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Everything posted by ILLMAS

  1. If you would of asked about the CPA or EA exam, it would be a different story.

    Taxing Gold

    Maybe it's not a bad idea after all, Michael Phelps is expected to earn 100 mil in endorsements over the course of 10 years.
  3. Maybe this is the reason why some players were losing on purpose? http://msn.foxsports.com/olympics/story/US-medal-winners-pay-stiff-price-in-taxes-080212
  4. It seems the IRS finally starting to go after currency exchange "cash" customers, has anyone dealt with a case before?
  5. I don't mind the kids, what aggravates me the most is when a client picks up a call on their cell phone, makes me feel they don't value my time and work.
  6. I had to call another tax preparer to request a copy of a tax return, the call only lasted a few seconds. Me: I need to request a copy of the last tax return you prepared for XYZ. Him: We no longer have copies of former clients pre 2008, they were all shredded. Me: Ok, bye I guess their retenion policy is a short one :)
  7. For the past months, I've beening something wrong with the print manager (2011 only), for example if I print out a tax return and decide I want to print out another copy, I need to hit restore because no forms are selected. I tried unchecking "remember selection" but I get nowhere, just wondering if someone else is having this problem or know how to fix it. MAS


    I think you are in the wrong forum, try this website for help. http://carbonite.custhelp.com/app/home/partner/carbonite/default.php
  9. "Is your name Dan Druff?? You get into people's hair."
  10. Thank you grammar police, can't imagine this world without you :)
  11. http://now.msn.com/money/0515-businessman-paid-coins.aspx
  12. I had this problem before, best bet to call ATX and have them walk you through the steps, they are going have you delete a file, then rename another one.
  13. Just wondering if any of your R/E prof. clients have been selected for an examination?
  14. You might want to check with the attorney general office in your area.
  15. Congrats, I also passed the exam last week.
  16. Thanks everyone, if anyone needs some tips on what to study, I will gladly share it.
  17. Here is more information: http://www.irs.gov/p.../p970/ch05.html http://www.irs.gov/p...blink1000244078 http://abcnews.go.co...ory?id=16086241 Hope some of this information is helpful to you. MAS
  18. You have to register through Prometrics.com, there you can look up testing center near you, there is a fee of $116 (corrected fee) for the exam. Just be warned, you will be bombarded with spam emails after you register offering RTPT study courses and after you pass it you get spamed with CPE courses being offered. About an hour after I took and passed the exam I was already getting email about CPE hours.
  19. Have you tried opening them in a different computer? I don't see why they don't open, pdf format hasn't change in years.
  20. I finished taking the RTPT competency exam and passed, they don't give you your actual score but a passing score is from 350 to 500.
  21. ILLMAS

    1041 K-1

    This is the first I have ever seen a 1041 K1 for one of my clients, TP aunt trust finally sold a building at a loss, TP K-1 reflects his loss, I am selecting this as passive activity and therefore the loss is appear on line 21 as NOL carry forward, does this sound correct? TP still recieved part of the proceeds but the building was sold under the FMV. Thanks MAS
  22. Scenario: Two friends are interested in buying a property (50%/50% ownership) that is under priced for the value its worth, Paul has no money, so Peter agrees to put in large amount to buy the property, time pases by and the value of the property went up and they refinanced the loan, Peter was able to recooperate his initiat investment and still Paul puts nothing out his pocket. Now both friends name appear on the loan, both are liable, does Paul have any basis on this property? Thanks
  23. Here is another option for you: http://www.csmonitor.com/Science/2011/0322/How-to-launch-something-into-space-for-150
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