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This is a quote that I liked from another post...

"Just like your "personal banker", it's someone who runs interference for management, slows down the process while giving the appearance of being responsive, and forces customers to seek out their own answers rather than bother the Customer Service department with these pesky questions. After all, most Customer Service departments don't have time to waste on the non-productive tasks of actually assisting customers or answering questions - they're too busy upselling."

During Tax season, my partner, who doesn't know anything about taxes, answers the phone. At that time, I am "the personal banker". I am not available to most of my clients unless they are new and have a question. I wonder how my existing clients feel about that. What are you doing to avoid lossing your existing clients and improve your customer service?

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I take phone calls as they come in, unless I'm busy ona project that I don't need interrupted (which is rare). If they must leave a message, I return all phone calls the same day, or the next day at the latest.

I try everything possible to migrate my clients over to email because it's infinitely more convenient for them and for me. I answer most emails within a few minutes, even if only to reply that I received their question and I'll get back to them as soon as I have a chance to check on it. I'll send email responses any time, as soon as I get the message (night, day, weekend, etc). It's amazing how patient clients will be insofar as actually getting answers is concerned, provided they are simply given a little reassurance. And most of them are very appreciative of the attention.

I like it when they comment something to the effect that "I didn't expect a response that quickly." Oftentimes it's followed by "My previous accountant didn't do that." (I usually tell them "That's one of the reasons he's your previous accountant.")

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I do pretty much as JohnH does. If that doesn't fit your workflow, then let your partner take messages or get email addresses or let calls go to voice mail; but pick a consistent time to return messages. (Your partner may be able to make some of the return calls for you after you tell him what to say.) Find what works for you, such as before you leave or before dinner or first thing every morning or.... I too try to return emails immediately or at least the same day to encourage emails, but might postpone phoning until the next business day. I too have had surprised clients comment on my accessibility when I pick up the telephone on a Sunday or return an email immediately. I compete on service and not on price.

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Pretty much the same here as I work alone. I have the ringer shut off in my office, but can easily hear the ringing from the kitchen and one glance tells me who is calling. I rarely answer the phone when I am with a client unless it is someone that I have called and really "need" the information. Then, I excuse myself and keep the conversation brief. My clients also like my accessability, the research that I am willing to do for them, and the time that I am willing to spend with them. (Even on Sunday, as Lion said.) I was pleasantly surprised to see that more and more of them are using e-mail contact than ever before. They leave it up to me to make the call, which I do asap. Many more are being done by mail, fax and e-mail. But, there will always be the ones that like the "chat" time and I give them as much of that as I can. Many times, I never see the spouse. 8879s are mailes, faxed, scanned or dropped of, but they get them to me. I really never thought about it until Lion said it. I am really more focused on service than price.

Yes, John, it is great when they say "You are the Best!" or "I have to hug you before I leave!" and/or any of those other kind words of appreciation and small tokens such as a small boquet of flowers. I am moving into the third generation of some of my families and that must mean something is right.

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I also return emails as soon as I see them, unless the response is too long to type on my phone, if that is how I pick them up. I am always checking email on my phone, and I like being able to respond even at the ungodly hours I sometimes keep (I was conversing by email with my UK client at midnite my time, 9am his last night. I was doing it from bed). I try to answer my phone as soon as I can, but I won't if I am with a client, and sometimes I forget if I've turned the ringer down for a meeting or another reason, and don't notice messages right away.

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