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fool me once - have to think, be prepared "Story"


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someone referred me (insurance investment guy who has a really great other tax guy) to help them get their income down as they could not afford marketplace - sad story - she now has stage 4 cancer, told hubby to close his car repair business - I thought to take care of her - in their 50's - she plans on beating this.. son, 33 has kidney dialysis - since early age,

so her soc sec she is now receiving - had a good job puts them up - along with the rents they receive from the rental - oh 3 rentals at 4,000 income but they are going to sell them probably - she does their own taxes - Have you been depreciating? any of the appliances you purchased? writing off? your husbands capital purchases? building, shop?  to high for them to afford marketplace.

You know  - unless you want to take a chance you will never get audited - the depreciation is allowed or allowable and is income against the sale price - deer in the headlight look

and the income needs to come down to offset the interest and dividends and RMD from the million and a half inheritance her husband just received from his dad just passing away.. I am sorry.

She said she would just bring the rental part back to me - she would probably email me - I said look up Safe Harbor election - I doubt I will answer her email - silly me and horrible office staff - not totally their fault as she did not want to give any information - do not have any info to bill her - and she absolutely did not give off any vibes that she was going to pay anything - during this time of year - and  thank you - I will choose my charities -

bad me , bad investment guy - cross him off my list and here I just convinced my brother to let him have my mom's insurance proceeds from her husbands passing - time to let bro have his investor handle it!!

write a book!

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11 hours ago, WITAXLADY said:

someone referred me (insurance investment guy who has a really great other tax guy) to help them get their income down as they could not afford marketplace - sad story - she now has stage 4 cancer, told hubby to close his car repair business - I thought to take care of her - in their 50's - she plans on beating this.. son, 33 has kidney dialysis - since early age,

so her soc sec she is now receiving - had a good job puts them up - along with the rents they receive from the rental - oh 3 rentals at 4,000 income but they are going to sell them probably - she does their own taxes - Have you been depreciating? any of the appliances you purchased? writing off? your husbands capital purchases? building, shop?  to high for them to afford marketplace.

You know  - unless you want to take a chance you will never get audited - the depreciation is allowed or allowable and is income against the sale price - deer in the headlight look

and the income needs to come down to offset the interest and dividends and RMD from the million and a half inheritance her husband just received from his dad just passing away.. I am sorry.

She said she would just bring the rental part back to me - she would probably email me - I said look up Safe Harbor election - I doubt I will answer her email - silly me and horrible office staff - not totally their fault as she did not want to give any information - do not have any info to bill her - and she absolutely did not give off any vibes that she was going to pay anything - during this time of year - and  thank you - I will choose my charities -

bad me , bad investment guy - cross him off my list and here I just convinced my brother to let him have my mom's insurance proceeds from her husbands passing - time to let bro have his investor handle it!!

write a book!

Next time they call you back/email ask them to pick a time and method of payment for their appointment.  

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Ok.  Someone referred you someone who needed help.  Nothing wrong with that.  I would send them a thank you for doing that.  

The actual person?  Maybe they were crazy.  Sorry that they are having medical problems.  Sorry that she thinks the best thing that they can do is get into the insurance exchange and have the government pay for her cancer treatments, and her son's dialysis. 

Cry me a river. 

There are times when I can seem pretty harsh.   If she was in my office, I would have sent her on her way.  I *can't* help you to commit fraud.  I *can't* help you if you don't really want to be help, and you want something that you *can't* have.  Which is free money from the government and you don't want to pay your share...


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thank you !!

I love the make an appointment and method of payment - and Marie - awesome - my husband said don't watch that drivel and I said wait - and he's like ya, ya! don't people do that all the time and you can;t get thru the grocery and your kids wait and you feel so important cuz people want you! for free! 

Now I just need to create a product to sell besides tax returns for all that genius in my head...


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