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HV Ken

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Everything posted by HV Ken

  1. What bcolleen said! The filters are extremely useful for slicing and data the various managers.
  2. Nice of you to double check for him, but he missed it. Would you be surprised if he comes back with a new document showing he went into binding contract just before 4/30 ?????
  3. Why not just click on the "Created" filter for this? I find the filters to be very helpful, as well as sorting on the various fields (Status, Status Date, etc.) as you suggest.
  4. Steps: Uninstall Adobe Reader 10. reboot. Install Adobe Reader 9. reboot. Result: I can open instructions again. Not what I had planned for this morning!!
  5. I am not having the same experience. Just called the help desk and their response was we don't support Adobe Reader X and we need to uninstall and go back to version 9. But won't Adobe just keep trying to move us up to the new version? And wouldn't a blog post on myatx on this be useful?
  6. Absolutely. With no problems.
  7. Ever since upgrading to Adobe Reader X, when I click on the Help button to open Form instructions, Adobe Reader opens up, but the instructions do not load. Is anyone else experiencing this, or is Adobe Reader X working ok for you?
  8. Thanks for the tip, Jim. Will give that a try as a solution!
  9. As a software developer in a previous life, these types of things really frost me.
  10. Wouldn't you like to be in the room when the development team was discussing these feechurs???
  11. Is anyone else annoyed by this new "feature" this year? Error: The value must be numeric and without cents. (Limited to 15 characters) This occurs when you use the equals equations in a blue field on anything that feeds the 1040. Ex: =922.55+802.66+788.6 The grey field correctly resolves to 2,514 but this generates an error when generating the e-file. This is a computer program for crying out loud! It can store the resultant whole number in a variable pretty easily and use that for calculations. This was never a problem in previous years, but in someone's infinite wisdom they saw fit to make this an error this year. I prefer having the equations there as it provides more information than merely the result when we have need to go back into the return to look at something. When "forward" progress is disguised as a step backwards....
  12. Good stuff. Thanks! When this happens, we'll get their signatures and tell them we will be glad to file it when they come back with their payment. Those getting a refund are usually motivated. Still have one in my outbox from last year who owes! We call - they say they are coming by - and then always cancel. We remind them about the accumulating charges with the IRS, but to no avail. Can't wait until they get their letter from the IRS....
  13. Nice that it works, but what did they break and why do we have to do it? There seems to be too many destructive changes this year.
  14. Curious - how do you price an amended return? Here's the dilemma: You get a new client for the previous tax season by uncovering their already filed return is incorrect. Let's say that if you prepared the return from scratch, you would have charged $300. But since all you did was basic data entry off an existing return and change a few incorrect numbers, you only charged the client $150. Now it is this year and they are your client. You do the return from scratch and charge your $300 fee. Will their perception be how come you did the return for $150 last year (although it was an amended return) but nothing in my situation changed and now it is $300 for the same return ? Curious as to your thoughts before I post mine. Thanks for contributing!
  15. Marie was talking about program updates in addition to form updates. Yes Marie, I am experiencing the same as you and was wondering about it as well. I have been disappointed in a few destructive updates this year - specifically to the Billing Invoice and Schedule E.
  16. Well this conversation went in a different direction! But for the original question, it doesn't matter whether spouse has ITIN or taxpayer chooses MFS - no EIC in either case. Sometimes the pace at a given time makes it hard to think! Thankfully we have this board to keep us in check! I appreciate it!
  17. I also just use the program for the year I am amending. Never had a problem. Creating an amended return in ATX is one particular function they have gotten right. It is easy!
  18. Of course, if this was do-able and the filing status was MFS, then the EIC is off the table anyway!
  19. USA taxpayer marries foreign (Canada) spouse. TP has 100% of all income. They have 1 child together, she has 1 child from previous. Income would qualify for EIC (w/2 children), but fails to spouse ITIN. They have no taxable income after standard deduction and exemptions. It's late and thinking for the day is done! I seem to remember hearing or reading about one time about a taxpayer claiming their spouse as a dependent (or was it in a dream?). Is this even possible? And if so, under what circumstances? What would be the filing status? Thanks!
  20. Looks like the switch to MeF may not be going very smoothly. Submitted a batch of Federal returns. They were Accepted. State returns then move from Hold to Created as normal. Submitted them. The entire batch of state returns came back as Rejected by Agency saying that the SSN was already used. Called the Help Desk - they said they need to re-hang the returns, whatever that means. Will see what happens.... Anyone else having state e-file problems since March 1st hit? Is it just a NY thing?
  21. HV Ken


    Thanks for all the replies. I mis-spoke about opting out. What I meant was he has no taxes or social security withheld. At any rate, the question was answered with the replies - so thanks to all! Too tired and typing too fast....
  22. HV Ken


    We have a clergy client - opts out of Social Security, receives a housing allowance. Went through 1040 Clergy worksheets. Anyway, client tells us he was told he could deduct his charitable giving against his SE tax calculation. We want to make sure we aren't missing something here. Is this legit? Thanks!
  23. HV Ken

    Fee Collect

    ...as long as they are getting a refund! For everything else, there's MasterCard!
  24. Well, KNOWINGLY and DELIBERATELY was the case I was arguing. Examples: claiming head of household and a child that is not their dependent to get the EIC (yea, like that happens); claiming ficticious child care expenses; claiming ficticious college expenses to get the AOC, etc., that you can factually verify are false and fradulent. Guess that's the time to use Form 3949A. My question really boils down to if you are certain you are looking at a KNOWINGLY and DELIBERATELY case, are you *REQUIRED* to report it.
  25. HV Ken

    Fee Collect

    Fee Collect has worked without problems for me. Very easy to use and the money has showed up in our bank account on Fridays. We had always used RACs in the past - switching to Fee Collect has also saved our clients almost $50 in fees. I would recommend it, assuming it is not too late to sign up for it. We also take credit cards.
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