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Everything posted by mcb39

  1. mcb39


    All the best to you, Joel. I know that even at 83 I would miss tax prep. I don't aspire to be anything more than I am, but as long as I can provide a positive service, I will continue. My husband is also still working simply because we don't know any other way to live. We have plenty of free time and over the years, we have done the things that we wanted to do. Have a wonderful retirement. Do and enjoy whatever it is that you want to do. My health and genetics won't allow me to quit just yet.
  2. Yes, there are limits. Two safes, two backup hard drives, two jump drives with multiple years of ATX files backed up; This may not be enough, but it is what I have. If Margaret and I last for three more years; I think it is sufficient. I have three active computers in my small office and one at another location. I have two password books; one of which travels with me, and I have learned to write with pencils because of the ever-changing demand to alter the passwords. I have one return to finish tomorrow and I can almost feel the weight lifting. It is snowing in Wisconsin, which is way too early and I think I have learned to take one day at a time. Goodnight all. It's been quite an interesting tax season. Looking forward to a fresh start going forward and to some R&R in the meantime. I wish you all great happiness.
  3. I can do that with my existing, alternating, external hard drive backups. I only have to install the backup program and can restore the entire contents of my hard drive at the point of the last backup. These two hard drives reside in a safe. My technician does not want me on a cloud and I don't want to be there.
  4. I will never use cloud based ATX. Period!! But then, I am old enough to cash out if that should ever become mandatory. There are some fine cloud-based tax programs out there at a greatly reduced price. IMO, my client information belongs on my (hopefully) secure hard drive; and not out there somewhere on a cloud.
  5. I find it difficult to separate the two. I actually had a "Bookkeeping Only" client call me last night for advice on how to proceed with elements of her bookkeeping. Of course, she was over-thinking the whole thing. I never totally trust the bookkeeping done by a client. I find too many questionable entries. Like the others, I really like the tax preparation and the solving of the issues. Most of our bookkeeping is done in office by my assistants and they are here to ask when there is a question. If I were to give up one or the other, I think that I would have to give up both because they are so closely interwoven.
  6. Believe it or not, I have a client who has a motorcycle hearse business. Generally, he hauls his cycle to the site of the funeral. We are depreciating the hearse and cycle and taking mileage on the truck. He has a sizeable investment here as this is a glass sided hearse. His business appeals to bikers and sometimes veterans. Really, a rather classy setup. A long line of cycles can follow in the funeral procession.
  7. I feel the same way about Quicken 6
  8. I use Quicken 10 (a stripped-down version of QB) for all of my Bookkeeping clients.; including myself. When I had payroll clients, I used Medlin and have recommended it to so many small businesses. The reason I say Quicken 10 is that in 2011, they started with the update junk. Renew every year etc. For 10, I have a disk and it works perfectly with windows versions back to XP (in my experience). It is simple checkbook style entry and prints out the most beautiful and varied reports that you could ever want. It reconciles your checkbook if you want to do that. You can have more than one account under a File; such as Checking and Cash and will bring all the totals together for one report at the end of the year or any other point in time. Some of you are aware that I have an aversion to Intuit products. This is the only product of theirs that I have ever or will ever use. Actually, Quicken 6, which I also have, will work equally well. I use it for Partnerships, Sole Props; Joint Ventures and any other client who just needs the end of year totals. My two cents for today!!
  9. Actually I rather like the online seminars. Because they are required and we need the credits, we have to attend. Online is preferable to in person because it eliminates the cost of travel, lodging, meals, etc. On the other hand, you don't get much of a break for staying in your office. I think they are overpriced, to say the least. However, I feel, and have always felt, that if I come away with at least one new piece of knowledge that will help one or more problems; it was worth it. And then, there is the additional reference materials that greatly assist in the course of the tax season. I have been attending the same tax course since 2009 and am comfortable with it.
  10. I am wondering if recipients of forgiveness will be issued a 1099C for a cancelled debt. IMO, this would be the fair way to remove the burden from other taxpayers. Opinions?
  11. I thought that you couldn't do 179 or bonus depreciation on vehicles. That thought is stuck in my brain somewhere.
  12. Dar.........it might just be Wisconsin. Two of my brothers have not spoken to me in over 15 years, since my Mom's funeral. It's funny when you ask "Where were they when I was toting them to appointments, etc." Same case here except that I had two for five years and one for one more year. They passed at 92 and 90. I SO feel for you, but nothing valuable left after they moved them up here from Racine. What was left was the proceeds from the sale of their house; residue was split four ways. However, guess who bought their house. The son of one of my brothers for assessed value; fixed it up a little and sold it. I don't care. I truly don't! It wasn't easy because I was working two jobs at the time. However, I can sleep at night. There is no easy answer for your question. Get it over and walk away. You will live longer and happier. Love you!!!!
  13. Is it just me, or are a lot of people selling old properties this year? Inherited, gifted, purchased; I have already had several inquiries on what the CG tax is going to be. We just figured one out yesterday based on 2021 return so that he could send in an estimate payment. Talk about making your head hurt! And then there are the LE estate properties being sold before the death of the Remainder owner!!!!
  14. I don't roll them over until they come in. Chances are better of having updated forms.
  15. One is listed as Copy 1. My techie advised me not to delete. However, I think you are correct, for the sake of sanity.
  16. Which is why I had another refurbished one in reserve in my storage room. Thanks!
  17. I have used the same HP printer for years. Started acting up this year (streaking from the printer, not ATX). I had an extra identical printer in storage that I had purchased when I got a deal. Installed it and have had no issues since. Only issue I have had since is in choosing original HP or HP copy as default printer. I wish I could help and sincerely hope that I don't have to eat my words when I get home from vacation. I have never had an issue with an HP.
  18. I assured the board that it was not a Scam, but an unfortunate lapse. I realized this almost immediately and my entire payment has been refunded.
  19. First of all, let me assure you that this was NOT a scam. Cbslee is correct that their marketing personnel are very agressive. I spent over an hour yesterday on the phone with their Sales Manager and this is, in fact, a legitimate company. I believe the issue has been resolved. His main concern was removing a black mark from their record; which was really the result of the Sales Rep being over-zealous. I was having a bad day and got talked into something that I did not want. We got what we asked for, which was a chance to test the program without the exchange of money. This is primarily for my assistant rather than myself. She will be the one moving forward when I no longer am able to. For myself, I have no desire to place my clients on a Cloud. If it is the wave of the future, so be it. I am happy with things just the way they are now and I probably don't have that many years to worry about it; but it will be nice to leave her with some options that she can afford. Thank you for your input. I have a load off of my shoulders. There are plenty more loads that still need to be removed.
  20. Has anyone else heard of or been contacted by MyTaxPrepOffice with an offer that sounds too good to be true. Unfortunately, I am afraid that I got scammed and am in litigation with them through my Credit Card. Too Smooth; Too Fast and talked me out of a deposit before I could think it over. I cancelled within the hour, but that is why I am in litigation. I am old enough to know better and have nobody to blame but myself. I am normally extremely careful about anybody trying to sell things, but slipped up this time. Please advise.
  21. I can open more than one return. Maybe it’s the stepped down version? I can open more than one return, but never more than 2 and never later in the day. You are supposed to be able to open 3.
  22. How true; which only leads to more work due to a simple act of negligence. I would much rather be safe than sorry!
  23. Yes, and my honest clients include it in their books as income.
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