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Everything posted by ILLMAS


    12.5 is here

    Please tells us more, I would be interested in Prosystems FX. MAS

    12.5 is here

    Same here, it was at 0% for the longest, I canceled it (just click on the X, hitting close doesn't do anything), then I read you can download the update from ATX website, that is I how manage to download it. I just installed it, opened a couple of test returns, printed one, it's still takes time to open a return, but it kicked me out when I clicked on update forms. MAS

    12.5 is here

    I guess it was stuck on 25%, I paused it and it started downloading again and it only took 15min from 25 to 100%. Now to run the update.

    12.5 is here

    I gave up on letting the program peform the download automatically, it's been now almost an hour trying to download the update from ATX website, good thing I have work to do
  5. I don't know if this will work for 2012 but it's worth a try, install ATX2012 on the new PC, then make a copy of the database folder (old PC) and replace it the same database folder on the new PC. Or export all clients to a usb drive and then import. Both ways worked for 2011 and prior. MAS
  6. Does anyone here have experience in transfer pricing? Thanks MAS


    Sometimes clients don't understand that their problems, becomes our problems and they need to fixed inorder to prepare acurate returns and there is a cost to that too Everyone here has probably had a client say, I bougth quickbooks, set it up myself and did my own accounting, it was pretty easy, well entering most of the revenue and expense to uncategorized is not accounting. I have learned my lesson from past experience and now I tell them it's going to take a approx. # hours to clean up the file and my fee is going to be between this and that, do you want for me to proceed. Now there is no confusion when I give them a bill for cleaning the file and for preparing the returns. MAS
  8. It seems the fee you are paying is for the the enhanced payroll version, you can process up to 50 company payrolls with no limit of employees. You really don't need this if you don't do payrolls for other, they have standard version too. I had recommend Medlin to one of my client before, the program was great for the price, the only complaint the client had was they had to do all state forms by hand because the program only supported the state of California, now this was a couple of years ago, I don't if they have changed that now. Might be worth finding out. MAS
  9. http://www.cchsoftware.ie/cch-cloud-computing.168.html
  10. Maybe this the reason why ATX made these changes for 2012: If you don't want to read the article here is a short clip from it. “The enhancements we’ve added to ATX 2012 make tax preparation as simple and stress-free as possible, and that’s a testament to a lot of hard work by a lot of dedicated people who took the time to listen to what tax professionals said they needed and then turned those comments into the software enhancements in ATX 2012,” said Jeff Gramlich, President of CCH SFS. “Tax professionals told us they needed software which met their unique needs and didn’t force them into cookie-cutter solutions,” http://www.cpapracticeadvisor.com/news/10772481/cch-sfs-announces-atx-2012
  11. http://www.today.com/moms/waiter-hailed-hero-after-standing-boy-down-syndrome-1B8038223
  12. Another big problem folks seem to over look, is what is connect to the computer e.g. external hard drives. I have two external hard drive, one is solely to for windows 7 hard drive backup and the other is for files I want to manually backup and carbonite mirror image, the drive that is used to for carbonite is always running and slows down the performance of the computer, if I disconnect the that hard drive and restart the computer, it loads very quick and it seems to be faster. MAS
  13. I would recommend Quickbooks for Mac (what is affordable to them?) or simply buy a PC and get Medlin. I only use Mac's, however I spend extra money to be able to run Windows on them and it does get expensive for each computer. MAS
  14. Funny, but true. I see tons of TV commercials, bring in your tax refund and buy this car, furniture etc.... We will even prepare your return.... I don't recommend none of this to my clients, I always tell them to save it and pay me first.
  15. Too bad we can't ask how much cash money they have under the mattress, savings or if they receive food stamps or a housing allowance that frees up some of their earned income, but you will be surprised. In my experience I have seen TP make a couple of thousands, but have a few thousands in savings and this is considered low income?
  16. Gives me an idea.. http://www.cnn.com/video/?hpt=hp_t4#/video/us/2013/01/17/mxp-man-pays-14k-tax-bill-with-change.hln
  17. The 1099-k is a disaster, for example if you own a restaurant and most of your sales are credit cards sales and there are tips, your 1099-k will show the tips as part of the monthly gross sales. What do most restaurant and employees do? They don't report tips therefore there is a discrepancy between the tax return and the 1099-k. Well times have changed.
  18. What is a qualifying child? http://www.irs.gov/uac/A-%E2%80%9CQualifying-Child%E2%80%9D
  19. What are your computer specs? Sounds like you have memory issues.
  20. Here is something the TV commercial doesn't tell you or the fine print is so small it's unreadable. http://www.streetinsider.com/Corporate+News/H%26R+Block+(HRB)+Announces+Extension+of+Emerald+Advance+Offer/8009301.html If the link doesn't work google HRB Extension of Emerald Advance
  21. Here is something the TV commercial doesn't tell you or the fine print is so small it's unreadable. http://www.streetinsider.com/Corporate+News/H&R+Block+(HRB)+Announces+Extension+of+Emerald+Advance+Offer/8009301.html
  22. I guess now it really doesn't matter what happens anymore, the biggest fraud has been EIC and I think this year the IRS got it right
  23. I agree, with more and more hipster and metrosexuals (lol it's a real word), we could be out of business
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