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Everything posted by michaelmars

  1. THANKS, wonder why atx isn't adding those forms automatically!
  2. i never efiled a business return and i know that ATX isn't adding all the forms it is supposed to when you click on the efile button. Are there any signature forms or anything i need for these returns such as the 8879 ?
  3. Does anyone have any info as to when these will be available?
  4. just a reminder to put, at the very least, your home state in your profile. It will certainly help in solicitating help on state issues or on state functionality of the program.
  5. An i jaded by Long Island rates but except for maybe trailerparks, are anyones real estate taxes less than $1000. i think we are safe just puting in the max of 500/1000 for 90% of our standard deduction clients and only have to get real numbers from those in small co-ops etc.
  6. thanks everyone, going to risk installing now!
  7. actually i meant that the original puter would become the server and later on i might want to add workstations. i would like to know if i can do this without uninstalling since then i lose all my customizations.
  8. I AGree no return required but still get appraisals on the real estate and stock, the wife still gets a partial step-up. in Preferences there is an option to print "0" on all blank lines.
  9. Does anyoneknow if you can install on a puter and later on decide to make it a network?
  10. michaelmars


    DEAR This letter is to confirm our understanding of the terms of our agreement and outline the nature and extent of the services we will provide. Based on the information you furnish, we will prepare your Federal and applicable State (s) and local income tax returns for the year ending DECEMBER 31, 2007. We will not audit or verify the data you submit to us, unless otherwise engaged, although we may ask you for clarification when necessary. All the information you submit will, to the best of your knowledge, be correct and complete and include all other information necessary for the completion of your tax returns. We will also prepare estimated tax vouchers if required, based on your tax return. If you anticipate a substantial change in income or withholding, please advise us so that we can determine if an adjustment should be made to your estimated taxes. If you request us to prepare estimates from information other than your 2007 tax return you may be liable for underpayment of estimated tax penalties. Your returns are subject to review by the taxing authorities. In the event of an examination, we will be available upon request to represent you, or to review the results of any examination. Billing for these additional services will be at agreed upon rates. Income tax regulations provide that the preparer of tax returns may not ignore the implications of information furnished, and must make reasonable inquiries of the taxpayer (s) if the information appears incorrect or incomplete, and must make inquiry as to the documentation maintained and receive a reasonable response before claiming certain deductions. Signing below confirms to us that you are aware of the expense deductions claimed as to which documentation and adequate records are required, and are available in support of such deductions. You also confirm that you are responsible for retaining copies of your tax returns and supporting documentation for the statutory periods which are never less than 3 years from the date you file your return. We recommend you retain your tax returns indefinitely and all other financial records at least 7 years. You have the final responsibility for your returns. Please review them carefully before you submit them. Please be advised that we will be unable to process your tax return if you fail to return this letter to us duly signed and dated. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, MICHAEL B. MARGOLIS, C.P.A., PC I CONFIRM THE ABOVE: __________________________________ SIGNATURE __________________________ DATE
  11. YOU have to set it up in Preferences to print.
  13. I haven't re-upped yet, anyone know if this form is available yet for efile?
  14. ANYone have any imput on this program for time and billing?
  15. has anyone gotten any more info yet from ATX as to there ability to do this timely this year? comments from a few weeks ago weren't too encouraging.
  17. One of my partners lost at least $3mil so did a few clients and others i know, its gonna be a real interesting holiday season! maybe they'll get .10 on the dollar. -JUST venting
  18. KC -Perhaps this topic should be pinned so we can find it later if need it!
  19. omg! gasp, is KC a turncoat and checking the boards on the dark side? {jk}
  20. Anyone in NY find out yet if ATX is supporting the new efile mandates for business entities?
  21. thanks for the offer but i am still mostly paper and i would need a preparer that could look back at prior years info and my notes etc. plus with the hellish of printing atx returns i am also looking for someone that would print out and present me with finished product after my review. -michael
  22. Great response! "Enhanced K-1 input Worksheet including ability to delete columns" i fought for this for a long time with both William and Tom Perry, this is a great fix. ANYTHING NEW IN THE PRINTING? [global defaults, better state attachments, easier collating?]
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