm thinking of e-mailing a woman I haven't spoken to in about 6 years......... The reason we stopped talking: In my opinion....she thought she knew everything (like...she told me how to do a Schedule D..yeah) She really isn't the brightest person (I'd say a bit under average)....but no matter what you said....she would claim "to know"....and then I'd go home and e-mail her "the truth". For instance....she claimed a certain school didn't offer "something". I sent her a link to their schedule, clearly showing it being taught. In her opinion: Because she is a very fancy person, and I don't like "fancy". (She doesn't put salad dressing bottles or ketchup bottles on the table...but put the contents into decanters. I asked her if "the queen" was coming over for dinner?") Anyway...after I didn't her from her for months I sent her a "how are you" e-mail. No response. (She had several medical issues.) A few months later....I sent her another "how are you" e-mail....and I got a very nasty response. Very insulting. The next week...I got some kind of apology....where she apologized for "telling me these bad things about me"....but not apologizing for saying them. (Meaning....she didn't say..."I'm sorry I called you a blank blank. But..."I shouldn't have told you that you are a blank blank." Then she asked to get together for lunch. I ignored it. Never responded. Now...it's pre-tax season and the beautiful hot days of summer are gone....and I'm bored (which is why I'm posting this). But, I'm curious....has anyone ever offered someone an olive branch, with good results. Or, is it better "to let sleeping dogs lie"? And...another "nothing better to do thread" by MsTabbyKats!
  6. Not all restaurants in Manhattan are fancy. You have to know "the right ones".
  7. The OP asked a question: "How cheap are you?" I'm a value shopper....which means getting quality at a low price. I don't buy "junk stuff"....I buy "the best" when I get a good discount. I don't dine in fancy restaurants...because their prices are a reflection of their rent, not the food. I get my nails done at a "low key" salon....that doesn't come with a back rub or the sounds of waterfalls. Am I cheap?
  8. No....the female is a victim of "emotional batter". She has an addiction to him.....he calls/sees her or something....and her dopamine starts flowing. When he doesn't....she goes thru withdrawal. It's really no different than being a heroine addict. I think a lot of people who were "brought up being poor" are what would be considered cheap, because they finding spending money on things they could get for free a waste. My really biggest peeve is people who go to restaurants with you....and sit like a baby when the check comes....or makes a mad dash to the bathroom. I could go on for hours about cheapness.
  9. I know a couple (not married....totally weird relationship) that have been together almost 20 years. In that time he bought her one piece of cheap costume jewelery at a closeout sale.; never a b'day gift, never a Valentine's Day, never a holiday gift......not even a card. He says "If you buy someone something once, they expect it all the time. So, I don't buy her anything." Now that's cheap.
  10. I have a really really cheap story. A friend of mine, Anne, is very cheap. Anne went on a cruise with her friend, Linda (both travel agents...cruise cost $0). Linda was always doing my friend, Anne, favors, like, driving her places. The ship stopped @ St Lucia. An old boyfriend of Anne's has 4 (grown) children on the island. The 6 of them went on a "day trip" and stopped off for lunch. The check came. My friend Anne paid for herself and the 4 grown children...but not for Linda!
  11. I guess nobody reads my post. When you give a credit card to a server....they swipe it before they give it back to you to add the tip. This is the initial charge to your card. It's done to make sure the card is good (has available credit, not stolen or reported lost etc). If it isn't good...the server will politely tell you that your card is declined and ask for another method of payment or do whatever they do when they get a stolen card..... etc. Assuming the card is ok....they give you back the receipt to add the tip...and then they reprocess it. If your credit card status shows "pending activity"(not included with billed activity)....you will see the initial charge. However, by the time it shows up as a charge on the card...the initial charge plus the tip is what you see. If they didn't do this "2 step process" people could just add the tip and leave asap......and after that the server would find out that the customer was using "a problem card".
  12. Some more info about her: http://www.nbcnews.com/id/53683016#.Upc-5Se-OGp I think we can safely assume that she got a nice tip!
  13. But, if you're doing your job correctly...you shouldn't be getting fees and penalties. Please don't take this the wrong way....but this is what your statement sounds like: "I'm willing to take a risk and do a return that might have issues. In order for me to take this risk...I need to charge you "insurance" to cover whatever fees and penalties your return may cost me." Just use something like: Due to changes at the IRS each return requires more time and work to make sure it's accurate.
  14. SS card proves only that the child has a SS number....nothing about where he lives or who supports him. The IRS has made it clear what proves where the child lives. School records, medical records...with the child's address; a lease or mtge or re tax bill in your name; a utility bill to prove support. A few years ago I had several EITC clients that were questioned. When one had to submit proof...he told me...."Oh, those kids are actually nieces/nephews and they moved back to Africa." Another example...mom lived at XXX Lexington Ave. Dad lived with his mother right across the street. The 4 kids slept in both places and lived in both places equally. I did HOH twice, giving each parent 2 kids. Mom never had a problem. The IRS wanted "proof" from dad. Because he lived with his mother...and the apt was in his mother's name....the IRS disallowed the credit (although he was actually paying the bills). And a few that didn't have IRS issues had NYS issues. So....I avoid these now....unless I'm confident that they can prove "whatever" if asked.
  15. A school record would have the kid's home address..... This has been a NYS thing for years...... If the client is asked for proof...and can't prove it.....I don't get involved. I tell them beforehand that they may be questioned....and if so...they could lose the credit. I don't get involved with where people are sleeping....and where the kid does his homework. Around here they generally and unofficially live with grandma....and mama generally doesn't live where her W-2 says anyway.
  16. But a SS card doesn't prove that the kid lives with you. That's what they want to document. School records, medical records, statements from church.........etc etc I'm a tax preparer.....I'm not a detective I am sure that I will retire "by attrition"...........
  17. In general...the waiter gives you the bill....and then you add the tip of the merchant copy. The customer copy doesn't have the tip...but you can write it in separately. Perhaps the customer said "Just add $18" and didn't actually write it on the merchant copy....but did on her own copy. The last time I went to the hair salon I forgot my cash...so I had to charge it. I told the hairdresser to add her tip....I never wrote it. ETA-They run the "credit" without the tip first...to make sure there are funds. I believe they run it again to add the tip. On one of my credit cards I see the "untipped charge" pending....and then the next day....the total.
  18. I think it's better to stress to the clients that you're being diligent...so they don't have audits, fines and fees. I don't think many really care about our fines and fees. I lost a couple last year because I raised my 1040-NR fee...but, to be honest, I really dislike doing them.
  19. Do you think H&R or Jackson Hewitt asks for and keeps these? I don't do many....and have been doing the ones I do for years....so I checked "no documents....but made notes in the file". I wonder if this option will be gone.
  20. I think all past customers are entitled to "preferred customer" discount. You have to order by 12/31.
  21. I have a "Preferred Customer" discount for $47
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