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Everything posted by Eli

  1. Hey! Terry, Hope tax season's gone well for you so far. If they call you let me know how that goes. I'm pretty much leaning to go the TRX route myself. Seems most of the comments from the people who have actually used their product were pretty happy. Eli
  2. Eli

    TRX Called Me

    Thanks for responding. It always helps to get anothers perspective on things. Thats what this board is all about. Thanks again! Eli
  3. Eli

    TRX Called Me

    Pros and cons? Come on Marilyn share with us :-) Eli
  4. Eli

    Form 5405

    I spoke to a fellow preparer yesterday. She said she was allowing taxpayers to obtain the credit simply by them promising to buy a home before Nov 30, 2009. She stated the IRS told her this would be ok. According to her they (IRS) said it wouldn't be her fault if the taxpayer lied to her. I was under the belief that the home had to have already been purchased in order to qualify for the credit. Eli
  5. Eli

    Form 5405

    Been getting lots of calls regarding the 7500 & 8000 credit for 1st time homebuyers. It seems some tax preparers are amending tax returns for 2008 to claim the credit for even those who do not qualify. One of my co-workers called to ask about it because his cousin received a check for the 7500 credit. He called the preparer that was amending returns and asked if he would qualify since he refinanced his home of 8 years. He was told that he qualified since refinancing would be like a brand new purchase. I think I need to change preparers :-) Have you heard any such stories with that credit going around? Eli
  6. Not at the home office now, but The figures as I remember are: 10000 earned income, plus 3853 of pension income, 2 kids (eic qualified) Eli
  7. I agree with everyone else. This was a great year. I did not have as much time to come on here & participate, but still enjoyed it when i could. I hope everyone has a fun & rest filled "off" season. Thanks to all the participants & contributors who make up this board. Without your help lots of us, especially those of us who work alone would be in a bind. May God bless each & everyone of you & your families throughout the remainder of the year. Eli
  8. David, thanks for your reply. I just spoke to the IRS help desk about the letter she recieved & the IRS lady said it was due to line 12a (pensions & annuities). It didnt make sense to me either. Thanks again. Eli
  9. In 2007 taxpayer received taxable pension income of $3853.00. She was due a a refund of $4130 including 4010 of EIC. The EIC was given from $10000 of earned income. IRS has disallowed the EIC due to the pension income. She has received this pesnison since 1998 & had not had a problem before. Does this sound right? Thanks ELi
  10. I get alot of these. Most of them have commuting mileage, everyday meals, clothing etc... But of course they like the bigger refund so yes, they do go back. Eli
  11. http://tech.yahoo.com/blogs/null/132464 What won't work? Turning your PC off tonight and back on on April 2 will not protect you from the worm (sorry to the dozens of people who wrote me asking if this would do the trick). Temporarily disconnecting your computer from the web won't help if the malware is already on your machine -- it will simply activate once you connect again. Changing the date on your PC will likely have no helpful effect, either. This came from an article on Yahoo. Eli
  12. 101 degrees yesterday & today its been in the 60s & 70's + sunny skies. Eli
  13. I use www.Databazaar.com. All their prices include free shipping if I'm not mistaken. Eli
  14. I haven't had any clients report any letters from IRS concerning EIC errors. Want to put up some figures to go by? Hope you're having a good season!! Eli
  15. Thanks, TaxBilly!! That will be a huge help!! Eli
  16. A while back (maybe a year or two) Jainen wrote a really easy detail on how to amend this. Is there a way to search for that post? I believe it was still under the ld ATX forum. He made it so easy even I could understand it lol. Thanks!! Eli
  17. IF, I remember correctly, both spouses were required to have valid SSN's in order to qualify for the RRC. I had several couples that did not meet the requirement last year and did not receive their stimulus payment. Eli
  18. Eli

    eic, death

    Yes, Taxbilly I was. Sorry misread the question. Eli
  19. Eli

    eic, death

    I think he/she would qualify. July thru December is 6 months. + from June 19 to the end of the month makes it 6+ months or more then 6 months. This of course if he/she meets the other dependency rules. Eli
  20. Eli


    Oh! Baby! Thank you so much :-) Sorry couldn't resist, but I really do appreciate the help :-) Eli
  21. Eli


    Firefighters' union is requesting to file a 990EZ. They are using a fiscal year from Oct 2007 to Sept 2008. Am I supposed to use the 2007 or 2008 form? I only do one other 990EZ and it s a Jan to December year so that makes it simple. The union return would be the 1st one they file even though they have been around several years. Thank you!! Eli
  22. Just make it easy on yourself and call around your area to get prices from different preparers. Should only take a few mins to call a few places. Eli
  23. Eli

    1040 X

    I did the same as KC except I used the form off of the IRS website. Eli
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