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Everything posted by michaelmars

  1. are your balance sheet fixed assets diff than 4562 [you didn't enter fully depr items or land for example.
  2. sorry david the nol is from the estate and isn't lost, its atx that i sscrewing up by not distributing it in a final k-1
  3. i am doing the final year of an estate return which has unutilized nol's. i can't get these to flow to the k-1. all the bunny hops just bring me around in a circle from the 1041 to the k-1 back to the 1041. i can't find where there is a blue field to enter them on the k-1 nor can i find a check box anywhere telling the program to distribute them. Thanks all.
  4. I try and get them to make a list at time of donation but generally use 100-150 per bag depending on the clients lifestyle etc.
  5. glad you had a nice conversation but are they going to make the fix timely?
  6. don't rush to file S election. if the corp does have losses you can lower w-2 income for 2009 and the profit will not be taxed until the NOL is used up... the very first step is to get the prior years up to date.
  7. bene can disclaim his inheritance as for the value how do you get 16m?
  8. amend - wait a few weeks too so the returns don't cross in the irs system
  9. doesn;t sound like cap gain to me, the business was rehabing the houses that makes it all ordinary income and even if cap gain - if they sell in less than a year then short term anyway and the only issue is se tax
  10. who or what would you call a professional. there are tabletop preparers who know more than cpa's and cpa's and ea's that don;t know jack. look at the questions here and on the atx community to see what i mean. to me Professional is an attitude, someone who strives to do the best and is constantly looking to increase knowledge and skills.
  11. the gov gets about 20% depending on tax bracket, so mail them the tires a fender and one seat. done taxes paid
  12. let the auditor know that neither you nor the wife were involved in the record keeping and returns were prepared based on submitted info only. also don't sweat it, unless the c corp has assets that the wife hopes to eventually get, the irs can make any assessment they want and they won't collect a dime. c corp taxes don't pass through to the shareholder except for some payroll and sales issues. does the wife file married filing separate? that would be a big plus too incase they do assess payroll tax deficiencies, on the "contractors"
  13. what about tax prep fees, i make sure mine are over the 2%, i just love giving my clients a tax deduction.
  14. It appear the previous cpa didn't include all sales and took credits etc. the forms are fine but fiquring out what to report with in-house, takeout and liquor etc sales. Either this is extremely complicated or the prior did it wrong because i can't figure out what he reported even though the monthly sales reports were stapled to the clients sales tax forms.
  15. a staffer is trying to do her first arizona sales tax and the prior filings don't make sense to us. Is there anyone familiar with the monthly sales tax report for a restaurant that we can call for some guidence? we are in NY and this is our first one and its due the 20th. thanks -michael
  16. form update says version 6 is efilable support says its not efilable and not even planned, there goes efiling any ny corp who purchased assets in the past couple of years.
  17. KEN-THERE IS an option in the preferences to leave the print window open after printing, its great for this because i don't have reselect the forms i want, just unselect the filing/client copies and reprint the state from accountant copy, only takes 2 clicks to get the right state forms. also anyone else pissed off that when you print a federal to go with the state for corps you only get the tax forms and not the statements? makes that option stupid since the states want a complete fed return
  18. if you all have this problem how come Tom Perry, the printing ace at atx told me he never heard of ANYONE but me having the problem? when you all have these bugs do you just do work arounds or do you complain to atx. i've had them fix many bugs that ifind but not when they say its an isolated case. if you all complain too maybe they will look into it, at least for next year. on another software i wrote in about a bug[suggestion to] they called me back 2 days later and said they got 20 or so comments like mine and are going to make it a priority. the more that complain, the faster things get fixed or added to the program.
  19. based on my experience that won't help, the same return may or may not print right each time you try. its more a communication problem at time of printing i think.
  20. my vacum cleaner is a nice lil old lady that comes in 2x a week - Can i sec 179 her?
  21. you are full of it Ken, according to atx that is impossible <vbs> i tried to get them to address it many times last year and the year before. [before that it was never a problem] i get it mostly on business returns, individuals are fine. i most have posted 10 times about the issue on the old board too. i see you don't get the clients copy, i only don't get the filing copy-go figure
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