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Being one of those days


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Met with client yesterday who tried to do own return on TT.  Told her it needs amended and I need a copy.  She emails me a pdf this morning and I am about to send it to the printer when I realize it is 106 pages long.  Near as I can tell, there are two W-2s and 3 1099R's.  106 pages?  Glad I noticed that BEFORE I printed it.


Phone rings awhile ago - client needs some help with his online QuickBooks. He says, and I quote, "(female name) that was helping me get QuickBooks set up took a job with (one of the local regional accounting firms) and is working 6 days a week and I can not get ahold of her - so I am calling you."  ARE YOU KIDDING ME?


Honest to God - I can not make this stuff up!


Next call - local attorney's office (the ONLY one I have any respect for) calls.  Went on line to the PA website looking for the PA20S and all that is there is the 2013 but they need the 2014.  Well, I guess I can print a blank one - now I am in the forms supplying business I guess.  After taking the time to close the client I am working on and open a new return and open the forms and print - I google the form.  Guess what - it is there in pdf format ready to be filled in.  REALLY?


If I was at all sadistic, I would ask WHAT NEXT?  But I know better.


But good news - I have completed ONE return today!

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I've got one -- not even a client; a courtesy.  Guy has a corporation and his dad is an out of state CPA who does the taxes but cannot e-file the MA corporate return.  So I have been e-filing it for them, for years now.  They pay me a token amount, for time and trouble.


Well, *this* year, I cannot get the MA 355 Sch D to populate correctly to save my life (or my hair color).  I have spent FOUR hours on this stupid thing so far and it's not ready yet!


So here it is 2PM, I haven't had lunch yet, I am ROYALLY aggravated -- and have accomplished nothing.  Zip.  Zilch. Nada.  Nechevo.  De rien.  Bupkis.  Niente.  


My tea is steeping, and I'm gonna go eat and sulk.  Then I'll take out my fiddle for a while.   Once I've completely calmed down I'll come back and try to get those other three returns I wanted to finish right off, this morning, done instead.

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Mine was yesterday!   Wow!  Never got out of this chair or room from 7:30 AM until 7:30 PM.  My last client left at 7:30 PM; I had not eaten.  Ran to the kitchen and truly gobbled down a bowl of mac and cheese as well as a can of beer.  The phone had rung steadily through the lunch hour.  What is WRONG with people?  Today was much better.  Finished the one return that I had started yesterday morning.  It is filed, picked up and paid for.  Have finished two more since.  Boy, are we on a roll here.  Now, if the cosmetologist who is trying to renew her license online would quit calling me for numbers, I might get another one done before my 5:30 appt. (new client)  I also filed a WI online appeal this afternoon.  Tomorrow will probably be a different story. :scratch_head:

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Well I 'm glad I finished up two returns other than the three-fer that was going to be easy; one of those is giving me serious grief via the software.  Client no longer needs a Sch C, and I keep deleting the information from the screen and it comes back!  Then tells me I have an error because there is no income.  Even tech support it stumped on this one (Drake, not ATX -- I'm still waiting for my guaranteed-within-48-hours callback from ATX from Feb 2013).

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Catherine, I had a return where I was having trouble removing an input screen and was coming back after I'd delete it.  It turned out that the problem was a linked form that that main form was connected to, so when I'd delete it, the program would see the other form and add it back in.  It might have been an asset on the depreciation screen that was linked to a schedule C or something like that. It can also be a state code up at the top where if a state form is linked to it, the same thing will happen.  Look around in that input for something along those lines and I bet you'll find the source of your trouble.

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Catherine, I had a return where I was having trouble removing an input screen and was coming back after I'd delete it.  It turned out that the problem was a linked form that that main form was connected to, so when I'd delete it, the program would see the other form and add it back in.  It might have been an asset on the depreciation screen that was linked to a schedule C or something like that. It can also be a state code up at the top where if a state form is linked to it, the same thing will happen.  Look around in that input for something along those lines and I bet you'll find the source of your trouble.


Or a 1099 Miscellaneous input screen........or an automobile mileage screen.......

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