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Clients are not getting refunds on expected dates


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I have had several clients that did not get their refunds on the expected date that is on the schedule as accpt. by date to be directly deposited. People that have efile for years with the same bank acct. number, no new dep. etc. Does anyone know what is going on? My son's actually came on Wed. instead of today.

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I have had 3 clients that have had their refunds delayed by about 2 weeks: One MFJ, no itemizations, no rebate, just a small earned income credit. One single, no deductions, no dependents. One Head of Household with Child and EIC. I have not been able to figure out why this is happening either.

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This just came in from the bank, and might be at least a hint of what the problem could be on some of the delays.

February 14th 2009

"For immediate release"


Based on our analysis of the last three funding cycles, we have seen that the IRS has begun an aggressive campaign to verify EIC claims. This has resulted in a large number of bifurcated and unfunded refunds where the EIC portion of the refund is being withheld. This is affecting primarily large EIC claims including those with good prior year history and consistent dependant claims. Since we only received the non-EIC portion of the refund for these types of returns, we know that the IRS clearly needs additional work to be performed in order to pay out the EIC portion. We will be sending out a letter to those affected clients starting next week.

This will result in an immediate change in our RAL criteria as it relates to large EIC claims. You will notice more denials, regardless of prior year history, starting Friday, February the 13th.

WE NEED YOUR HELP. You should ensure that you request and keep documentation proving EIC claims, even for prior year clients. For returns already filed, we need every effort that can be made by the tax professionals to help those clients provide whatever documentation is necessary to the IRS, and it would need to be done within a 30 day period. Please generate a Past Due RAL report (or any other method to see which returns containing EIC are past the expected funding date) and contact the taxpayer to start the process with the IRS. The IRS website will also confirm which returns are requiring additional paperwork to verify the EIC claim. It is important that affected taxpayers be contacted in a timely manner. We thank you for your support.

Even those of us who do no RALs may still be affected, when clients get their refunds held up or split. So we should all reconsider telling the client the 'refund cycle' date as a near-sure-thing, especially with those who's refund includes a large EIC factor.

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Thanks as always, KC.

It seems you found the answer that even IRS is not willing to give. I have a client who has had her refund held up. IRS said when she called them that an error had been made and that they were manually looking at it. I went over that return with a fine tooth comb and still could not find were I had made an error. She does qualify for EIC and has done so for the past 5 years since I've been doing her taxes. Nothing changed, she did earned a slightly higher income this year which did qualify her for the extra rebate credit. I really thought maybe I had made a mistake with that, but I rechecked my figures and they are correct. I took the amount she received last year right off the web site. So this does help to understand why perhaps her refund is being held.


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Experiencing delays on returns with no EIC. Expect refund on Friday, but IRS refund website says to expect 10 day delay.

We use ATX worksheet to calc recovery rebates and verify amounts received on IRS website. Beginning to think IRS is experiencing matching problems with rebates...is ATX worksheet imbedded data in e-file?

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I prefer that the IRS does not tell our clients that a mistake was made when in fact they don't really know. It makes our clients unhappy with us.


I totally agree!

I have a client who's refund has been held up and I have gone over the return and over the return but cannot find any errors. My guess is that when they do finally send the refund it will be for the exact amount I figured it should be, but that doesn't ease my clients mind! Fortunately this client has been mine for many years and I am sure I will not lose her because of this but it still doesn't make me look too good!


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After reading the message on the IRS website...where is my refund...to the client they still think I am the problem, so they have a friend at the bank and now they are going to see what the hold up is. PLEASE ! I have talked to one client 3 times. I told them the IRS still says the same thing. It will not change. Clients...........Please don't spend your money until you have it in hand....

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After reading the message on the IRS website...where is my refund...to the client they still think I am the problem, so they have a friend at the bank and now they are going to see what the hold up is. PLEASE ! I have talked to one client 3 times. I told them the IRS still says the same thing. It will not change. Clients...........Please don't spend your money until you have it in hand....

I tell everyone of my clients that the refund cycle this year is all messed up and that they should never spend the money until they actually see it in their accounts. Therefore I will not be made to feel guilty of any fees they may encounter to their writing checks against the funds they do not show up when expected. I emphasize the fact that it is just a suggested posting date and that under normal circumstances it should be there but at the same time I explain that I have a client from the last part of January or first part of February that still has not received hers.


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