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Everything posted by MargaretMort

  1. New client. He has been ill for 2 years with infectious mono. Worked part of 2008-disability-finally cut out of job. He drew 35000 out of an IRA, distribution code 1. Later drew 10000 out of same IRA, distribution code 3. He questioned why both weren't coded the same and was told "you can take care of that when you do your taxes." He was born in May, 1950. Can I change the code on the 35000 1099-R? think I saw something about this before but have no idea where to find it. Thanks.
  2. I also look up stimulus payment and Real Estate taxes. Most of my clients obviously don't read my letter to them. Less stressful to just do it myself. MM
  3. I have had several would be realtors in the past few years. If they are actively pursuing the career I always have allowed the deductions, exam, office expenses, mileage. Right off the top of my head I would say they can't take an education expense. Most if not all of these people had other jobs at the same time. MM
  4. Thanks. I guess it is the fact that I thought the state paid people who take in Foster children, not happening in this case, and that the court order doesn't state they are in foster care. Obviously I have had no practical knowledge about this. Helps to have others clarify my thinking. MM
  5. Okay, I am revisiting the dependency of the two little children who are in the court ordered custody of my clients-the children's mother is the step-cousin of the client. I am assuming the clients cannot also take the Child Tax Credit because there is no blood relationship and they are not foster children. Please tell me if I am correct or not. Thanks.
  6. Okay, my source says the phone number for Canadian/ foreign income tax is 1-800-267-5177. As they are posted in the US at the moment I would guess the person at the other end of the line came give you all the info you need on the Canadian income. Hope this helps. MM
  7. I hesitated to jump in on this one because I can't quote chapter and verse but.....Canadian retirement is treated like social security, as I recall. I looked back in my records but can't find the phone number for Canada taxes. They were very helpful and knowledgeable. I will get in touch with my Canadian friends and ask if they know the phone number. MM
  8. Yes, please. I was also looking for it today. It was so handy in the past for clients to know when to look for direct deposits. MM
  9. I believe the children were actually with my clients before 1/1/08 but not officially so. I felt they should be able to claim them as dependents but should doesn't always cut the mustard. Thanks for helping my thought processes. MM
  10. Clients have had two children as members of their household since 1/11/08. They are not foster children, according to paperwork but are under protective supervision by the Court with the Department of Children and Families--this is in FL.--and were placed in the care and custody of my clients. The clients were told the state can't sever the ties with the mother. The mother is not a blood relation of either client--step-cousin, in fact. I thought they could be considered dependents under the qualifying relative--any other person who lived with the taxpayer all year as a member of the TP household , etc. The state does not pay clients to care for these children, does pay Medicaid but that is it. Just want to be clear in my mind that they can be claimed as dependents--oh, they are now 1½ and 2½ in age. Thanks for helping my mind be clear on this.
  11. I remember all of those things, some fondly, others not so. My husband was in the AF and we had a change of station from Michigan to FL in the summer. We drove from MI to Nebraska to NJ to FL, arriving July 5. Our daughter was 6 weeks old and bottle fed. Now, that was a trip and a learning experience I would not care to repeat ever again. Hardly anyone had air conditioning in cars or houses, most motels didn't have any either. We did use the cylinder cooler for a brief time. Because we didn't trade cars frequently, we didn't have a car with A/C until 1969 when I threatened to buy one with my POA if he didn't buy one before he went to Viet Nam. We were driving a VW Bus and VW Bug and living again in FL at that time. By the way, we still have that '65 Bug but my car is a Lincoln Town Car.
  12. Lynn Haven, FL. The only town in the south to have a monument to the Yankee Soldier! (Needless to say, the town was settled by Union veterans.) By the by, I had forgotten that Caribou has a Carnegie Library. My home town in SW Nebraska also had a Carnegie Library--it is the local museum now.
  13. I finally heard an H&RBlock ad on the radio this morning. It was telling how someone brought in their tax info and last year's return and Block found all these errors on last year's and saved the customer so much money! I was more than a little dumbfounded. They didn't claim their corrections were accurate, thank God. Such blatancy.
  14. I included a request for property tax information in the letter I sent my clients last week. Will have to remember to ask about the tax rebate from last year. Thanks for that reminder.
  15. Taxbilly, be glad you are on the warm side of the state. We won't hit 55 for two days and the wind is making it even colder. In fact, it is warmer in Denver that in Panama City. BRRR. Messed up my golf game yesterday as I stayed home. Oh well, I will want some of this cooler weather in the heat of the summer. Just never happy.
  16. Kyle, I am familiar with Caribou as I spent 1½ yrs at Loring AFB. My home town is about the same size and I am familiar with small town banking habits. As I said, in this day and age not a good idea but I can sense what happened.
  17. My guess would be that Caribou, being a small town, has banks and bankers who personally know their clients. Nice but not necessarily smart anymore.
  18. Hey Taxbilly--it ain't 70 in the FL panhandle. It is 48. Christmas Day is supposed to get into the mid-70s, though. I know what Virtual Managed is talking about. We came here the first time from Labrador, Canada in Dec. I laughed at all the people who were wearing parkas in the balmy 50s. 30 years since we came back here and I still don't wear a parka in the balmy 50s but I do put on a heavier sweater when I play golf.
  19. I am sure you don't want to hear my sad story! First, let me tell you that I lived in Michigan, Goose Bay, Labrador and Caribou, Maine. I have been in the Florida Panhandle for almost 30 years and, at times like these, I definitely won't complain. Today was sunny, temps in the low 70s, low humidity. What more can I say. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. (I would gladly be where you are in July and Aug!!!!!!!!!) MM
  20. I, too, thought it was a waste of time. My first complaint--and I want everybody to understand I turn on my 'puter and expect it to function the way I want--was the instruction to make sure I was compatible with the Office live meeting software. They forgot to tell me that I would need to download with Internet Explorer. So, I thought I was and I wasn't. The nice guys at CCH got me going only 15 min. into the session. The actual information wasn't nearly as good as other seminars I have attended, including not having screens with the info she was talking about. disconcerting to not be looking at Sch. C when she is giving info about it. However, I would certainly have preferred to be making Christmas cookies or addressing cards or just about anything rather than wasting time. Maybe it was just me but I was certainly glad I hadn't paid for it. M
  21. Again, thanks. I assumed my afternoon would be tied up, didn't realize I will have to be messing around before lunch, too. Guess I should break down and install the program. Sure hope I don't run into a problem with it. Life is difficult enough at the moment without more hassles. MM
  22. Gracious. I sure am glad I asked the question. I have to assume I will receive that email in the next couple of days since my session is the 10th. Such fun. I appreciate your answer so very much. Thank you. MM
  23. I always told my kids there are no dumb questions but....I am supposed to participate in the ATX Webinar next week. I have absolutely no idea what I am supposed to do nor how to do it. I really feel dumb but I know some kind person will help me out. My sincere thanks. MM
  24. I also received my copy today. Sure was surprised. Load it? Not with a houseful. Next week!
  25. I didn't fail but I wasn't impressed with myself. However, I have my handy 20,000 words (All secretarial students had to have one back in the olden days) sitting right next to my monitor so I can check anything I think I am mis-spelling. ^_^
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