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  1. Thanks for the well wishes...... I've been getting very frustrated the past few years....with being "the tax police" for eitc....."obamacare".....no phone service at IRS.....and the list goes on. I had been trying to phase out......and as soon as I heard the C word....I cancelled anything I ordered for the upcoming season and wrote an "away message" on my e-mail with a couple of referrals. The man who bought the business is absolutely perfect for my clientele. And for those who can't/won't/don't e-mail....he has an office in the most convenient and central location here. Finding him, and a quick sale was truly a sign from the cosmos........... (It took DH 6 years to sell his business...at a price much lower than he wanted.)
    4 points
  2. I had my own return finished, but I always like a final look over before hitting the button. One of my perennial late filers got caught on I-80 on the wrong side of an accident that closed the freeway for over 10 hours. She found a way around and I got her filed around 9pm. Got a couple 8879s in TODAY that had been mailed from Oakland on the 14th. This is someone under the age of 30. Snail mail, really? Why not just take a damn picture with your cell and text it to me like some of my much older clients will?
    2 points
  3. MsTabbyKats, Margaret expressed beautifully and exactly my sentiments in her post above. I wish you well on your journey through treatments, that it is without complication and is as pain-free as is possible, and that your return to full health is swift. I, too, hope you will keep in touch with us here even though you will no longer be practicing.
    2 points
  4. Dear MsTabby Kats, I am so sorry to hear of this development. I certainly pray for the outcome predicted and congratulate you on your decision to step away from unneeded stress. How wonderful that things with your practice worked out so well and so quickly! Sometimes it seems this was just waiting in the wings and right choice. I do hope this doesn't mean we won't still be hearing from you. When you are back to normal, do let us know and let us support you on the journey. And let the buyer know of this great group, too. Hugs from afar...
    2 points
  5. Sorry to hear that, I know exactly how it feels to hear the C word, and don't wish it on anyone. But I'll keep you in mt prayers, and hope all the news stays good going forward. And I think you made the right business decision too. Time to focus on what really matters, and step away from the stress of tax season. But don't drop us, you are still welcome here!
    1 point
  6. I could not say it better. Margaret and Judy expressed my thoughts eloquently. My prayers are with you and with your family and with your whole medical team. And, you're always a member of this community.
    1 point
  7. I did expect an emergency - and we have had upheaval lately; my mother-in-law just passed on about two weeks ago - so I jumped up and grabbed the phone. Caller ID showed the client's name and I refused to answer it at that point because I did NOT trust my temper not to verbally rip her a new one right then and there. No guns unless my life is threatened - this stupid state will take ANY excuse for trying to take them away from me. Unlike Texas, we don't have a "he needed killing" as a valid defense.
    1 point
  8. If my home phone rings at 4:20 AM it is an emergency. It was either an emergency when the caller dialed or it is going to be an emergency after I answer. Either way, it will be an emergency. You have shown great restraint. I expected to read a story involving a gun.
    1 point
  9. I had the MOST amazingly inconsiderate client call. 4:20AM. Two calls (with messages) to my business line at my office. One call (with a long, rambling message) to my HOUSE PHONE (how this nitwit got that is anyone's guess, I surely did NOT give it to her!) also at 4:20AM. Then two MORE calls; one at my home office phone (please note NOT my house phone), the other at my regular office, at 9:28AM. All this morning. Believe it or not they were thank you calls for sending her some info on whatever... with a notation that she waited until after 10/15 so I wouldn't be so busy (yeah; four and a half hours after). Then she called AGAIN at 11:15AM and this time I took the call. Told her I was very glad that the information was helpful, but that calls at 4:20AM are not now and will NEVER be acceptable, to ANY of my phone lines but most especially to the house line. That she woke up the whole family and if it happens again, she will NOT be a client of mine from that point forward. Her lame excuse? "I thought it was 4:30PM." Yeah; right. If she is that crazy she belongs in an institution.
    1 point
  10. Thanx, everyone, for all your thoughts!
    1 point
  11. Lion - hopefully your identity theft is of the "soft" variety. Meaning that someone used your ssn to apply for a governmental refund and that is where it stopped. We had two of these this year (clients, not mine) and ironically they were from the same neighborhood - almost next door neighbors. I had them check with their banks, credit card issuers and review their credit report and there was no further suspicious activity. So I had them file the Form 14039, which is pretty slam dunk and paper file the returns. One of them filed in late July, had a 7,000 refund coming and is still waiting for the money. You need to file the 14039, paper file your returns, and get out of dodge. Wait, did you hear that? I think I heard Avery say something.........gama????????????????????? Judy - I am sorry to hear about your puppy. These are very difficult times for you. I feel your pain! And finally, these pesky clients almost made me not get my own 1040 filed timely. I finally sent that at 4:20 yesterday afternoon. Fortunately I had already filed my six entity returns and it was just the 1040 remaining. I usually spend most of October 15th working on that. Anticipating a crazy 15th, I had it pretty well put together a couple of weeks ago. But still, who do those clients think they are that can tread on MY time?
    1 point
  12. Go see your granddaughter. All the latecomers can bloody well WAIT -- after all, they have been making YOU wait for months! As for your own return; send it on paper and file all the "someone used my ssn" paperwork AFTER you cuddle that baby. Consider it an order, so clients who fuss can be told, "Sorry, I am required to be elsewhere."
    1 point
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