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Margaret CPA in OH

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Everything posted by Margaret CPA in OH

  1. Thanks, ed_accountant, for the general number. The one I listed above may have been for a special purpose. I called E-Services as I was having problems entering several online. I then was told to fax them to the number I listed with the title, Internal Revenue CAF Unit. I apparently assumed incorrectly that the number was the principal fax number. Where did you find/get the number that you have? Mine did process in 1-2 days sent to the number I listed. Maybe the database is really centralized after all with multiple ways to access...you think?
  2. I recently faxed several to Internal Revenue Service CAF Unit 1.901.546.4115 per a level 2 support technician. I believe it takes only a couple of days for them to log in. I wasn't in a great hurry, though.
  3. :bday: celebrate with gusto! And have many more such days!
  4. Agree to all and you don't even remember that you used to have as you have now reached a 'new normal," a great place to be!
  5. I received that as well. I seem to recall when all the todo was going on, some mention of TRX developing their own and/or the Pro would be Taxwise plus the trial balance and other add ons which comprise the full blown package from ATX. Or I could be completely wrong, too! It will be interesting to see just what that is. Maybe time to contact our member, Braeden Kehoe, who was so active back then with explanations.
  6. I'm with you on the retirement thing, Taxbilly! I used to have a NY client but she moved to VA so now know to pass on anyone else who might need a NY return. My venue will be the ocean, mostly underwater.
  7. And I wish all those while I am diving in the Banda Sea near Indonesia from Sept.19-Oct.7. It's finally my vacation and I am scrambling to finish my very last extended return so I can pack. Have a wonderful birthday all!
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