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Lion EA

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Everything posted by Lion EA

  1. Jainen is right, as usual. Especially now when you don't have to wait a whole year to take another part (or retake). If you've been working at tax prep for awhile, you might want to focus your efforts on one or more parts and just take them to see your score. If you pass, you're done. If you don't, hopefully you'll have some idea of your weak areas and know what to study before you make another appointment. I was with Block and took their course at no additional cost since I was always taking lots of Block courses. I had an outstanding instructor and the texts were great. Before Prometrics, the questions came straight from IRS pubs, especially the examples in the pubs. Some more recent test takers can jump in to let us know if that's still the case.
  2. Eight. That's pretty exclusive! I should get a life. But, I'm proud of my achievement and will continue reading and learning and even posting here. So, where are we holding the convention this year?!
  3. DollarsSense.com Enjoy the ride!
  4. Lion EA

    7216 disclosure

    Well, that's not the only time, but yes, you do need a signed consent to communicate with banks for bank products. You don't need one to e-file the return, whether directly or via ATX. Unless you outsourced the prep...
  5. I've had people hear about me and then look me up on the web. Since I don't have a storefront or public office (work from home), a potential client can do a "drive by" look at me on my web site. Hopefully, they can get to know me a bit on my site. I've had people lose my contact information and find me on the web, also. I really need to post a picture of me, I guess. I'm also listed on NAEA.org and whatever QB has for finding a QB ProAdvisor and another place or two. I do get calls from them, but often price shopping. However, since it doesn't cost me anything to list when I'm a member, I have nothing to lose.
  6. NAEA.org has the on-line course taught by an instructor; uses Gleim materials. Yes, you can get everything free from the IRS, also. What you won't get is explanations of why an answer was right or wrong. Lots of questions on basis, so read all the IRS pubs re basis, depreciation, disposition of assets, etc. Maybe study with a buddy. Allow time to get a feel for the way the test is given. (Is it still no calculators? I was doing long division on scratch paper!)
  7. Try an override on one. If it rejects, you're no worse off than now. If it transmits, you know what to do on all your returns!
  8. Lion EA

    WIS Forms

    I use Form 1040 for everyone (no 1040A nor 1040EZ), and the same with the state equivalent forms. That way, I don't have to learn where all the inputs are for three different forms, just for the 1040.
  9. David explained it short & sweet. TayGuy, I've found the best way to get more clients is to ask my current clients, the ones I love best, to recommend me to people like them. Then I get more clients like the ones I love. Give them lots of business cards, so they pass them along. Make sure everyone you know knows that you are accepting new clients. I get good clients at church and from my broker and at Curves, as well as from my current clients. CCH makes use of Execusite to build websites for tax preparers. Up and running with no effort on your part, but you can easily make changes at any time. And, content changes the first of each month to keep things fresh even when you're busy with tax season. DollarsSense.com Kyle, NAEA runs an EA study course using Gleim materials and an on-line instructor. I've heard good things about it. For anyone still at HRB, make sure you take their EA study course before you leave. In fact, take every course you can while you have the chance. Just the books alone are worth more than the $20 charge. When you find a good instructor, take everything they teach. Block's on-line courses are by CCH.
  10. Well, CCH has a $9.95 product for the DIY crowd and a premium version at $19.95!
  11. Lion EA


    Have you tried Kyle and his gang of virtual computer geeks? I've been very happy with their prompt solutions to my computer and peripheral equipment problems. Kyle's contact info: Kyle Thibodeau | Sales Associate Virtual Managed Solutions, LLC. 52 Sweden Street Caribou, ME 04736 (Toll-Free) 877-VMS-US90 (O) 207-764-1004 x1041 (F) 207-498-2464 (E) [email protected] (W) http://www.vmsus.com
  12. I really love my website. But, I as a ProSystem fx user pay more than you ATX users. Didn't find that out until I'd had it a year. Back to work.
  13. Thank you very much, Catherine, for the information. I want to try it out this year.
  14. Has anyone made use of FileShare on the on-line organizers available on your web site by Execusite? Is it easy? Secure?
  15. NY had money problems a few years back and delayed refunds until 1 April when their fiscal year began. Some NYer can jump in and correct the details, but my commuter clients were not happy. A CT resident who commutes to NY to work can get over-withheld in NY and owe CT. So, those that got their information together to file fast expecting that big NY refund in hand before they had to write out a check to pay CT were not happy campers that year.
  16. Because the general public recognizes CPA and not EA, if you have a choice, go for the CPA. At my age, the extra year to get another major in accounting and the years (3?) working for a public accounting firm made no sense. EA gives my clients the peace of mind that if something goes wrong I can deal on their behalf. But, we all hope I don't have to use that aspect much.
  17. The ads reinforce my decision some seasons back to leave HRB since the ads' target market is not the type of clients I try to attract to my business.
  18. An EA is good to have for tax preparers, even though your clients will not know what it means! It lets you represent with a POA without the client being present. You can get information in seconds on-line with a POA and even submit the POA on-line. If you're not a CPA or tax attorney, it gives you privileges you do not have now. The new test seems to be easier, with all the business stuff in only one part instead of two, in case you stick to personal returns. You can also study for one part, take it, walk out with your score in hand, so you know whether you go home and continue studying or move on to the next part. You don't have to wait for a year to take the next part. I took the HRB study course and passed all four parts in one sitting. Once you get your EA, use it to tell your clients what you do for them. Join your local chapter of NAEA or other preparers' group for networking and education.
  19. Tell William to check up on us all on this board from time to time. We'd all like an update from him. Since he's publishing children's stories now, he might borrow Kerry's tiara and wand. Go easy on the pixie dust, though.
  20. The advertising makes me very glad I left the big corporations to go out on my own.
  21. Do you guys have any employees well versed in Mac & PC issues, such as using Parallels on a Mac to run PC programs? I have a client that just went that route, but the PC support says they can't deal with their programs on a Mac and Mac support says they can't deal with Parallels -- which they sold. He's taking a course and learning many tips and tricks and work arounds, but can't move some of his sent mail in Outlook onto his Mac. He's also trying to be able to send documents, slide shows, etc., that he creates on the Mac to potential clients no matter what they computer they use.
  22. Wow, that would be handy. E-services, maybe?
  23. Board Bard? Bad Board Bard? Bored Board Bard?
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