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not sure if this is a relevant topic for this forum. Does anyone have experience changing from ATX Max to Drake. Can I import ATX backup file directly to Drake or is there any guidance on how to convert backup files from ATX to be able to upload/import to Drake? 

Thank you!


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You will use their Conversion Tool.  It's pretty simple, biggest problem will be with your depreciation.  You will need to check it carefully.  My problem wasn't with the figures but if you have both Schedule C and Schedule E you will have to link them, also if you have more than one Schedule C or more than one Rental Property, you will have to assign numbers.  But like mentioned, there are several of us using it and will be more than happy to assist, Drake also has great customer support!

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I switched several years ago after 20 years with ATX. As Deb said the conversion program works well. If I remember correctly there  were several of the less common carryforwards

that didn't convert completely. The reason for the depreciation issues is that Drake depreciation program has more parameters, fields etc so there is no way to convert more than the basic

depreciation data, therefore you have to go thru each asset in order to finish the setup. I'll admit that Drake has several annoying idiosyncrasies. Also, even though it's my 3rd year with Drake,

it still takes me a bit longer to prepare a return in Drake than it would in ATX. I have no regrets about making the switch. There were a number of threads in 2018 and 2019 that will

give you more feedback.


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15 hours ago, cl2019 said:

Can anyone comment on what options are there for payroll return filing if convert from atx to drake? Atx payroll software is pretty handy I have to say. Does drake have similar soft ware? Or other online services? Thanks

Again, please check the earlier discussion threads.

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I'll chime in, too.  The conversion program is pretty darn good, and will take your 2019 returns and put them into Drake 2019, ready to roll forward.  Depreciation is always the hard one, no matter WHAT software you are switching to or from.  Convert all your completed returns now, and spend the post-Oct 15th deadline time fixing depreciation errors. 

Also view your completed returns IN Drake and make sure they match what they showed in ATX.  Most of them will (or, have taxable income and total tax within a buck or two - close enough!).  The few that don't will have some issue or other - track 'em down this year.

Play with some of the test returns to get a feel for Drake.  The most annoying thing for me when I switched (mid-Feb 2013, during the 2012 season database debacle) was having to "view" the return when I wanted to see the form (instead of the data entry screens).  However, Drake calculates and views the return faster than ATX changes screens, so it was more a problem in my head than an actual issue.  YMMV.

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3 hours ago, Catherine said:

I'll chime in, too.  The conversion program is pretty darn good, and will take your 2019 returns and put them into Drake 2019, ready to roll forward.  Depreciation is always the hard one, no matter WHAT software you are switching to or from.  Convert all your completed returns now, and spend the post-Oct 15th deadline time fixing depreciation errors. 

Also view your completed returns IN Drake and make sure they match what they showed in ATX.  Most of them will (or, have taxable income and total tax within a buck or two - close enough!).  The few that don't will have some issue or other - track 'em down this year.

Play with some of the test returns to get a feel for Drake.  The most annoying thing for me when I switched (mid-Feb 2013, during the 2012 season database debacle) was having to "view" the return when I wanted to see the form (instead of the data entry screens).  However, Drake calculates and views the return faster than ATX changes screens, so it was more a problem in my head than an actual issue.  YMMV.

Thank you, Catherine for the detailed guidance. 

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