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Everything posted by schirallicpa

  1. a couple years ago someone on this forum shared info about a drop box that they had installed where their clients could leave their many piles of papers. It was a decent size and not a mailbox. I am wondering if that person - or anyone else who has one - could share info again as to where they obtained it and how they installed it. I previously was in an office wherre there was a very large mail slot in the bottom of the door. Now I have moved, and my mail box has limited slot space.
  2. well - received a 1099 from Seneca Gambling. Apparently, your name was entered each time you played certain games at the casino. 1099 was for 20K. The marina that provided the boat , bought it back for 16K a few months later, because client did not want boat. So client gets stuck paying tax on 20, even though in the end they only got 16K. But - still - they got 16K more than I did...............
  3. hmmm.....gambling on a boat doesn't cut the mustard for investing???????
  4. would let me select "mailing in" and then fill in the address to mail it to. If i deselect anything, it still says efiling, and then I try to eliminate the EF forms, and get errors. we always have to resort to hand typing letters when the forms have to be mailed.
  5. thank you! Used to dealing with IRS and NYS - file POA and then can handle situation in full. I don't know why PA doesn't handle in same way. I will give them a call and see where I get. thanks.
  6. I have not dealt with PA too much, although right over the border in NYS. I have tried to file a power of atty for my corporate client, and it was sent back with a letter stating that they will only accept POA if they request it. Well - thats not helping! My client isn't dealing with the problem - I am, and they have not acknowledged my letters because they are from me, not the corp, Very frustrating. How can I get to someone in PA DOR that will help?
  7. It's spooky quiet here today. We did all the extensions, and have had a couple people drop off info even though they are on ext. I'm just exhausted. you never realize how tired you are til you are done. Then you hit the wall.
  8. gotta love the 8582. 2 years from now you'll have this nice extra loss offset that you forgot about....because they had passive income again. I had a doctor play that game for a long time with a partnership he was involved in. Then a few years later he started renting his old house and moved to the country. And wha-la - we finally got our passive losses coming back. It actually turned out well for him. He was planning ahead.
  9. you have to pay to pick up your returns. you have to bring back your signed forms before i will efile. have extended credit to "friends" in the past only to be stuck. the only people that i will efile without money are very closely related, and i still require their forms. even mom's. for some reason these people are able to go to kmart and buy stuff when they want. i'm sure they can pay for their tax return.
  10. I have a preacher who makes 6 digits, the church bought him an SUV a couple years ago. Now the church is buying him a house. And i live in rural western NYS!!
  11. you gotta hate eating chocolate at your desk and accidentally having a piece drop between your legs onto the chair. Then, by the end of the day you have this nice little brown spot on your fanny. it's usually popcorn on my desk.......... :pop: :pop:
  12. I recently found a very rotten apple behind my pile of reference books on the desk behind me. I kept thinking I smelled something......................
  13. Funny how i knew someone was going to tell me what i already was pretending not to know. :pop:
  14. can i whine now - or just file extension. No one will have this info easily................ :scratch_head:
  15. I have a lot of PA non-resident returns because we are close to the border. Used to be PA was super easy and always filled in properly. Now it has become a PITA and opens every version of the federal form you have open. And the simple little PA w-2 that you want to flow over, doesn't flow over anymore. So you have to go in and override numbers and delete all these extra forms. Not sure why they changed all that. When you have NYS resident return open, and mark PA as non-resident, only the input that indicates PA should flow to PA. It's been a time waster this year.
  16. so how do you claim husband as "dependent", and not file joint return? (not that i haven't felt my husband is a bit dependent sometimes.......)
  17. i just about came unglued today when i found my secretary tapping up receipts out of a grocery bag. So many better clients in the pile - who will come back next year..............
  18. Always see some small amounts here and there as liquidating. This on totals about 92K. So i get a warning that i may need to report on Sch D. Client is older than dirt and investments are handled by a trustee, i think. On the one hand it makes sense that it may be reportable on Sch D. On the other hand - wouldn't i have gotten a 1099B?
  19. had one last year - no problem.
  20. actually - the new building is held personally. But.....my point being we could have deferred gain...........................
  21. ok - i appreciate your quick answer. (after spending how long trolling thru pubs) wow - i thought it was deductible on A. I think i'll let that slide on last years. Thank you!!!!! :) :pop:
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