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Everything posted by mrichman333

  1. Sure you can trust the Government, Just ask an American Indian
  2. I have been trying to find just such a place. I could only find a site for companies listed on the stock exchange.
  3. I have one filed 2/5. Same thing IRS no help. It appears the EIC checklist got attached to her return even though credit was not taken. I was told it was put on hold with all the other EIC returns "TILL WE FIGURE OUT WHAT TO DO WITH THEM" Kid you not. Called a month ago with the client, explained the check list should never had been attached, was told by the IRS rep. she put in a request to reprocess return. It appears the Government is really -------- over poor folks. Still no refund. single woman AGI of 15,000.
  4. This is true and not only in America; Australia did the same to the aborigines and New Zealand To the Maori….. But that was hundreds of years ago and none us today were a party to it any More than we were a party to slavery. The truth is the country is broke and there are not enough jobs for the people Who are already here. And we can’t just let anyone who wants to walk across the border. They could be just hard working people or they could be child molesters. If we don’t have control of our border we will have chaos. If we allowed everyone who wanted to come here, to come. How many people do you suppose that would be? Most of Central/South America? Most of Africa? ……… And what about people overseas? They can’t walk in, is it fair Central and South Americans Should be able to jump in front of them? I have a friend in Kenya that has been trying for over 10 years to come for a visit.
  5. Did a 1099 for this year. But if he keeps doing that the IRS will eventually realize he is an employee and not a independent contractor.
  6. With One Desk to tramsmit directly to the IRS. The longest I waited for a acceptance is 5 minutes
  7. I wonder how much the software will cost, I couldn't find it on the wabsite
  8. I just want to say that I am glad I found this board. You folks are great
  9. No, I am using One Desk and it transmits directly to the IRS
  10. It was the return, and I had rejects for wrong DOB also this year. No dependents
  11. He is the biggest racist I ever met, uses the N word every other word calls the mexicans N, and arabs Sand N. And I was just trying to figure out what the heck the IRS was thinking, what was their logic? Really, give them a ITIN so they can pay taxes on the money they make for working ilegally, but keep it ileagl to hire them.. Hu
  12. It is just NUTS! From the IRS If you hire employees there is information that you need to secure for your records and forms that you must complete. Eligibility to Work in the United States Employee's Social Security Number (SSN) employee's Withholding Do not accept an ITIN in place of an SSN for employee identification or for work. An ITIN is only available to resident and nonresident aliens who are not eligible for U.S. employment and need identification for other tax purposes. http://www.irs.gov/Businesses/Small-Businesses-&-Self-Employed/Hiring-Employees
  13. I have a customer that wants me to do is payroll, which includes TAXES. I discovered one worker has a ITIN. He is not in the country legally. The IRS (the TAXing athority) say employeed must have SS# and not ITINS Summary: The July 7, 2011, report of the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration provides summary data from IRS tax returns that show illegal immigrants collected far more in dollars from the IRS than they paid in federal income taxes for each year in the period of 2005-2010, the total six-year net benefit amounting to about $7.3 billion. http://www.cis.org/child-tax-credits-2011
  14. ITINs have also been criticized for their use by illegal immigrants and undocumented workers. A report last year from the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration found that individuals who are not authorized to work in the United States were paid $4.2 billion in refundable tax credits such as the Additional Child Tax Credit in 2010 because they were able to file tax returns using an ITIN (see Illegal Workers Got $4.2 Billion in Tax Credits).
  15. But you can NOT hire them legally. You can NOT W-2 them with a ITIN. So where is the sence in that. Try and cross the Mexican boarder ilegaly, on the Southern Boarder of Mexico they have their army posted there and will shoot and put you in jail . I'm sorry they live in a poor country, but that dosn't mean you get to come here without the right papers etc. Try and cross the N. Kerean boader and tell them your not doing anything ilegal.
  16. So I didn’t have a customer’s DOB so I entered mine so I could proceed to the next page. I planned to change it once I got the DOB from him. Well I forgot and I transmitted the Return and it was accepted with the wrong DOB
  17. It might be posion, or something else. I wouldn't eat it
  18. Oh, I read it all, I just can't believe it. Like this part "Federal tax law prohibits the IRS from sharing data with other government agencies including the Department of Homeland Security, assuring unauthorized aliens that the tax information will be confidential and will not be used to initiate removal procedures” “Unauthorized aliens” = ILEGAL ONLY IN AMERICA!!!!!!
  19. mrichman333


    My only experience with ITINs are for spouses with no income. Now I have a contractor that wants to start w-2ing his employees and one has a ITIN. Help me with this. An ITIN allows a person to pay taxes but not to work in the USA. It’s not to be used outside the tax system, but illegal immigrants are using them to open bank accounts and get credit. You can be in the country illegally and get a ITIN You cannot W-2 and legally hire a person with a ITIN they nust have a S.S.#
  20. My guy is a Obama tax hike lover. Everyone should pay his fair share, yet he wanted me to include his vitemins as medical expense. Not sure how he gets around this. Could be he has fallen through the cracks and they'll catch up with him sooner or latter.
  21. I asked again about it and was told that it would be with the return when efiled. Ha. I need to see the list and so does my client. And I don't want to trust that the details will be efiled and not just the totals.
  22. It seems the ones who really need it don't get it, or don't get enough.
  23. This is just a rant. I started doing the return of a guy who was born 1951 with his 2010 return. I have copy of his 2009 return. In 09 he was receiving S.S disability of $22,660, had $122,106 in W-2 earnings In 10 ………………………………….. 27,522 51,857 In 11 27,556 51,857 In 12 28,574 99,037 My opinion the system stinks. If he can earn even the lower $51,857 why the heck do the Rest of have to help support him. The first three years you can make as much as you want while on S.S. disability. WHAT THE HECK!!!! His wife does not work. He had about $7,000 in dividend and Interest income. And when he was in my office he was complain about how unfair the tax system is, and that Mitt Romney should pay more. GEZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
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