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Everything posted by WITAXLADY

  1. so I have a sale - of business assets $10,000 depreciated all out, sold for $27,000 so some goodwill in there as well. so can I use Bulk sale? and goes to 4797 and then how do I get to 6252 Or if I use singularly - selling assets and break out the prices - I still cannot figure out how to get the 6252 to pick this up? been too long - used to be able to do these with 1 eye closed and 1 finger! oh that is how I type ok - 3 finger typing..
  2. hhmm - IOWA is a real pain as have to mfj, mfs but 2 to get different scenarios of tax and take lowest!! WI is both!! They are great as many states give credit for NOTHING! and WI gives lots of credits both resident and part year! But that is why they are bad - you have to catch all those credits and ATX never gets them all - have to know them, and manually input them both WI NPR and WI 1 Why is CA bad?
  3. 1 - he is wholesale manufacturer 2 - I am naive, but I do not think he ever lies... very nice guy, he is also somewhat naive 3 - will match further - I think it is 1099 error and 16, vs 17 error 4 - he does his own books and it may easily be a combination of 1099 and QB error 5 - good idea on bank statements as well - , do have qb file Thank you, D
  4. more info - yes it cost her $11o0 to have the atty file until June 1 - but if they are married - WI is community property - why would it not be hers? I guess I can a - do them - but b - pay less if mfj!! c - call atty but she will get charged?!
  5. ya - our rule is we do not even tell family members if other family comes here or answer if they ask - neighbors etc, especially would never mention names in public - I could say did you know that so and so stiffed someone (else)!!!
  6. QB sales and 1099'as do not match and sales tax numbers to state do not 1099's are $60,000 more! Last year , had to add $100,000 to get to match,, this year short.. I was thinking just accrual sales reporting vs cash Until the 1099's were too high So I told business owner to go thru invoices and see if 1099's matched? Any other options? Where to look? Thx
  7. so we filed an extension for estate return widow calling and needs his estate tax done/filed... as she says it costs her $1,000 every time she has to ask for an extension? 1 - she is married to him - so it would be be their estate - hers not his to file? 2 - what would cost $$ to file and $1,000?! is she being scammed? He had a guardian prior to his passing and was filiing mfs - ??? but they were living together... Any light on this? Thx d
  8. thank you! who woud've thunk! D
  9. thank you - would just make me look bad... I cannot even get my sister-in-law to stop doing business with her - maybe I should stop doing business with my sister-in-law!
  10. so as an EA out of state I can just put 07 in teh NY return to file my 1 or 2 returns - However I cannot - figure out how to enter that darn code!! Please help - cannot find a data page or jump to! ' Thx d
  11. well - either him as he is first or her as she had the children - depends on how much you like to type!
  12. Landscaper, Sch C - from WI, will be working in Michigan - probably UP! What does he need to do for sales tax? I understand keeping income and expenses separate for income tax Any other licenses he needs to be aware of. Thx D
  13. Thank you all - we are also writing a more laid out letter for any WI/IRS letters and we do now ask since about 6 months ago for retainers,,, live and learn. Cannot hardly trust at all, and also letting them know they can do this all them selves - her co-worker, well she does not work at the company anymore - is doing hers herself - as I do not think she has much back-up, called the IRS and said they were being targeted as the original company was audited - and of course the IRS said it was random..
  14. well I do think I have an engagement letter - so am going back to that first... and sending her back her check and her invoices and statement... and letting her know she lied about TA and I am revoking my POA as advised by TA and I will probably take her to court so it is on her record... - altho' I might ask for another judge if she is asking him for advice
  15. client gets audited for 2013 - spent hours copying her receipts - she's in my office doing her work, etc... bill her $350 - leaves an expectation - low billing - former manager must not have kept time!! Bill her for 3 years of taxes - she pays - she paid at the time until 4/15/2018. comes in for 2017 and I present her the bill now for the 2014!! audit - yes later than I should have and $360 for her taxes, including the $10 again for the 8867. She is hot! says she already paid for 2014 and it was $350!! I said I have not billed her for my time at all- just office time to copy and write letters and for Tax advocate, etc.. She pays her $360 for 2017 and leaves. claims they should be less - I say we do strictly by time on a program.. when do clients set prices? And prices do not go up $10 in 3 tears? ! She showed up last week and I was not here so office would not give her anything so she says I am coming back Tuesday, today for everything, removing me as POA, etc. and we better have all her stuff. She is sweet as pie, hands me a check with a letter - I did not look at it as she had said she was paying me everything, takes her copies, then gets into it with me that she has talked to everyone under the sun including the judge and ?/ did not say what they said... but she revoked my POA and talked to the IRS and they were so nice and she could have done this herself... and leaves. Would not take statement and invoices where it showed she did not pay yet - and still owed $848 and lo and behold, charges me for emails sent her and pays me $15!! marked paid in full. Tax advocate then called me! timely - about her and I said I could not talk to her - she said she never called in to them - no record - she also said she had called TA - and no POA revoked on record.. and TA said her records were incomplete and the audit stood. So she lied there, she lied about paying me the $350 that she subtracted, plus all the rest to get to $15? I thought she made it clear she was paying the $848 - she even said the check would clear! So I doubt if she did talk to the judge - as he is MY good friend - he probably said if anything pay it! My plan is to send her back her check - her statements and invoices and then bill her for MY time another $900 at least and tell her if the $848 is not paid by 5/20 I will see her in small claims court and tell the IRS I was not paid for the 2017 (and 2016) taxes as $'s were applied to her account... I could not get a word in edgewise when she was here - I was just going to let it all go - no use explaining anything to those lovely people - Until I saw the check for $15.. I will not eat $800 for legitimate work- What say you all- chance of getting paid? 0 to 10% satisfaction of certified signed letter - 55% threatening to go to court - 85%!! Thx d
  16. ok - not to be dumb.. but again - where and when?! thx
  17. thx - my thoughts exactly! you all are so good!
  18. I use the 1040X and write worksheet across the top usually - works
  19. you know how you love getting advice from the chiro, hairdresser etc, so the bank teller says GW receipts are not valid anymore as they do not list $$ value only a signature and date? Anyone hear of this? I cannot find anything by searching...
  20. client did not sign off - never had chance for representation??
  21. So of course no one is watching to see if folders are running low.. so two of us go in the back to look see - there must be more! I am looking in the little storage room and see the sticky trap on the floor halfway under the shelf and say - I bet I find a dried up old mouse there! _We do live in the country! I say yep I was right! C out in the office yells back you found them? I said no - she doesn't hear so she comes barreling around the corner. The lady in back with me, (H) says show her! I hold out the trap - it was not that old, and highly recognizable but not smelly anymore - thank goodness - right!! C starts screaming and screaming and turns around and flips up her legs and runs the other way into the other back room about 15 feet away. Talk about cruel - I did not know H had such a cruel streak in her - she seems so quiet and nice - she knew C was terrified of mice!! My husband comes down to see who is dying of bloody murder - we are mortified but laughing hysterically, including C of course who is laughing by now, in between screams as I am putting it in a plastic bag to give to my husband - C saying don't put it in my wastebasket!! Well that was good for about 30 minutes of laughs! C said she always sneaks into the bathroom to make sure there is not a mouse on the trap by the toilet - guess I should get rid of my mouse method! Now what to do to H to get back at her!! She hates snakes.. or a wet seat? It was hilarious and oh so mean. But C is fine.
  22. 1 - so if I disagree with audit results and I have a letter to have client sign to agree - when does this year close? I filed an amended 2014 on Aug 17, 2015 so do I have 3 years from the amend? 2 - Contested is whether when timber is sold is if that becomes real property for purposes of 8903 - DPAD or stays personal property which qualifies... anyone familiar with DPAD? Thx D
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