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"But they won't withhold more than that"


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Client always whines because she owes.  They have several 1099-Rs with little or no withholding.  Same with W-2s.  I tell them every year it would be good to have more withheld.  OK, they say.  No, they never have more withheld. 

So, today she actually tells me, "But they won't withhold more than that".  Mmmm hmmmm.  I Google "How do I have more withheld from my (insert name of company) retirement?"  I print the W-4Ps and addresses for all the companies.  Print W-4s, too, and highlight line 6. 

It's one thing to ignore my advice, it's another to treat me like a fool. 

It was worth a Google.  No, no forms with get completed.  But it's not wasting time if you enjoy it.  It was the same feeling you get when you mess with scammers.  It was worth it. 



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I get what you are saying. But sometimes, nay, most of the time, the client believes what he is telling you.  He probably has received multiple W-4Ps from the pension/IRA places but said "what the heck is this form for?".  And unless he asked you at the time, it just went into the file or the round file, never to be thought about again.  The longer I am in this business, the more I understand the client mindset.  The client, unlike you and I, usually has a very strong aversion to anything tax and IRS related.  I cannot tell you how many times I have had a client tell me they got a letter from the IRS when it was really from the State.  But they BELIEVED it was from the IRS.  I had one client recently bring the "IRS" notice in and argued with me that it was from the IRS - even after I pointed out that the letter was from the State.  And my clients are not stupid.  They just do not want to deal with anything tax related.

Anyway - on another note. I am down to my last ten returns - none of which are in-house yet.  Seeing how today is the sixth of October, it is highly likely that those ten returns will go delinquent.  I do not do overtime in October.

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51 minutes ago, rfassett said:

I get what you are saying. But sometimes, nay, most of the time, the client believes what he is telling you.

You may be right.  When I asked her if there were assets in her farm Maintenance and Repair, she said, "Yes, $2,000 for bathroom remodeling." 

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Rfassett, thanks for that insight into the client mindset.  We do need to put ourselves in their shoes more often.  Of course they jump to the conclusion that a tax letter is from the IRS even though it's from the state, because the IRS is most fearful in their minds.  And of course they deliver to us any correspondence that has numbers on it  (property re-evaluations, insurance bills, etc), ask us questions about working and taking Social Security, whatever.  Our receptionist pointed this out to me this week.  I had had it with clients who haven't paid their state registration fees and secretary of state fees for a few years and get furious with us for "our" omission.  Excuse me, we don't renew your sales tax license or driver's license or law license or medical license, why are we responsible for renewing your business license?  The recept made me see it in layman's terms:  You get a notice that says "tax" or looks like a bill from the state, and you assume your trusty accountant is handling it.  We don't pay their bills, but they just don't see it that way when it looks like a tax TO THEM even though it isn't.

Maybe we should get certified to issue marriage licenses and to register motor vehicles too.  It would make our clients' live so much easier.  Heck, Block is offering to renew ITINs for free.

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1 hour ago, Catherine said:

Absolutely NOT!  Their shoes are clueless (and probably have Athlete's Foot).  What we have to do is understand what it's like to stand in those shoes.  But I ain't puttin' 'em on. No way, no how!


I agree!  I am NOT a babysitter!  9 1/2 months is enough time for ANYONE!  I have even resorted to telling people the deadline is still Aug. 15.  Guess when they bring me their information???

Intentionally Apathetically Ignorant and Clueless!!  

I just fired 2 clients this week because I could not complete their just provided documentation completed in one day.  I told them where the closest H&R is located.

I'll bet they pay their Cable TV, Internet and Cell phone bills on time!!

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