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I don't know how much longer I can be 'Nice'


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Me calling client:  Did you make estimated payments for 2015?  (New client, so I did not set them up.)

Client - somewhat haughtily:  Yes I did, the information is in the packet I dropped off for you. 

Me:  Do you think I would call you if the information was in the packet you dropped off for me?



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Told a client right before lunch that he owes $12k - threw a fit.

Last year he owed $11k, made more money this year, didn't change his W4 or make estimated taxes like I told him to do last year when he threw a fit.

I reminded him of all this and asked "did you think this was mysteriously going to get paid by someone else?"


I doubt he comes back next year.

How do you live in the mid-west, make $300k per year, have a healthy family and NOT save any money? He said they would be withdrawing the last of their retirement funds to pay taxes. Mind boggling for a 47 year old.

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Way too many people live above their means succumbing to the constant barrage of advertising and envy of what others have (whether or not actually paid for).  We've known for some time that we have lived quite a bit below putting as much into retirement as possible.  As my husband is retiring the end of June, it was gratifying to hear the advisor remark that we must have been living below our means for years as it appears we are covered for 30+ years.  My son was likely relieved when I told him that while he may end up choosing our nursing home, at least he won't have to pay for it.

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1 hour ago, Margaret CPA in OH said:

Way too many people live above their means succumbing to the constant barrage of advertising and envy of what others have (whether or not actually paid for).  We've known for some time that we have lived quite a bit below putting as much into retirement as possible.  As my husband is retiring the end of June, it was gratifying to hear the advisor remark that we must have been living below our means for years as it appears we are covered for 30+ years.  My son was likely relieved when I told him that while he may end up choosing our nursing home, at least he won't have to pay for it.

Yes, I was raised to live this way.  I thought 1970 was the Great Depression.   No, it was just that my daddy socked away money so nobody would have to pay his bills later.  I hope to do the same for my kids.  If I can just get this last one through school...

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Friends think I'm broke because we save so much.

Since I was 22 years of age I've been 100% commission or similar salary structure (like anyone who is self employed). It makes you consider the risks to that income and the uncertainty of your income stream. 

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I used to be much better at saving money. Now it seems I've always got those unexpected bills:  vet bills, sidewalk repairs, still paying on the HVAC unit I put in one of my rentals over 2 years ago. 

But I have about half of what I need for retirement in actual retirement accounts and the rest in real estate equity, so I don't feel like I'm bad off, except when I'm scrounging money in December and January. 

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My husband goes too long without shaving, and during the day, he is running around working on our rental properties (or at least that's the excuse he gives), so he wears crummy jeans and a ratty t-shirt.  Since I am up to my ears in taxes, he took our 10 year old son to work at the Interdenominational Nutrition Kitchen, which my Son does once a month.  Someone looked up, saw my husband standing there, and said, 'I'm sorry, Sir.  We're not serving until 1:00!'  These are people from our Church!

It actually shocked him (my husband) a bit, but it made me laugh until I cried when my Son told me the story.  My husband could look a little better even if he is working!

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So throw away the worst teeshirts, and worst jeans, replace them with some nice ones.  He'll then wear the next worst, but those will still be better.  Do this three times, over the next 9 months, and he'll be down to decent clothing at least, to go with the unshaven look.  :lol:

Spread out over time that way he probably won;t even notice, so not feel manipulated.  


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