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Margaret CPA in OH

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Everything posted by Margaret CPA in OH

  1. We are all thankful for the success of your surgery. I, for one, admire you and all who have had this done and then shared the good news as a result. I am nearly blind in one eye from untreated amblyopia and am nervously anticipating the surgery on the good eye. It is so scary because, should anything happen to that one, I would be blind. Your positive experience is a good sign! Continued good healing to you and your husband!
  2. I echo the above sentiments and envy those who have mastered the skills to insert color and size changes. Maybe 2010 will bring my skills up to that level. I looked at the options, tried some and failed miserably. So imagine large, colorful letters wishing you all Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year!
  3. Who needs reality shows on television? The bonus is that we actually learn some things along the way. It is interesting to follow the thought trains of some very bright minds, too!
  4. :bday: and many more! Let us hear from you soon!
  5. Woo Hoo! Another great milestone reached! Congratulations and indeed many thanks for sharing your wisdom, support and erudite comments over 1500 times!
  6. Yes, Gail and Taxbilly, that is the way to do it. I've noticed that in some other places, too. So if a link doesn't work, I always check to see what is missing in the string and copy and paste in the url bar.
  7. Check this link: http://www.irs.gov/efile/article/0,,id=98368,00.html I think you will find all the answers there. Directly but with a provider, it seems.
  8. In ATX you can efile a Pin Registration for Form(s) 940/941/944. The client will have to sign for you to efile but then they will receive from IRS a 10 digit PIN number in a few weeks. There is likely a paper option but I have only done this online - easier. If you are a reporting agent, file a Form 8655 (http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f8655.pdf)for each client. You will be sent a 5 digit PIN as a reporting agent for all clients for whom you are a reporting agent.
  9. I don't use a particular program to accomplish what I think you are describing. When I have different applications open, I just reduce the size to drag to the monitor of choice. The next time it is opened, it will be on that monitor. I adjust the desktop by adjusting the settings for each. Since I normally use the 800x600 size due to bad eyes, sometimes an internet site won't work well. So I change the properties for that monitor only as needed and change back when I wish. No special program.
  10. I don't have the same thing on my two monitors. I have my "complete" desktop on my "main" monitor and only what I choose on the second one. When I work myself on tax returns, I have the prior year on the right and current on the left. When I have a client in to see their return (rare because I do nearly everything online), they only see the monitor I choose them to see. All day I have the internet browser on the right with 2 constant tabs - my homepage and ATXCommunity. On the left I have my email client (Eudora) and most of whatever I am working on at the moment. That could be a document, spreadsheet, QB or other program (although I nearly always have the QB programs on the right). At any time I can minimize any program and drag to the other monitor if the arrangement is better for a given task. I wouldn't go back to a single monitor for anything.
  11. Ah, yes, I like to think we think alike. I, too, have a folder with PY ATX and my multiple QB versions. Because I now use dual monitors and am working towards less paper, I have the icons for the current and immediate past year both. I have current year open on main monitor and prior year on second monitor for reference instead of a paper copy. And I have the original client documents on my desk or in a scanned file if they have only sent attached or faxed copies.
  12. I hope and trust that others will be able to assist you. I had "my computer guy" set it up. He has built all my computers for the last 5 or so years so I trust him implicitly. I also call with questions from time to time and he doesn't charge me. And now he even has remote access - so cool!
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