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Everything posted by Catherine

  1. He could go to the roofing manufacturer. Years ago I got money towards a new roof, courtesy of a class-action suit against the shingle manufacturer for faulty shingles. 40-year shingles should not fail after only 11 years. Catherine
  2. We used to put cream and chocolate syrup on bowls of fresh snow, and stir them all up.
  3. Thank you, KC! I read the bleeping thing five times and missed that bit. Catherine
  4. Watch for the viral video soon -- something my girls and I made up years ago on Groundhog Day, stuck in the car somewhere. (to the tune of "Deck the Halls") 'Tis the season to eat groudhog Fa la la la la, la la la la If the groundhog sees his shadow Fa la la la la, la la la la There will be lots more winter Fa la la, la la la, la la la Instead, let's have groundhog for dinner! Fa la la la la, la la la la!
  5. I got more ack's today. But the ack's that I got were for files transmitted on 1/27. Still showing "Transmitted" as the status for files sent in on 1/22 and other dates until 1/27. Nothing on stuff transmitted 1/29, but that doesn't concern me yet. Anyone else seeing a pattern like this? Catherine
  6. Not a single one that I know of. Which means that no one has completed their taxes -- because I would have gotten my (minor) fee. And no one has contacted me with questions or wanting to know how to give up. Closest I came was a kid at the local deli who asked questions every time I went in. I referred him to my site -- and he ended up just calling me and asking me to do his 1040EZ for him. He'd have been a good candidate -- but had wrestled so long on his own that he didn't have any "fight" left in him. Maybe this year he'll dare it. Catherine
  7. Absolutely none whatsoever. :wacko:
  8. Nah; they've got a setup like CCH -- if you use their website builder, there's a "File your taxes online" button that folks can use for simple returns. When they click through from your site, you get a piece of the fee charged. AND, if they have questions while working, they link through to you by email, so you can get more business, turning them from an anonymous filer to a paying customer. At least, that's how it's supposed to work. I had the button all last year and no one nibbled. It still looks good -- providing a service with no commitment up-front. Catherine
  9. Well, that says these folks don't need the 6251, so I'll say "phew" for now. But I'd still like to know how to determine the AMT adjustment amount for SEPs and SIMPLEs -- I have several clients who use those. It was a relatively "simple" test -- as long as you have everything but the 6251 filled out and a big enough monitor (or multiple monitors) so that you can bounce between the assistant and the forms. Thanks. Catherine
  10. I have a question about Line 27 on Form 6251 -- Other adjustments. Jump with the bunny and it brings you to the worksheet. Line 11 of the worksheet is for adjustments due to self-employed SEP or SIMPLE plans. The form instructions say "Figure the difference between the AMT and regular tax amount for each item." But I can't find any guidance on how to determine the "AMT and regular tax amount" for a SIMPLE contribution. The Tax Book has nothing, either. And I tried for some time to find something pertinent in CFS online research and found tons of stuff that does _not_ apply. So, where can I find out how to determine the oft-mentioned "difference between the AMT and regular tax amount" for a SIMPLE contribution? Is it all of a regular contribution? Regular without catch-up portion? Some other portion determined with worksheets and goat entrails? Other? TIA, Catherine
  11. There should be a long line of those -- Daschle, Geittner, Rangel, etc, etc, etc. If they do it, it's a "common oversight" that won't interfere with anything. If we or our clients did it, it's fines, penalties, interest, and jail time. So much for "the rule of law". Grrr!
  12. The good news is that all the decent restaurants can now seat you immediately, instead of waiting for an hour and a half. Lemonade, anyone? :P
  13. For KC, it should be something like "Great Sage of the Forum". Is there _anything_ she doesn't know about?? Catherine
  14. Thank you, Kyle for sharing. I appreciate it! Catherine
  15. I am shocked, SHOCKED, to find gambling -- oops, my winnings. Sigh.
  16. I've got a couple hundred to go. Expect to see lots of one-word comments, folks! ;)
  17. I gotta move my birthday -- there have been a slew of birthday greetings in the last couple of weeks, but no one said anything to _me_ last October. Sniff. Was that pathetic enough? And by the way -- Happy Birthday to Kyle and all the others whose names have paraded by lately! Catherine
  18. A good friend tells me she has never gone wrong picking a new wine by choosing the most attractive label available. It certainly worked at her husband's surprise birthday party last fall. Catherine
  19. I got two last night; that just leaves all the rest. But I am now hopeful. Catherine
  20. Also: The City Museum; best indoor, all-weather, all-age amusement center I've ever seen. Barely a mile from the arch.
  21. My hometown is Worcester MA (not where I live now), so my list is a bit mixed: 1. Lexington Minuteman Statue (center of the town I live in) 2. the Smiley face (Harvey Ball of Worcester created but never copyrighted or trademarked it). 3. Mosquitos, poison ivy, and seriously invasive Japanese bittersweet vines. A&W is my _favorite_ brand of root beer! Catherine
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